2023-10-12   EEA/ADS/23/006 - Provision of Security and Reception Services for the European Environment Agency (EEA) (European Environment Agency (EEA))
The EEA wishes to enter into a framework contract with an experienced service provider to deliver man-guarding services and other security-related services as well as reception services, in order to ensure the security and safety of its premises, staff, visitors and operations, enabling it to fulfil its mandate. Purchase and/or maintenance of security and access control systems are also part of the scope of this call for tenders. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: G4S Security Services A/S
2023-09-12   Rammeaftale vedrørende sædvanlige værftsarbejder, herunder service og vedligeholdelse m.v (Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse)
Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse (herefter ”FMI”) offentliggjorde i januar 2023 udbudsbekendtgørelse nr. 2023/S 017-047754 vedrørende sædvanlige værftsarbejder, herunder service og vedligeholdelse m.v. En af de fire delaftaler, som FMI udbød, blev annulleret, hvor denne nye udbudsbekendtgørelse er genudbud af den annullerede delaftale (delaftale 2). FMI har valgt at opdele deleaftale 2, i to delaftaler, som nærmere beskrevet nedenfor. - FMI udbyder hermed to rammeaftaler, alle med flere … Se udbuddet »
2023-02-17   Acquisition of NATO Class 1, Small, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), including sustainment, support and training (Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation)
The framework agreement covers the purchase of NATO Class I, Small, Unmanned Aircraft System (hereafter UAS) for the Danish MoD. An UAS consists of a minimum of three UAV, two Ground Control Stations (hereafter GCS), primary sensor package, Synthetic Aperture Radar (hereafter SAR), antenna and all necessary ground equipment (spare parts, fuel pumps, fuel scales, tools etc) as the main components. The Unmanned Air Vehicle (hereafter UAV) must be a Vertical Take Off and Landing (hereafter VTOL) capability. … Se udbuddet »
2023-01-31   Offentligt EU-udbud af rammeaftaler vedrørende vedligeholdelse af miljøkuglefang og forvoldskasser på Forsvarets... (Forsvarsministeriets Ejendomsstyrelse)
Der udbydes to rammeaftaler vedrørende vedligeholdelse af miljøkuglefang og forvoldskasser. Rammeaftalerne har til formål at sikre, at Ejendomsstyrelsen kan få udført/leveret ydelser, der relaterer sig til vedligeholdelsen af miljøkuglefang samt forvoldskasser. Rammeaftalerne vil både indeholde levering af varer, udførelse af vedligeholdelse/renovering samt en kombination heraf. Rammeaftalerne udbydes som følgende to delaftaler: Delaftale 1: Sjælland og Bornholm Delaftale 2: Jylland og Fyn Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Entreprenørfirmaet Gustav H. Christensen,...
2023-01-19   Rammeaftale vedrørende sædvanlige værftsarbejder, herunder service og vedligeholdelse m.v (Forsvarsministeriet Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelsen)
Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse (herefter ”FMI”) udbyder hermed fire rammeaftaler, alle med flere leverandører, vedrørende levering af sædvanlige værftsarbejder, herunder, men ikke begrænset til, service, vedligehold, eftersyn, reparationer samt mindre modifikationer på Forsvarets skibe. Rammeaftalerne er ikke eksklusive, og leverandørerne garanteres derfor ikke nogen mindsteomsætning på rammeaftalerne. Kravspecifikationerne vil blive offentliggjort sammen med det øvrige udbudsmateriale … Se udbuddet »
2023-01-04   Offentligt EU-udbud af rammeaftaler vedrørende vedligeholdelse af miljøkuglefang og forvoldskasser på Forsvarets... (Forsvarsministeriets Ejendomsstyrelse)
Der udbydes to rammeaftaler vedrørende vedligeholdelse af miljøkuglefang og forvoldskasser. Rammeaftalerne har til formål at sikre, at Ejendomsstyrelsen kan få udført/leveret ydelser, der relaterer sig til vedligeholdelsen af miljøkuglefang samt forvoldskasser. Rammeaftalerne vil både indeholde levering af varer, udførelse af vedligeholdelse/renovering samt en kombination heraf. Rammeaftalerne udbydes som følgende to delaftaler: Delaftale 1: Sjælland og Bornholm Delaftale 2: Jylland og Fyn Se udbuddet »
2022-09-29   Exhange of SAAB T-17 Lycoming IO-360-A1B6 engines (Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation)
Engine exchange on SAAB T-17 Lycoming IO-360-A1B6 engines owned by the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO). Minor repairs and line maintenance is partly managed by Helicopter Wing Karup (HW Karup). Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Airparts Company Ltd. Scan Aviation A/S
2022-07-01   Service agreement for FDS/AVAS system (Energinet Gastransmission A/S)
Service, inspection and support of Energinet’s FDS/AVAS system in Everdrup, Zealand. Se udbuddet »
2022-02-09   Gap-filler radars and associated equipment (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
Denmark has established a Coastal Radar Surveillance System (in the following referred to as “KYRA”) for Maritime Surface Surveillance. As Denmark is implementing a number of windmill projects at sea it is necessary to supplement KYRA with a number of “gap-filler” radars to compensate for the influence from the windmills. This means that the gap-filler radars must be able to detect the same objects as the radars in service in KYRA. The gap-filler radars must be able to operate uninterrupted under severe … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Easat Radar Systems Limited
2021-12-10   Gap-filler radars and associated equipment (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
Denmark has established a Coastal Radar Surveillance System (in the following referred to as “KYRA”) for Maritime Surface Surveillance. As Denmark is implementing a number of windmill projects at sea it is necessary to supplement KYRA with a number of “gap-filler” radars to compensate for the influence from the windmills. This means that the gap-filler radars must be able to detect the same objects as the radars in service in KYRA. The gap-filler radars must be able to operate uninterrupted under severe … Se udbuddet »
2021-10-29   Gap-filler radars and associated equipment (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
Denmark has established a Coastal Radar Surveillance System (in the following referred to as “KYRA”) for Maritime Surface Surveillance. As Denmark is implementing a number of windmill projects at sea it is necessary to supplement KYRA with a number of “gap-filler” radars to compensate for the influence from the windmills. This means that the gap-filler radars must be able to detect the same objects as the radars in service in KYRA. The gap-filler radars must be able to operate uninterrupted under severe … Se udbuddet »
2021-09-15   Renovation of batteries for Shooting Range Material (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistic Organization (DALO) wishes to establish a framework agreement forat period of 4 years regarding renovation of faulty Saab AAB Training batteries, Producers part number: 8740087-114 / Nato Stock Number: 6140-22-125-6935. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Military Equipment Denmark A/S
2021-09-01   Acquisition of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), including sustainment, support and training (The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation)
The framework agreement covers the purchase of NATO Class I Unmanned Aerial Systems (hereafter “UAS”) for the Danish Defence. A UAS consists of a number of Unmanned Ariel Vehicles (hereafter “UAV”) and two Ground Control Stations (hereafter “GCS”) as the main components. The UAS will be used in support of operations with primary tasks to include Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance as well as support to Artillery Call For Fire. The UAS are intended to be used in both national and international … Se udbuddet »
2021-03-04   Coupled Cavity Travelling Wave Tubes (CCTWTs) for the Scanter 4000/4100 Radar Systems (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
The agreement concerns the supply and sustainment of CCTWTs. The buyer intends to use the deliverables for the sustainment of Scanter 4000/4100 air and sea radar surveillance systems. The Danish Defence uses the Scanter 4000 and Scanter 4100 surveillance radar systems, for air and sea surveillance. Scanter 4000/4100 is a coherent radar system providing surface and air surveillance. Scanter 4000 system is for stationary applications. Scanter 4100 radar system is for use on a moving platform, e.g. a … Se udbuddet »
2020-10-22   Overvågning og sikkerhed (Region Sjælland)
Region Sjælland ønsker at indgå rammeaftaler for sikringsinstallationer for regionens bygninger. Arbejdet omfatter nyetableringer og ændringer af sikringsinstallationer samt servicering af nye og eksisterende installationer. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Bravida Danmark A/S G4S Security Services A/S SIKOM Danmark A/S
2020-08-21   Begrænset udbud af serviceaftale for SRO-anlæg på Forsvarets forsyning, depot og distributions etablissementer,... (Forsvarsministeriets Ejendomsstyrelse)
Der udbydes en serviceaftale for SRO-anlæg på Forsvarets forsyning, depot og distributions etablissementer, flådestationer og flyvestationer. Serviceaftalen dækker såvel service på SRO-anlæggene i almindelighed, tilkald i forbindelse med fejlsøgning samt årlig varetagelse af påbudt afprøvning af miljørelaterede alarmpunkter. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: EL:CON A/S
2020-03-02   Håndværksydelser til Rudersdal Kommune (Rudersdal Kommune)
Rudersdal Kommune udbyder i alt 16 delaftaler på håndværkerydelser. Der indgås parallelle delaftaler med 2-3 tilbudsgivere på hver delaftale. De 16 delaftaler omhandler de håndværksmæssige specialer: 1) Delaftale 1: Tømrer/snedker (3 parallelle del aftaler) 2) Delaftale 2: Tag (3 parallelle del aftaler) 3) Delaftale 3: Murer (2 parallelle del aftaler) 4) Delaftale 4: Maler (3 parallelle del aftaler) 5) Delaftale 5: Kloak og terræn (2 parallelle del aftaler) 6) Delaftale 6: VVS (3 parallelle … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: AG Gulve A/S AK Service og Vedligehold A/S Albertslund Tømrer & Snedker A/S Bøgelund VVS A/S Enco A/S El Entreprenørfirmaet Nordkysten A/S GK Danmark A/S Glarmester Jannik Christensen ApS H.E.J. Murerentreprise A/S Haugaard & Omegnens VVS A/S HRH El A/S Jamo Sikring A/S Juul & Nielsen A/S Ltech A/S PACCO A/S Per Aarsleff A/S Poul Sejr Nielsen Service A/S SERA Låse og sikring ApS SIF Gruppen A/S Snedkermester Arne Pedersen A/S Sp. Gulve v/Steffen Pries Tele-Control ApS W-Ventilation ApS W. Johansen El ApS
2020-02-27   Anskaffelse af manøvre- og autopilot til Thetis-klassen (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
FMI ønsker at anskaffe 4 nye manøvre- og autopiloter til installation på Forsvarets 4 skibe af Thetis-klassen. Manøvre- og autopiloterne skal erstatte de nuværende manøvre- og autopiloter som er installeret på skibene. Manøvrepiloten anvendes til manøvrering af skibets ror, og autopiloten anvendes ved længere forlægninger. Der er 4 manøvrepositioner på hvert skib, og skibet skal kunne styres fra én manøvreposition uden bemanding af de øvrige manøvrepositioner. Tilbudsgiver skal ligeledes fjerne … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: FURUNO Danmark A/S
2019-12-20   Anskaffelse af manøvre- og autopilot til Thetis-klassen (Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse)
FMI ønsker at anskaffe 4 nye manøvre- og autopiloter til installation på Forsvarets 4 skibe af Thetis-klassen. Manøvre- og autopiloterne skal erstatte de nuværende manøvre- og autopiloter som er installeret på skibene. Manøvrepiloten anvendes til manøvrering af skibets ror, og autopiloten anvendes ved længere forlægninger. Der er 4 manøvrepositioner på hvert skib, og skibet skal kunne styres fra én manøvreposition uden bemanding af de øvrige manøvrepositioner. Tilbudsgiver skal ligeledes fjerne … Se udbuddet »
2019-10-18   Provision of Security, Reception and Mail Distribution Services for the European Environment Agency (European Environment Agency)
The EEA wishes to enter into a framework contract with an experienced service provider to deliver man-guarding services and other security related services as well as reception and mail internal distribution services, in order to ensure the security and safety of its premises, staff, visitors and operations enabling to fulfil its mandate. Purchase and/or maintenance of security and access control systems are part of the scope of this competitive procedure with negotiation. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: G4S Security Services A/S
2019-07-08   Provision of Security, Reception and Mail Services for the European Environment Agency (European Environment Agency)
The EEA wishes to enter into a framework contract with an experienced service provider to deliver man-guarding services and other security related services as well as reception and mail internal distribution services, in order to ensure the security and safety of its premises, staff, visitors and operations enabling to fulfil its mandate. Purchase and/or maintenance of security and access control systems are part of the scope of this call for tenders. Se udbuddet »
2018-12-05   Service, Maintenance and Support of MAN Equipment in the Royal Danish Navy (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations)
This notice concerns the establishment of a framework agreement regarding a range of services and supply of spare parts in connection with the MAN equipment installed on the ships in the Danish Navy. The current MAN equipment (engines, propeller systems and main gears) is installed on the frigates, support vessels, inspection ships, supply ships and Dannebrog in the Danish Navy. Below is a breakdown of the current equipment installed: — 4 x propeller type VBS1180-ODS-MK3, — 6 x propeller type … Se udbuddet »
2018-09-06   Service, Maintenance and Support of Caterpillar Equipment in the Royal Danish Navy (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations)
This notice concerns the establishment of a Framework Agreement regarding a range of services and supply of spare parts in connection with the Caterpillar equipment installed on the ships in the Danish Navy. The current Caterpillar equipment are installed on the frigates and support vessels in the Danish Navy. There are 14 engines of the model 3508 and 6 engines of the model 3512 installed on the 3 Iver Huitfeldt-class frigates and on the 2 Absalon-class support vessels in the Danish Navy. These have all … Se udbuddet »
2018-06-25   Indkøb af sikkerhedsudstyr og service (Folketinget)
Dette udbud vedrører indkøb, levering og installering af nye ADK- og AIA-anlæg, samt en rammeaftale vedrørende køb af varer og tjenesteydelser i tilknytning til en række brand- og sikringstekniske anlæg, herunder installation, udskiftning, opgradering og integration heraf. Arbejdet udbydes på 2 delaftaler, hvor delaftale 1 udgør indkøb og etablering af nye Adgangskontrolanlæg (ADK) og Tyverisikringsanlæg (AIA), mens delaftale 2 vedrører en rammeaftale vedrørende køb af varer og tjenesteydelser i … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Elsec A/S
2018-05-17   Cleaning and re-painting of cartridge containers (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations)
The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization has a need to clean and re-paint 8500 pcs. of cartrigde containers which are used to store 76mm ammunition on board the Royal Danish Navy units. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Denex A/S
2018-05-04   Rammeaftale om servicering, renovering, nyetablering og udbygning af eksisterende sikringssystemer og sikringsinstallationer (Direktoratet for Kriminalforsorgen)
Kriminalforsorgen ønsker at indgå en rammeaftale om servicering, renovering, nyetablering og udbygning af eksisterende sikringssystemer og sikringsinstallationer. Rammeaftalen vil derfor indeholde indkøb af mindre bygge- og anlægsopgaver, servicering og vedligeholdelse, levering af reservedele/erstatningsdele til Kriminalforsorgens forskellige sikringsinstallationer og systemer samt leverandørens egenprojektering i tilknytning hertil. Med hensyn til nyetablering af sikringsinstallationer vil dette i … Se udbuddet »
2018-05-04   Maintenance, repairs, overhaul and other maintenance activities on Auxiliary Power Units (APU) (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations)
Maintenance, repairs, overhaul and other maintenance activities on the five (5) CL-604 Auxiliary Power Units (APU GTCP-36) and the seven (7) C-130J Auxiliary Power Units (APU GTCP-85) for the C-130J aircraft system owned by the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO). Minor repairs and line maintenance is partly managed by Air Transport Wing (ATW) in Aalborg. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Aero Precision
2016-11-02   Maintenance, repair and delivery of spare parts for Caterpillar engine models 3508 and 3512 (Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse)
This notice concerns the establishment of a framework agreement regarding a range of services and supply of spare parts in connection with the Caterpillar engine models 3508 and 3512 that are installed on ships in the Danish Navy. The Caterpillar engine models 3508 and 3512 are installed on the frigates and support vessels in the Danish Navy. There are 14 (fourteen) engines of the model 3508 and 6 (six) engines of the model 3512 installed on the three (3) IVER HUITFELDT-class frigates and on the two (2) … Se udbuddet »
2016-05-11   Inspection, repair and maintenance service on the frigate F363 Niels Juel carried out within 3.10.2016-21.10.2016 (The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
The assignment includes inspection, repair and maintenance service of the frigate F363 Niels Juel. The assignment includes inter alia docking and bottom inspection, a start-up of Class Renewal Survey, exterior painting, repair and maintenance work on the hull and accommodation quarters, as well as general inspection, maintenance and repair work of the vessel's mechanical and electrical systems and components. In addition to the services already specified, the Supplier shall furthermore accept to perform … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Fayard A/S
2016-03-14   120mm Mortar Systems (Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse)
This tender concerns the acquisition of 15 autonomous floor mounted Heavy Mortar Systems (120mm Mortar Systems). The acquisition also includes a fire control system, ammunition racks and the necessary technical support to integrate the weapon system on the platform (Piranha 5 from MOWAG). The integration of the Mortar System (and the ammunition racks) is handled by MOWAG, and MOWAG has the overall responsibility for the integration, but the provider of the Mortar System must participate in the … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: ESL Advanced Information Technology GmbH
2015-12-10   Acquisition of artillery systems and supporting logistics (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
The Contract encompasses 2 main contractual agreements — the Acquisition Contract and the Sustainment Contract (Annex Z to the Acquisition Contract). These two agreements are to be seen together as a whole that regulates the contractual relations between the Supplier and DALO. The Acquisition Contract concerns primarily the delivery of artillery systems and initial logistics, such as documentation, training, support, initial spare parts, etc. The Sustainment Contract covers the products and services that … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Nexter Systems
2015-12-01   Armoured Patrol Vehicles (APV) (Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse)
Armoured patrol vehicle (APV) system: This contract notice concerns DALO's award of framework agreements for the procurement of an 4 x 4 Armoured Patrol Vehicle (APV) system. The APV system shall consist of different configurations of the APV that are based on the same basic vehicle platform. The APVs will function in a full-spectrum operational environment from war to humanitarian missions with multiple and diverse threats presenting themselves. This demands that the APVs are flexible, highly mobile and … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: General Dynamics European Land Systems-MOWAG GmbH
2015-10-08   Armoured Patrol Vehicles (APV) (Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse)
This contract notice concerns DALO's award of framework agreements for the procurement of an 4 x 4 armoured patrol vehicle (APV) system (consisting of different configurations of the APV), initial spare parts and documentation as well as sustainment services, training and additional spare parts for the APVs procured. Procurement will be based on 2 agreements/contracts. Thus, DALO will award 1) a framework agreement concerning the acquisition of the APVs, initial spare parts and documentation (the … Se udbuddet »
2015-05-13   Provision of security, reception and mail services for the European Environment Agency (European Environment Agency (EEA))
The EEA intends to establish a framework service contract for the provision of security, reception and internal mail services and maintenance of security installations. The EEA premises are situated in 2 buildings on Kongens Nytorv 6 (KN6) and Kongens Nytorv 8 (KN8), 1050 Copenhagen K, DENMARK, linked together through corridors on the ground and first floors. The total surface of the premises is approximately 9 900 m. Currently, approximately 220 persons are working at the EEA. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: G4S Security Services A/S
2015-03-27   Framework agreement regarding all standard shipyard work, including service and maintenance etc (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
The services under the parallel framework agreements at issue consist of all standard shipyard work, including — but not limited to — overhaul, maintenance, repair and certain minor reconstruction work regarding a number of the vessels of the Danish Defence. The specific services and the requirements related to these services are described in the requirements specification which will be included in the tender documents. Reference is explicitly made to the fact that this is non-exclusive agreements and, … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Brdr. Petersens Maskinfabrik A/S Faaborg Værft A/S Fayard A/S Grenaa Skibsværft A/S Hvide Sande Shipyard, Steel and Service A/S JOBI Værft A/S Karstensens Skibsværft A/S Mathis Værft A/S N/A Orskov Yard A/S Se pkt. VI.3) Søby Værft A/S
2015-01-21   Inspection, repair and maintenance service on the frigate F362 Peter Willemoes carried out within 28.7.2015-17.8.2015 (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistic Organizations (DALO))
The assignment includes inspection, repair and maintenance service, according to the specification, of the frigate F362 Peter Willemoes. The assignment includes inter alia docking and bottom inspection, a startup of Class Reneval Survey, exterior painting, repair and maintenance work on the hull and accommodation quarters, as well as general inspection, maintenance and repair work of the vessel's mechanical and electrical systems and components. In addition to the services already specified, the Supplier … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Fayard A/S
2015-01-20   The Service Life Sustainment Program for the Danish F-16 Block 15 aircraft (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO))
The Framework Agreement regards the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization's (DALO) planning of a Service Life Sustainment Program (SLSP) for the wings of the 38 Danish F-16 Block 15 aircraft. The SLSP encompasses the following two categories: — Wing overhaul tasks (external and internal repairs and modifications to the F-16 Block 15 wing box); — Overhaul tasks regarding the adjacent structure (repairs and modifications to the adjacent structure). As an example the SLSP consists of (but is … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: SABCA (Société Anonyme Belge de...
2014-12-15   Acquisition of 14 Continous Wave Illumination (CWI) transmitters and a framework agreement covering spare parts and... (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) is planning to purchase 14 Continous Wave Illumination (CWI) transmitters as a form, fit and functional replacement for the existing MK93 CWI Transmitter. The supplier is requested to participate in the installation and integration work of the CWI transmitters on the first ship. The installation of the CWI transmitters on the remaining ships is handled by DALO. In regards to the main acquisition contract, DALO among other things also wishes to … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Thales Nederland B.V.
2014-11-06   Hovedeftersyn af MSF 3 og MSF 4 (Mindre Standard Fartøj) (Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse)
Opgaven omfatter gennemførelse af hovedeftersyn i henhold til specifikation af MSF 3 og MSF 4. Opgaven omfatter bl. a. dokning og bundsyn, klassefornyelsessyn (Class Renevwal Survey), ud- og indvendige malerarbejder, reparations- og vedligeholdelsesarbejder på skrog og aptering samt generelle eftersyns-, vedligeholdelses- og reparationsarbejder af fartøjets mekaniske og elektriske systemer og komponenter, herunder eftersyn af fremdrivningsanlæg. Skibets hoveddata (glasfiber sandwich konstruktion): Længde … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Faaborg Værft A/S
2014-10-29   Inspection, repair and maintenance service on the vessel HDMS Hvidbjørnen carried out within 10.2.2015-19.3.2015 (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistic Organizations (DALO))
The assignment includes inspection, repair and maintenance service, according to the specification, of the support ship HDMS Hvidbjørnen. The assignment includes inter alia docking and bottom inspection, a start-up of Class Renewal Survey, exterior painting, repair and maintenance work on the hull and accommodation quarters, as well as general inspection, maintenance and repair work of the vessel's mechanical and electrical systems and components. The ship's main data: Steel ship; — Overall length: 112,5 … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Orskov Yard A/S
2014-09-26   Inspection, repair and maintenance service on the vessel HDMS Hvidbjørnen carried out within 12.1.2015-20.2.2015 (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistic Organizations (DALO))
The assignment includes inspection, repair and maintenance service, according to the specification, of the support ship HDMS Hvidbjørnen. The assignment includes inter alia docking and bottom inspection, a start-up of Class Reneval Survey, exterior painting, repair and maintenance work on the hull and accommodation quarters, as well as general inspection, maintenance and repair work of the vessel's mechanical and electrical systems and components. The ship's main data: Steel ship Overall length: 112,5 … Se udbuddet »
2014-09-05   Inspection, repair and maintenance service on the vessel HDMS Esbern Snare, see specification, carried out within 2... (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistic Organizations (DALO))
The assignment includes inspection, repair and maintenance service, according to the specification, of the support ship HDMS Esbern Snare. The assignment includes inter alia docking and bottom inspection, a startup of Class Reneval Survey, exterior painting, repair and maintenance work on the hull and accommodation quarters, as well as general inspection, maintenance and repair work of the vessel's mechanical and electrical systems and components. The ship's main data: Steel ship Overall length: 137.6 … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Orskov Yard A/S
2014-07-10   Maintenance support to Royal Danish Air Force (RDAF) Fennec helicopters at Helicopter Wing Karup, Denmark (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) requests technical assistance by a maintenance team consisting of 3 authorized maintenance technicians, to perform completion of C-inspections (144 month inspections) on up to 8 Fennec AS-550 C2 helicopters. The task will include preparation for inspections (example removing, cowlings, doors, dynamic components, tail boom etc.), coincident inspections (S-/T-inspections), repair (derived from inspections or previously reported), and other minor … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Airbus Helicopters
2013-11-29   Hovedeftersyn af miljøskibet HDMS Gunnar Thorson, jf. specifikation, gennemført i perioden 23.4.2014 til 22.5.2014 (Forsvarets Materieltjeneste)
Opgaven omfatter gennemførelse af hovedeftersyn i henhold til specifikation af miljøskibet Gunnar Thorson. Opgaven omfatter bl. a. dokning og bundsyn, klassefornyelsessyn (Class Renevwal Survey), ud- og indvendige malerarbejder, reparations- og vedligeholdelsesarbejder på skrog og aptering samt generelle eftersyns, vedligeholdelses- og reparationsarbejder af fartøjets mekaniske og elektriske systemer og komponenter, herunder de- og påmontering af ror samt træk af aksel. Skibets hoveddata … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Søby Værft A/S
2013-11-28   Hovedeftersyn af inspektionsskibet HDMS Vædderen, jf. specifikation, gennemført i perioden 23.4.2014 til 22.5.2014 (Forsvarets Materieltjeneste)
Opgaven omfatter gennemførelse af hovedeftersyn, I henhold til specifikation, af inspektionsskibet HDMS Vædderen. Opgaven omfatter bl. a. dokning og bundsyn, klassefornyelsessyn (Class Renewal Survey), ud- og indvendige malerarbejder, reparations- og vedligeholdelsesarbejder på skrog og aptering samt generelle eftersyns, vedligeholdelses- og reparationsarbejder af fartøjets mekaniske og elektriske systemer og komponenter. Skibets hoveddata (stålskib): Længde overalt: 112,5 m. Længde p. p.: 99,75 … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Fayard A/S
2013-11-25   Hovedeftersyn af støtteskibet HDMS Absalon, jf. specifikation, gennemført i perioden 25.3.2014 til 10.4.2014 (Forsvarets Materieltjeneste)
Opgaven omfatter gennemførelse af hovedeftersyn, i henhold til specifikation, af støtteskibet HDMS Absalon. Opgaven omfatter bl. a. dokning og bundsyn, opstart af klassefornyelsessyn (Class Reneval Survey), udvendige malerarbejder, reparations- og vedligeholdelsesarbejder på skrog og aptering, samt generelle eftersyns, vedligeholdelses- og reparationsarbejder af fartøjets mekaniske og elektriske systemer og komponenter. Skibets hoveddata (stålskib): Længde overalt: 137,6 m. Længde p. p.: 125,0 m. Bredde … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Fayard A/S
2013-11-08   Hovedeftersyn af patruljefartøjet ROTA, jf. specifikation, gennemført i perioden 23.4.2014 til 3.6.2014 (Forsvarets Materieltjeneste)
Opgaven omfatter gennemførelse af hovedeftersyn og 5-årig klassefornyelsessyn (Class Renewal Survey) i henhold til specifikation for patruljefartøjet ROTA. Opgaven omfatter bl.a. doknings-/beddingssætning og bundsyn, ud- og indvendige malerarbejder, reparations- og vedligeholdelsesarbejder på skrog og aptering, herunder GRP/kompositarbejder, samt generelt eftersyns-, vedligeholdelses- og reparationsarbejder af fartøjets mekaniske og elektriske systemer og komponenter. Skibets hoveddata (GRP): Længde … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Faaborg A/S
2013-11-08   Hovedeftersyn af inspektionsskibet HDMS THETIS, jf. specifikation, gennemført i perioden 4.3.2014 til den 13.3.2014 (Forsvarets Materieltjeneste)
Opgaven omfatter gennemførelse af mellemliggende klassesyn (Intermediate Survey) i henhold til specifikation for inspektionsskibet HDMS THETIS. Opgaven omfatter bl.a. doksætning og bundsyn, ud- og indvendige malerarbejder, reparations- og vedligeholdelsesarbejder på skrog og aptering, samt generelt eftersyns-, vedligeholdelses- og reparationsarbejder af fartøjets mekaniske og elektriske systemer og komponenter. Skibets hoveddata (stålskib): Længde overalt: 112,5 m Længde p.p.: 99,75 m Bredde maks.: 14,40 … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Karstensens Skibsværft A/S
2013-10-25   Hovedeftersyn af patruljefartøjet HDMS NYMFEN, jf. specifikation, påbegyndt inden 9.2.2014 (Forsvarets Materieltjeneste)
Opgaven omfatter gennemførelse af hovedeftersyn og 5-årig klassefornyelsessyn (Class Renewal Survey) i henhold til specifikation for patruljefartøjet HDSM NYMFEN. Opgaven omfatter bl.a. doknings-/beddingssætning og bundsyn, ud- og indvendige malerarbejder, reparations- og vedligeholdelsesarbejder på skrog og aptering, herunder GRP/kompositarbejder, samt generelt eftersyns-, vedligeholdelses- og reparationsarbejder af fartøjets mekaniske og elektriske systemer og komponenter. Skibets hoveddata … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Søby Værft A/S