2021-02-03Framework Agreement: Delivery of Meteorological Weather Balloons (1) (Danmarks Meterologiske Institut)
II.1.4) Short description: the scope of this tender is to procure a framework agreement, which enables DMI to purchase meteorological weather balloons over a 4-year period. This agreement will enable DMI to conduct and collect upper-air meteorological measurements that provide inputs to numerical weather predictions and additionally are used for other purposes consistent with DMI’s general work scope and obligations as National Meteorological Service and contributor to international collaboration. The …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Aage Christensen A/S
2020-10-29Framework Agreement: Delivery of Radiosonde Systems Including Related Services (Danmarks Meterologiske Institut)
The scope of this tender is to procure a framework agreement, which enables DMI to purchase radiosonde systems and related services over a 4-year period. This agreement will enable DMI to conduct and collect upper-air meteorological measurements that provide inputs to numerical weather predictions and additionally are used for other purposes consistent with DMI’s general work scope and obligations as National Meteorological Service and contributor to international collaboration. The radiosonde …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:MODEM
2020-10-23Framework Agreement: Delivery of Meteorological Weather Balloons (Danmarks Meterologiske Institut)
The scope of this tender is to procure a framework agreement, which enables DMI to purchase meteorological weather balloons over a 4-year period. This agreement will enable DMI to conduct and collect upper-air meteorological measurements that provide inputs to numerical weather predictions and additionally are used for other purposes consistent with DMI’s general work scope and obligations as National Meteorological Service and contributor to international collaboration. The weather balloons will be used …
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2020-05-29Byfornyelse i Højer (Tønder Forsyning A/S)
Tønder Spildevand A/S og Tønder Kommune udbyder de samlede arbejder vedrørende byfornyelse i Højer.
Byfornyelsen sker gennem Tøndermarsk Initiativet, som er en fond, som er etableret af Tønder Kommune samt en række fonde med henblik på at udvikle Tøndermarsken, så det bliver endnu mere attraktivt at besøge, bo og arbejde i.
I forbindelse med byfornyelsen af Højer skal der ske omdannelse af byrummene i midtbyen, herunder udskiftning af belægninger på veje og fortove.
Kloaksaneringen omfatter …
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2020-04-27Rammeaftale om teknisk rådgivning og bistand på statens ejendomme på Færøerne (Bygningsstyrelsen)
Totalrådgiveren skal efter anmodning yde rådgivning i forbindelse med opgaver vedrørende modernisering, renovering, udvendige og indvendige vedligeholdelsesarbejder samt ny-, til- og ombygning, primært på byggesager op til 100 mio. DKK ekskl. moms. Ligeledes skal totalrådgiveren efter anmodning udføre bygningssyn og yde bistand i forbindelse med daglig drift.
Opgaverne kan således være af meget forskellig karakter såvel som af størrelse, ligesom opgaverne kan være tilbagevendende såvel som …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:H+Arkitekter A/S
2020-04-27Rammeaftale om teknisk rådgivning og bistand på statens ejendomme i Grønland (Bygningsstyrelsen)
Totalrådgiveren skal efter anmodning yde rådgivning i forbindelse med opgaver vedrørende modernisering, renovering, udvendige og indvendige vedligeholdelsesarbejder samt ny-, til- og ombygning, primært på byggesager op til 100 mio. DKK ekskl. moms. Ligeledes skal totalrådgiveren efter anmodning udføre bygningssyn og yde bistand i forbindelse med daglig drift.
Opgaverne kan således være af meget forskellig karakter såvel som af størrelse, ligesom opgaverne kan være tilbagevendende såvel som …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Rambøll Kalaallit Nunaat A/S
2016-10-07Evaluation of Danish-Nepalese cooperation (1991-2016) (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
Danish-Nepalese development cooperation dates back to the 1960's. In 1989 Nepal was selected as a priority country for Danish development aid and an Embassy was opened in Kathmandu in 1991. For over 25 years Denmark has been a partner in Nepal's development efforts, providing financial and technical assistance. With the reduction in Danish development assistance and the decision to focus on fewer countries, the Danish-Nepalese development cooperation is coming to an end. The Embassy in Kathmandu will be …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Finnish Consulting Group
2016-09-07Evaluation of the Danish engagement in Mozambique 1992-2016 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
Evaluation of the Danish engagement in Mozambique 1992-2016. With the decision to phase out its development cooperation with Mozambique by 2019, ending over 40 years of development engagements in Mozambique, Denmark is commissioning an independent evaluation of the Danish support provided to Mozambique to document results achieved and extract potential lessons learned from the cooperation.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Tana Copenhagen
2016-08-24Evaluation of Danish-Bolivian cooperation (1994-2016) (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
For over 20 years Denmark has been a partner in Bolivian development efforts, providing financial and technical support. The Embassy in La Paz will be closed in mid-2017 and programmes funded by Danida will conclude in 2018. In this context it has been agreed to carry out a thorough evaluation of the results and highlights of cooperation over the past 20 years. All development cooperation activities carried out between 1997 and 2016 will be examined through the evaluation, although the focus will be on …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:NCG A/S
2016-08-24Strategic M&E support to the Kenya Country Programme (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
The Danish Embassy (DE) in Nairobi intends to implement a complementary external monitoring, evaluation and learning intervention over the 2016-2020 Denmark — Kenya Country Programme life cycle. The activity shall assist in monitoring the progress and performance of the Kenya Country Programme in order to inform improved cooperation, steering, implementation risk management and Value for Money (VfM).
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Niras A/S
2015-12-22Consultancy Services for a Village Level Resilience Programme in Somalia (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
Denmark has been supporting a consortium of NGOs providing village resilience programming through a coordinated approach in Somaliland, Puntland and South Central Somalia as well as a UN FAO led programme including FAO, WFP and UNICEF. There are also other organisations implementing resilience programmes in Somalia.
The Village Level Resilience Programme (VLRP) is one of three engagements supporting inclusive economic growth, one of the goals of Denmark's Somalia Country Programme. The two other …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Danish Refugee Council with Cooperazione...
2015-12-18Consultancy Services for Design, Tendering and Supervision of Works according to FIDIC of environment and... (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida)
Indonesia and Denmark are cooperating through an Environmental Support Programme, with the current third programme phase (ESP3) running from 2013 to 2017 (pilot projects to 2018). The overall ESP3 development objective is to support the Government of Indonesia (GoI) in reconciling economic growth with sustainable development through improved environmental management and climate change mitigation and adaptation, fields in which Denmark has substantial experience.
ESP3 is coordinated under the Ministry of …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:COWI A/S
2015-12-16Tender for the Skills Development Fund II (SDF II) of the Danish Support to Private Sector Development, Ghana (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida)
A new Denmark — Ghana Partnership Policy 2014 — 2018 has been agreed between the 2 countries. The long standing cooperation between Ghana and Denmark is a unique platform for leveraging the new strategic partnership. The main thrust of the partnership policy is to strengthen cooperation based on shared the objectives of strengthened political cooperation, promotion of inclusive and green growth, economic diplomacy and increased commercial cooperation, and consolidation of results in development …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Niras A/S
2015-12-15Strategic management and M&E support to the implementation of the Denmark — Kenya Country Programme (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida)
To assist the Royal Danish Embassy (RDE) in Nairobi in monitoring the progress of the Kenya Country Programme and to inform improved cooperation, steering and implementation the RDE plans to implement comprehensive and complementary external monitoring, evaluation and learning activities over the 5-year engagement.
Country programme monitoring is the responsibility of the Embassy. In order to ensure quality monitoring the Embassy has decided to assist partners with the development of, and implementation …
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2015-12-14Consultancy on support to energy efficiency and sustainable energy in Georgia (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
The programme ‘Support to Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Energy in Georgia’ consists of 2 development engagements of which the first is covered by the present tender. The overall objective of the programme is to strengthen energy efficiency and sustainable energy, including reforms in the field of energy outlined in the EU-Georgian Association Agreement.
The tendered development engagement is based on a government-to-government cooperation agreement between the Georgian Ministry of Energy and the …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Niras A/S (DK) in JV with Energy Savings...
2015-11-25Evaluation of the Danish Neighbourhood Programme 2013-2017 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is planning to tender a consultancy assignment for the evaluation of the Danish Neighbourhood Programme, which is Denmark's bilateral development programme for EU's neighbouring countries to the east and south-east.
The aim of the Neighbourhood Programme 2013-17 is to contribute to a peaceful and stable Europe with freedom and progress through development of democratic societies with accountable authorities, vibrant civil societies, well-functioning markets and …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:PEMconsult A/S
2015-11-13Technical assistance within the areas of justice, human right and security in Burkina Faso (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida)
In 2016, it is expected that a new bilateral programme will be launched regarding the development cooperation between Denmark and Burkina Faso — the Danish Country Programme for Burkina Faso 2016-2020. As a part of this programme, the Danish embassy in Burkina Faso wants to recruit a technical assistance package within the areas of justice, human right and the security sector.
The technical assistance will assist the implementation of 2 Programme Components. Programme component 1 in the area of justice …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Particip
2015-10-29Third Party Monitoring and External M&E Support for Somalia Country Programme (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida)
To assist in monitoring the progress of its Somalia country programme (SCP) and derive lessons to inform improved collaboration and cooperation, the Danish Embassy plans to implement comprehensive and complementary external monitoring, evaluation and learning activities over the 3-year engagement. This contract is for the services of a consulting company or organisation to assist with this.
The main objective of the assignment is to help ensure that the Denmark — Somalia Country Programme (2015-2018) …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Particip GmbH in joint venture with...
2015-10-29Procurement of Tarpaulins — Uganda (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida)
The Recovery and Development of Northern Uganda Component of the U-Growth II Programme supports 2 400 farmer groups in West-Nile and Acholi Sub-regions. 1 area of support is post-harvest handling and it is the plan to provide 10 tarpaulins for each farmer group for threshing and drying of their agricultural produce so that they can improve the quality of the produce with regard to moisture content and cleanliness, at a total of 24 000 tarpaulins.
The requirements to the procurement of tarpaulinscan be …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Techno Relief Services
2015-09-28Consultancy Services for a Village Level Resilience Programme in Somalia (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
Denmark has been supporting a consortium of NGOs providing village resilience programming through a coordinated approach in Somaliland, Puntland and South Central Somalia as well as a UN FAO led programme including FAO, WFP and UNICEF. There are also other organisations implementing resilience programmes in Somalia.
The Village Level Resilience Programme (VLRP) is one of three engagements supporting inclusive economic growth, one of the goals of Denmark's Somalia Country Programme. The two other …
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2015-09-23Evaluation: Vietnam-Denmark: Transformation of a Partnership (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida)
The relationship between Denmark and Vietnam is under transformation. For many years the centrepiece of the partnership was development cooperation. Vietnam was a priority country for Danish development assistance from 1993 to 2015 and for long stretches Denmark was among the top-five bilateral donors engaged in Vietnam providing not only funding but also considerable technical expertise.
Denmark has been an active development partner engaging across the board from support to good governance and the rule …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Lattanzio Advisory S.p.A.
2015-08-28Evaluation of Danida Energy and Environment Cooperation in South-east Asia (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is tendering a consultancy assignment for the evaluation of Danida's cooperation regarding specific areas of energy and environmental protection in south-east Asia. The evaluation will focus on Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand and on specific subsectors of the cooperation including energy planning, energy efficiency in buildings, renewable energy and waste management. Important cross-cutting themes of the evaluation will be engagement of the private sector and the …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Nordic Consulting Group A/S
2015-06-29Procurement of Motorcycles — Uganda (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida)
The Recovery and Development of Northern Uganda Component of the U-Growth II Programme provides agricultural extension services to 2 400 farmer groups in West-Nile and Acholi Sub-regions. The agricultural extension officers and their supervisors will be provided with motorcycles so that they can visit the farmer groups on a regular basis. In January 2016 80 agricultural extension officers and 7 agricultural extension supervisors will be recruited and a total of 87 motorcycles are therefore needed. The …
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2015-06-19Audit of the Kenya Health Sector Programme Support (HSPS III) (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
The Royal Danish Embassy has decided to perform rolling external audits of the Danida funds transferred to the Government of Kenya (GOK) health facilities at levels 2 and 3 through IFMIS for operation and maintenance costs as well as to the Counties for support supervision and facilitation of health accounting and auditing. The auditing will be coordinated by Kenya National Audit Office (KENAO) and in liaison with the Integrated Independent Fiduciary Review Agent (IIFRA) contracted by Ministry of Health …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Ernst & Young LLP
2015-04-23Provision of Livestock Investment and Vocational Education Programme (LIVE) in Somalia (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with the Royal Danish Embassy in Nairobi, hereby invites applications for prequalification for a tender for the provision of services related to a Livestock Investment and Vocational Education programme (“LIVE”) in support of Denmark's Somalia Country Programme, 2015-2018.
The LIVE programme shall contribute to the development of the livestock sector across Somalia, with an initial emphasis on Somaliland and Puntland, first by strengthening local …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Terra Nuova in consortium with...
2015-03-27Participatory Governance and Peace Programme in Somalia (PGP) (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
The entity will be responsible for supporting consolidation of peace through support to elections, civic education and civil society, in line with the Danish rationale and objectives, as explained below.
The new Somalia Country Programme (2015-2018) is structured around 2 thematic programmes. This call is in support of the Thematic Programme 1 on Governance. The objective of the thematic programme is to consolidate basic governance institutions at the local and national levels, in line with a long-term …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Saferworld (UK)
2015-03-27Implementing partner for the development engagement 'Strengthening the Malian National Assembly' (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida)
The services to be provided under this contract fall under the Danish thematic programme for Democracy, Peace and Reconciliation for 2015-2016.
An implementing partner selected through a tender process will be responsible for the implementation of the Danish engagement with the Malian National Assembly. The contract is for a period of 19 months.
The services to be provided by the implementing partner include:
i) ensure the implementation of development engagement activities according to the annual work …
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2015-03-13Participatory Governance and Peace Programme in Somalia (PGP) (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
The entity will be responsible for supporting consolidation of peace through support to elections, civic education and civil society, in line with the Danish rationale and objectives, as explained below.
The new Somalia Country Programme (2015-2018) is structured around two thematic programmes. This call is in support of the Thematic Programme 1 on Governance. The objective of the thematic programme is to consolidate basic governance institutions at the local and national levels, in line with a long-term …
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2015-02-03Study of Lessons Learned from Implementing Development Cooperation in Afghanistan (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
Denmark has been actively engaged in Afghanistan since 2001 with the purpose of contributing to development, stability and security. The engagement has gradually over time developed into an integrated approach encompassing policy dialogue, stability and security measures as well as development cooperation. In addition substantial humanitarian support has been provided. The development cooperation has from the outset been focussed on support for human rights and democracy, education and improving …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Landell Mills Ltd
2015-01-13Municipal Development Programme, Mozambique: Technical Assistance for programme management, fund managing and... (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida)
The Programme for Municipal Development, PRODEM, supports 26 municipalities in northern Mozambique. The PRODEM follows a succession of previous municipal support programmes co-financed by a group of development partners (currently Denmark, Ireland, Switzerland, and Sweden). The programme objective is to contribute to urban poverty reduction and sustainable development of the municipalities. PRODEM has two pillars: Pillar 1 supports Municipal Development through capacity strengthening in urban management …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:COWI A/S
2014-11-05SCADA Network and Telecommunication for Horns Rev 03 Offshore Wind Farm (HRV03) (DONG Energy Wind Power A/S)
Supply Management, Telecommunication equipment and Network Equipment and options for:
— Panels,
— Network Cable Termination and
— A service agreement for either 1 or 5 years.
The Tenderer shall tender for the complete Scope of Works including options. The Contracting Entity shall have the right to deliver the options as free issue for the Contractor which will ensure flexibility.
The Scope of Works for the wind farm will include the following deliveries and services:
1.1.1 Project and supply …
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