De seneste indkøb af virksomhed med relation til olie- og gasindustrien i Danmark
2023-10-23Client representative service regarding cable route survey, TritonLink (Energinet Eltransmission A/S)
The Client (Energinet and Elia) is requesting the Consultant to provide Client Representative support for TritonLink Cable Route Survey. TritonLink CRS covers the planned route from the Danish Energy Island North Sea to the Belgian Princess Elisabeth Island with an option to provide Client Representative support to last part of the survey to the Belgian Coast. In this context the Client conducts Cable Route Survey activities to acquire information about the hydrographical conditions, the seabed surface, …
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2023-08-10Udbud af vask og leje af arbejdsbeklædning (Helsingør Kommune)
Indkøbsfællesskab Nordsjælland (IN) er gået sammen om at udbyde kontrakter på vask og leje af arbejdsbeklædning til følgende faggrupper:Den udbudte ydelse omfatter således den komplette håndtering af vask og leje af arbejdsbeklædning, herunder bl.a.:
Pakning og levering af rene beklædningsdele
Afhentning af urent beklædning
Sortering, vask og tørring af beklædning
Der udbydes to delaftaler med én leverandør på hver aftale. Delaftale 1: …
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2023-05-30Procurement of Welding of Production pipe and Demagnetization (Gas Storage Denmark A/S)
The scope of delivery is per well (3 wells in total) comprised of: •During removal of the 9 ⅝" production string, separate the pipes •Prepare the used 9 ⅝" pipe ends with weld seam according to API 5L •Demagnetize pipes for welding •Detailed description of the planned procedure for cutting, prepare and demagnetization of the used pipes •Welding of all connections within 9 ⅝" gas production string; depth approx. 1,000 m •All welded pipe connections have to be examined 100% with magnetic ultrasonic and …
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2023-03-23Rammeaftale på smede/svejsearbejde til Lille Torup Gaslager (Gas Storage Denmark A/S)
Gas Storage Denmark ønsker med denne rammeaftale at have mulighed for at anskaffe ydelser, hvorunder leverandøren påtager sig at stille kvalificeret mandskab, materiale og udstyr (herunder køretøjer) til rådighed til udførelse af bl.a.: - Svejsning - Montage af stål- og PE-rør, tanke og beholdere med mere til naturgas og brine - NDE - Inspektion samt tryk- og lækagetest - Dokumentation Aftalen omfatter arbejder i forbindelse med drift og projekter på Lille Torup Gaslager med tilhørende lokationer. …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Skanda A/S
2023-03-03Plug and abandonment operations Tønder wells (Gas Storage Denmark A/S)
Gas Storage Denmark A/S, a part of Energinet, has the intention to perform final plug and abandonment operations on their wells near to the town of Tønder planned for execution from Q3 2023.
The three wells were drilled and tested in the early eighties (1983/1984). The wells were drilled to evaluate the possibility to establish natural gas storage facility, however, the gas storage facility was never established and it has been decided to plug and abandon the well permanently.
The wells were drilled to a …
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2022-12-27Danish Offshore Wind 2030 – Floating LiDAR Measurement (Energinet Eltransmission A/S)
The Danish Parliament has tasked Energinet with undertaking metocean surveys for the development of five offshore wind project areas in Danish waters. The measurements from the metocean surveys will be used as input to various environmental, metocean, and other studies and analyses to support the project development and design process, including energy yield calculations, site assessment, selection and design of foundation, grid connections, cable corridors, etc. The current tender concern LiDAR …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Fugro Norway AS
2022-09-05EU udbud slamsugeropgaver (Silkeborg Spildevand A/S)
Ordregiver udbyder rammeaftale for udførelse af opgaver med slamsugning og spuling samt transport af opsuget slam på renseanlæg, ledningsnet, bygværker, bassiner, pumpestationer mv.
For nærmere beskrivelse af de udbudte ydelser, herunder de mindstekrav ydelserne skal opfylde henvises til udbudsdokumentet ”arbejdsbetingelser” og tilbudslisten samt eventuelle rettelser og besvarelser af spørgsmål. Opgaverne kan være planlagt eller kan bestilles ad hoc. Opgaverne skal kunne gennemføres i hele …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:FKSSlamson A/SHOLST KLOAKSERVICE A/SNorva 24 Danmark A/S
2022-08-23Viking Link - After Installation Survey for Offshore cable (Energinet Eltransmission A/S)
For Viking Link, an After Installation survey is needed.
The survey activities shall comprise of the following Work Packages:
1. Work Package A - Offshore Survey comprising MBES and cable tracking. The survey should be performed between MLWS at UK landfall and MLWS at DK landfall.
2. Work Package B - Onshore Topographic Survey at DK and UK Landfall.
3. Work Package C – Geophysical MBES and Side Scan Sonar Survey and Environmental survey using a Drop-Down Camera ROV of Annex 1 Medium Resemblance Stony …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Ocean Infinity (Sweden) AB
2022-03-22Eftersyn og vedligeholdelse af Energinets Offshoreanlæg (Energinet Forretningsservice)
Energinet Forretningsservice A/S udbyder rammeaftalen som indkøbscentral på vegne af Energinet Eltransmission A/S, og efterfølgende ordrer på rammeaftalen vil derfor blive tildelt af Energinet Eltransmission A/S.
Ordregiver ønsker ved etablering af nærværende rammeaftale, at have mulighed for at anskaffe eftersyns- og vedligeholdelsesydelser på Energinets offshoreanlæg.
Her er der bl.a. tale om opgaver, som omhandler runderinger herunder aflæsning af en række måle- og kontrolpunkter, samt afprøvning af …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Semco Maritime Limited
2022-03-09Framework Agreement on Sorbent Delivery and Exchange on biogas compressor stations (Energinet Forretningsservice A/S)
Excessive gas received from the distribution net includes THT - Tetrahydrothiophene (Odorant).
The deodorization unit consist of two vessels each filled with adsorbent material which adsorbs the THT.
Through the establishment of the present framework agreement, Energinet wants to purchase a full-service agreement regarding Sorbent Delivery and Exchange on our biogas compressor stations. For further information see Appendix 2: Scope of Works.
The framework agreement is tendered by Forretningsservice A/S …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:SulfaTrap LLC
2022-03-01Framework Agreement – Client representative services for offshore geoscience survey and activities (Energinet Forretningsservice A/S)
The Contracting Authority develops, owns and operates a number of energy-related infrastructure assets such as, for example, subsea power cables, offshore gas pipelines, offshore platforms, offshore wind farms and artificial islands.
In this context the Contracting Authority conducts marine, geoscientific activities to acquire information about the hydrographical conditions, the seabed surface, the sub bottom geology and existing infrastructure.
The activities include
• Geophysical and Hydrographical …
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2022-02-28Eftersyn og vedligeholdelse af Energinets Offshoreanlæg (Energinet Forretningsservice)
Energinet Forretningsservice A/S udbyder rammeaftalen som indkøbscentral på vegne af Energinet Eltransmission A/S og efterfølgende ordrer på rammeaftalen vil derfor blive tildelt af Energinet Eltransmission A/S. Ordregiver ønsker ved etablering af nærværende rammeaftale, at have mulighed for at anskaffe eftersyns- og vedligeholdelsesydelser på Energinets offshore-anlæg. Her er der bl.a. tale om opgaver som omhandler runderinger herunder aflæsning af en række måle- og kontrolpunkter, samt afprøvning af …
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2022-01-21CO2 capture and conversion demonstration plant (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU)
As part of the Horizon 2020 project ConcenCUS, a mobile CO2 capture and conversion demonstration plant must be built and operated on site at industrial partners in Denmark, Romania and Greece. DTU is responsible for the production and demonstration of the plant, and now needs a process engineering supplier for specific tasks within design, production and commissioning of the plant.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Ammongas A/S
2021-12-15Snubbing unit for recompletion of To-7 at Lille Torup (Gas Storage Denmark)
Gas Storage Denmark A/S (GSD) owns and operates Denmark’s two underground gas storage facilities, which are located in Stenlille in the central part of Zealand (aquifer storage facility) and in Lille Torup in northern Jutland (salt cavern facility). GSD plans to execute the recompletion and gas fill of cavern Lille Torup 7 (To-7), which is currently brine filled. After the cavern To-7 is recompleted and the gas fill operation has taken place the installed debrining string has to be snubbed out of the …
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2021-12-09Framework Agreement on Sorbent Delivery and Exchange on biogas compressor stations (Energinet Forretningsservice A/S)
Excessive gas received from the distribution net includes THT - Tetrahydrothiophene (Odorant). Odorants have a distinctive sulphury smell and are added as a tracing tool for safety purpose, primarily regarding domestic household gas. The de-odorization unit consist of two vessels each filled with adsorbent material which adsorbs the THT. Over time the adsorbent will be saturated and will need to be exchanged. Through the establishment of the present framework agreement, Energinet wants to purchase a …
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2021-11-22Framework Agreement on Sonar & Interface Measurements of Caverns (Gas Storage Denmark A/S)
Energinet – Gas Storage Denmark A/S (GSD) owns and operates Denmark’s two underground gas storage facilities, which are in Stenlille in the central part of Zealand (aquifer storage facility) and in Lille Torup in northern Jutland (salt cavern facility). The subject of this Framework Agreement is cavern neck measurement, volume measurement, sump measurement and interface measurements on all caverns in Lille Torup. See the enclosed Specification. Gas Storage Denmark intends to award the framework agreement …
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2021-11-04Workover rig for recompletion of To-7 at Lille Torup (Gas Storage Denmark A/S)
Gas Storage Denmark A/S (GSD) owns and operates Denmark’s two underground gas storage facilities, which are located in Stenlille in the central part of Zealand (aquifer storage facility) and in Lille Torup in northern Jutland (salt cavern facility). GSD plans to execute a recompletion workover at cavern Lille Torup 7 (To-7). For the recompletion a workover rig including the related technical equipment and personnel to perform the rig-assisted operation on the cavern To-7 is required.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:MB Well Services GmbH
2021-10-19Leje og vask af personaletøj - Billund Kommune (Billund Kommune)
Udbuddet omfatter leje og vask af personaletøj til Ordregivers medarbejdere inden for teknisk service, pleje og praktisk hjælp, sygepleje, træning og rehabilitering og madlavning. Endvidere skal Leverandøren håndtere logistikken i at få afhentet og leveret personaletøj til alle Ordregivers leveringsadresser.
Rammeaftalebilag 3: Kravspecifikation indeholder en uddybende beskrivelse af den udbudte ydelse.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Elis Danmark A/S
2021-09-30NSFP0552: Aarhus H - TV inspektion genudbud (Banedanmark)
I hovedtræk omfatter opgaven udførelse af TV inspektion af afvandings sytem, inkl. indmåling, udarbejdelse af datagrundlag og tilstandsvurdering for ledninger og udførelse af 2 pejle boringer.
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2021-08-05NSFP0552: Aarhus H - TV inspektion (Genudbud) (Banedanmark)
I hovedtræk omfatter opgaven udførelse af TV inspektion af afvandings sytem, inkl. indmåling, udarbejdelse af datagrundlag og tilstandsvurdering for ledninger og udførelse af 2 pejle boringer.
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2021-07-05NSFP0552: Aarhus H - TV inspektion (Genudbud) (Banedanmark)
I hovedtræk omfatter opgaven udførelse af TV inspektion af afvandings sytem, inkl. indmåling, udarbejdelse af datagrundlag og tilstandsvurdering for ledninger og udførelse af 2 pejle boringer.
Genudbud fra tidligere.
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2021-05-20NSFP0552: Aarhus H - TV inspektion (Banedanmark)
I hovedtræk omfatter opgaven udførelse af TV inspektion af afvandings sytem, inkl. indmåling, udarbejdelse af datagrundlag og tilstandsvurdering for ledninger og udførelse af 2 pejle boringer.
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2021-05-06Investigations for Marine Crossings – Green Gas Lolland-Falster (GGLF) (Energinet Teknik & Anlæg A/S)
The Green Gas Lolland-Falster (GGLF) project will facilitate transport of gas from Zealand to the sugar factories in Lolland and Falster. For this a new gas pipeline is planned. In connection to this gas pipeline there will be three marine crossings in which Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) needs to be carried out. The assignment is divided into 2 lots:
Lot 1 – WPA: Offshore geophysical survey.
Lot 2 — WPB: On- and offshore geotechnical boreholes, refractions seismic survey and Electrical …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Geo Ingenieurservice Nord-Ost GmbH & Co. KGPer Aarsleff A/S
2021-04-09Gas Storage Denmark — Service and Advisory for Underground Gas Storage Facilities (Gas Storage Denmark A/S)
Gas Storage Denmark (GSD) owns and operates the two Danish underground gas storage facilities, located in northern Jutland (Ll. Torup, salt caverns) and central Zealand (Stenlille, aquifer).
The tendered contract includes consultancy and assistance in the niche field of underground gas storage in relation to the abovementioned underground gas storage facilities.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Storengy
2021-03-26Energy Islands and Offshore Wind Farms in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea — Floating Lidar Measurements (Energinet Eltransmission A/S)
With the climate agreement for energy and industry of the 22 June 2020 the majority of the Danish Parliament decided that Denmark will become the first country in the world to begin the construction of two energy island with a total capacity of 5 GW off-shore wind. One of the islands will be located in the North Sea with a capacity of 3 GW. This island can be further scaled up to 10 GW offshore wind. The other energy island will be established on the current island of Bornholm with a capacity of 2 GW. …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Fugro Norway AS
2021-03-17Onshore Intervention Services Related to Wells on Natural Gas Storage (Energinet Forretningsservice A/S)
Through the establishment of the present framework agreement, the contracting authority wants to purchase the supply of onshore intervention services related to wells on natural gas storage. The tendered framework agreement consists of 3 lots and tenders may be submitted for all lots. The tendered framework agreements duration is 5 years with an option to extend for 3 x 1 year.
Lot 1: Pulsed neutron logging and data interpretation;
Lot 2: Wireline Intervention covering slick line, E-Line and fishing …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Halliburton Denmark ApSTACROM SERVICES GmbHWeatherford Danmark A/S
2021-03-01Investigations for Marine Crossings – Green Gas Lolland-Falster (GGLF) (Energinet Teknik og Anlæg A/S)
The Green Gas Lolland-Falster (GGLF) project will facilitate transport of gas from Zealand to the sugar factories in Lolland and Falster. For this a new gas pipeline is planned. In connection to this gas pipeline there will be three marine crossings in which Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) needs to be carried out. The assignment is divided into 2 lots:
Lot 1: WPA: Offshore geophysical survey; and
Lot 2: WPB: On- and offshore geotechnical boreholes, refractions seismic survey and Electrical …
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2021-02-05Commissioning Manager for the Baltic Pipe Project at the Compressor Station Everdrup (Energinet Teknik og Anlæg A/S)
The commissioning manager will – in collaboration with project management for Everdrup compres-sor station – be responsible for ensuring that the overall requirements of the project are implemented and complied with during the execution of the work. The commissioning manager is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Baltic Pipe project’s overall commissioning strategy and associated schedule in the ‘Everdrup compressor station’ project. Organisationally, the commissioning manager will be reporting …
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2020-10-26Additional Assistance Tug (AAT) Service Contract (Femern Bælt A/S)
In connection with the offshore construction activities of the Femern Belt Fixed Link project a Vessel Traffic Service, VTS Fehmarnbelt, will be established as a part of the risk control measures with the purpose of maintaining safety and efficiency for the non-construction ship traffic during the construction phase. As a part of the VTS Fehmarnbelt Additional Assistance Tug (AAT) service will be provided by Femern, as a tool for VTS Fehmarnbelt. This contract relates to the AAT service.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Fairplay Schleppdampfschiffs-Reederei...
2020-10-08North Sea Wind Power Hub — Offshore Wind Market Engagement Support (Energinet Elsystemansvar A/S)
The contracting authority wants to purchase offshore market engagement support services to engage with commercial and regulatory experts from the leading offshore wind farm (OWF) developers highlighting key regulatory and commercial issues from an offshore wind stakeholder perspective, for the period of December 2020-April 2021.
For further details concerning the purchase, reference is made to the tender documents.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:KPMG P/S
2020-07-02Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm — Floating Lidar Measurements (Energinet Eltransmission A/S)
In June 2020 the Danish Parliament decided to commence the development of the future offshore wind farm (OWF) project, Hesselø. The OWF site is located in the inner Danish sea, Kattegat and has been subject to screening studies. Following the political decision, the Danish Energy Agency has instructed the Energinet to initiate site investigations, environmental and MetOcean studies and analysis for grid connection for the area of investigation. The current tender concern LiDAR measurements for the project area.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:EOLOS Floating Lidar Solutions SL
2020-05-27Udbud af spuling og TV for Tønder Spildevand A/S (Tønder Service A/S)
Tønder Forsyning, Spildevand A/S udbyder spuling og tv-inspektion af kloak systemet i Tønder Forsynings forsyningsområde.
Opgaven er opdelt i 2 delentrepriser, således at der indgås 2 rammeaftaler med én entreprenør på hver, der kan dog bydes på begge aftale og den sammen entreprenør kan vinde begge entrepriser.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:FKSSlamson A/S
2020-04-30Viking Link — Client Representatives (Energinet Eltransmission A/S)
National Grid Viking Link and Energinet collaborate to establish a new HVDC connection between United Kingdom and Denmark. The marine cable route — which has an approximate length of 630 km — crosses the North Sea from United Kingdom to Denmark. The installation of the subsea cable is expected to commence in Q2 2021 and have the last cable installed in Q3 2023, consisting of seven individual laying campaigns. This tender concerns consultants working on board the cable laying vessels as client …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Red Penguin Associates