De seneste indkøb af turbiner og motorer i Danmark
2023-10-19Re-submission of TENDER FOR ORGANIC RANKINE CYCLE (Energnist I/S)
Energnist I/S (The Contracting Authority) invites to tendering with negotiation for establishment
of an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) on Line 5 of the existing Waste-to-Energy facility in Kolding,
Tender is handled by Mercell Sourcing Services, use
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2023-10-10TENDER FOR ORGANIC RANKINE CYCLE (AC Birk - Energnist I/S)
Energnist I/S (The Contracting Authority) invites to tendering with negotiation for establishment
of an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) on Line 5 of the existing Waste-to-Energy facility in Kolding,
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2023-02-22Re-tendering of Steam Turbine Major Overhaul (Sønderborg Kraftvarme A/S)
Sønderborg Kraftvarme A/S needs a major overhaul of the 5 MW combined high- and low-pressure stage steam turbine type NGS 40/40/80-3 & WK 40/45-3 and Renk-Tacke gearbox type TNA-630 delivered by Siemens AG in 1995 and commissioned by Siemens AG in 1996.
The generator unit of the steam turbine is not included in this tender.
Tender is handled by Mercell Sourcing Services, use
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2023-02-10Tender for biomethane injection units (Evida Service A/S - HRSI)
The purpose of the tender is to enter into a contract for the delivery of biomethane injection units. Biomethane injection units refer to systems or equipment that are used to inject biomethane into the natural gas grid.
Tender is handled by Mercell Sourcing Services, use
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2023-01-24Steam Turbine Major Overhaul (Sønderborg Kraftvarme A/S)
Sønderborg Kraftvarme A/S needs a major overhaul of the 5 MW combined high- and low-pressure stage steam turbine type NGS 40/40/80-3 & WK 40/45-3 and Renk-Tacke gearbox type TNA-630 delivered by Siemens AG in 1995 and commissioned by Siemens AG in 1996.
The generator unit of the steam turbine is not included in this tender.
Tender is handled by Mercell Sourcing Services, use
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2022-11-30Udbud af værkstedsudstyr - inventar (Forsvarsministeriet Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelsen)
Rammeaftale om levering af værkstedsudstyr (inventar) og tilhørende reparation og service.
Rammeaftalen angår værkstedsudstyr (inventar) i bred forstand, herunder:
- Arbejdsborde, herunder ESD elektriske hæve/sænkeborde, rulleborde, manuelle/elektriske løf-teborde, pakkeborde samt manuelle/elektriske mobile løfteborde.
- Arbejdsstole, herunder ESD montørstole og liggebræt.
- Skabe, herunder værkstedsskabe, værktøjsvogne, kemikalieskabe.
- Værkstøjstavler.
- Tilhørende reparation og service.
Rammeaftalen …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Sanistål A/S
2022-04-22EU-udbud 2022: Levering af aktiv fastramme kørestol og hjælpemotorer (Fællesindkøb Fyn)
Udbuddet vedrører levering af aktiv fastramme kørestol og 3 forskellige typer hjælpemotorer til manuelle kørestole til Fællesindkøb Fyns 5 kommuner.
Udbuddet er opdelt i følgende 4 delaftaler:
- Delaftale 1: Aktiv fastramme kørestol
- Delaftale 2: Hjælpemotor, til kørestole styret med drivhjul
- Delaftale 3: Hjælpemotor, ledsagerstyret / betjeningshåndtag
- Delaftale 4: Hjælpemotor, joystickstyret
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2022-04-08Major overhaul of HP/IPO turbine (Nordjyllandsværket A/S)
This procurement procedure concerns the award of a Contract regarding the execution of a major overhaul of the 410 MW Alsthom GEC HP-IP0 steam turbine at Nordjyllandsværket uni 3 (NJV3) in 2023. The execution and the award of the Contract require Tenderers, who are able to complete a major overhaul of the turbine, including the following main Scope of Supply:
- Major overhaul of the HP-IP0 turbine
- Commissioning of the unit, including vibration measurements and verification tests, and
- Supply of new …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Fortum Sverige ABTGS Sweden AB
2022-03-07Framework Agreement on purchase and renovation of Gas Turbine Meters (Energinet Forretningsservice A/S)
Through the establishment of the present Framework Agreement Energinet wants to purchase new gas turbine meters and renovations for our biogas stations. For further information see Appendix 2: Scope of Works. The procurement is conducted as a negotiated procedure and the Framework Agreement will be entered with one provider for the duration of 8 years.
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2021-10-07BB2 - Steam Turbine Unit (Fjernvarme Fyn Produktion A/S)
Fjernvarme Fyn Produktion A/S is located in Odense, Denmark and has initiated a procurement procedure concerns the award of a contract for a new steam turbine unit.
The award of the contract requires Tenderers, who can be responsible for a complete project execution (including deliveries of components) for the new steam turbine unit, including the following main supplies
-Engineering, design and QA
-Delivery of a back pressure steam turbine designed for district heating
-Gear if needed
-Generator 10 …
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2021-08-13Opgradering af varmecentralerne Svendborgvej og Nørre Uttrupvej (Aalborg Forsyning)
Udskiftning af brændere og etablering af røggaskondensering på Varmecentral på Svendborgvej i Aalborg, herunder tavleudskiftning (med nyt tavlerum), udskiftning af stations-PLC, nyt pumpearrangement (nye kedelpumper og frekvensomformere), samt studse for tilkobling af fjernkøling. Derudover vil der være option på etablering af røggaskondensering på Varmecentralen Nørre Uttrup i Aalborg.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Aktive Energi Anlæg A/S
2020-05-20Major Overhaul of HP-IP0 Turbine (Nordjyllandsværket A/S)
This procurement procedure concerns the award of a contract regarding the execution of a major overhaul of the 410 MW Alsthom GEC HP-IP0 steam turbine at Nordjyllandsværket uni 3 (NJV3) in 2021. The execution and the award of the contract require tenderers, who are able to complete a major overhaul of the turbine, including the following main scope of supply:
— major overhaul of the HP-IP0 turbine,
— commissioning of the unit, including vibration measurements and verification tests, and
— supply of new …
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2020-05-07Brændere og røggaskondensering til Aalborg Forsyning (Aalborg Varme A/S)
Aalborg Forsyning ønsker at sikre en mindre miljøbelastning og en bedre driftsøkonomi for Gasværksvej Varmecentral. Installeret effekt er for eksisterende anlæg 125 MW med 5 stk. 25 MW olie- og naturgaskedler. Der er 2 forskellige typer kedelfabrikater med forskellige røggastemperaturer. Kedel 1-3 fabrikat Aalborg Industies: 120 C og kedel 4-5 fabrikat Danstoker: 180 C.
Projektet omfatter udskiftning af brændere og etablering af røggaskondenser på de 5 kedler.
Projektet udbydes som totalleverance for …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Aktive Energi Anlæg A/S
2020-04-03Major Overhaul of HP-IP0 Turbine (Nordjyllandsværket A/S)
This procurement procedure concerns the award of a contract regarding the execution of a major overhaul of the 410 MW Alsthom GEC HP-IP0 steam turbine at Nordjyllandsværket uni 3 (NJV3) in 2021. The execution and the award of the contract require tenderers, who are able to complete a major overhaul of the turbine, including the following main scope of supply:
— major overhaul of the HP-IP0 turbine;
— commissioning of the unit, including vibration measurements and verification tests; and
— supply of new …
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2019-05-07Major overhaul of HP - IP0 turbine (Nordjyllandsværket A/S)
This tender procedure concerns the award of a Contract regarding the execution of major overhaul of the Alsthom GEC HP-IP0 steam turbine at Nordjyllandsværket unit 3 (NJV3) in 2020. The execution and the award of the contract requires Tenderers who is able to complete a major overhaul of a GEC ALSTOM HP/IP0 turbine.
— Major overhaul of the HP/IP0 turbine including inspection of crossover pipes,
— Commissioning of the unit including vibration measurements and verification tests,
— Refurbishment / …
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2019-03-15E02 Beton - Veterinær beredskabsbygning (Statens Serum Institut)
Statens Serum Institut udbyder fagentreprise E02 Beton entreprise i forbindelse med opførsel af en 800 m2 veterinær beredskabsbygning (etageareal cirka 2 400 m2), der skal anvendes, når der er mistanke om eller udbrud af en alvorlig smitsom sygdom i Danmarks produktionsdyr- eller almindelige vildtbestand (i det følgende benævnt Projektet).
Bygningen indeholder laboratorier til diagnostik og analyser, der lever op til BSL 3+ krav.
Selve entreprisen gennemføres i fagentrepriser. Denne Aftale vedrører alene …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:GAP Entreprise ApS
2017-12-11Prækvalifikation - levering og etablering af biogasmotor nr. 2 (Lemvig Varmeværk a.m.b.a.)
Bekendtgørelsen vedrører prækvalifikation til afgivelse af tilbud på et fuldt funktionsdygtigt biogasfyret kraftvarmeanlæg indeholdende et biogasfyret motor/generatoranlæg og som option eldreven varmepumpe. Anlægget skal indbygges i eksisterende kraftvarmeværk, som er forberedt for denne biogasmotor nr. 2. Leveranden omfatter HT- og LT vekslere, maskin- rør- og elarbejde samt opstart, indkøring og oplæring.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Aktive Energi Anlæg A/S
2017-06-15M-03b Condensate Pumps (DONG Energy Thermal Power A/S)
The lot comprises of supply of 5 condensate pumps for a 1:1 replacement of existing pumps. The lot includes necessary re-design, manufacturing, workshop assembly, tests in manufactures test facility and delivery at Site, including documentation.
The supply must comprise in its entirety all components and services within the supply limits, which are in detailed described in the Tender Documents, incl. the document “5.1 Purchasers Requirements”.
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2017-02-03Framework agreement for Gas Flow Meters (
The Contracting authority wants to purchase Gas Flow Meters for both and Dansk Gas Distribution. The Contracting authority wishes to purchase gas flow meters on 2 lots with 1 supplier for each lot. The Framework agreement is divided into 2 lots.
For lot 2 the object of this framework agreement is to purchase the following type of meters: Diaphragm meters for Dansk Gas Distribution.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Elster-Instromet A/S
2016-12-20HØK — Renewal of CHP plant — Helsingør (Helsingør Kraftvarmeværk A/S)
Helsingør Kraftvarmeværk A/S is operating a gas-fired combined cycle plant at the site of Energivej 19 in
Helsingør. A decision has been made to renew the existing plant by establishing a biomass-fired boiler at the
The existing turbine condensers (district heating) to the existing steam turbine (combined cycle) will be utilised
for the new steam turbine. Only one steam turbine will be in operation at a time. It will not be possible to run
combined cycle plant and bio boiler plant in parallel. The …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:MAN Diesel and Turbo SE
2015-12-22Leje af entreprenørmateriel (Fredensborg Kommune)
Udbuddet vedrører leje af entreprenørmateriel til Nordsjællands Park og Vej. Rammeaftalen omfatter lifte, gravemaskiner, læssemaskiner, beton- og jordflytningsdumpere, traktorer, mandskabsvogne, affugtere, fliseløftere, småmaskiner m.v.
Ordregiver har valgt at gennemføre denne opgave digitalt igennem Mercell Danmark A/S.
For at deltage i opgaven kopieres dette link til din internet browser: Her tilmelder du dig opgaven ved at trykke på ikonet foroven: …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Ramirent A/S
2015-12-17Nyt biomassefyret varmeværk i Grenaa, Maskinentreprisen (Grenaa Varmeværk A.m.b.A)
Grenaa Varmeværk a.m.b.a. har besluttet at opføre en ny flisfyret fjernvarmecentral på Bredstrupvej i Grenaa. Udbuddet omfatter levering og udførelse af maskinanlæg, der i hovedtræk omfatter to ca. 15 MW kedelanlæg, inklusiv traverskran for flistransport, indfyringssystem, veksleranlæg, røggasrensning, skorsten, fjernvarmepumper, brovægt samt el- og SRO-anlæg.
Ud over denne maskinentreprise forventes der udbudt en samlet entreprise for bygge og anlægsarbejder og en entreprise for varmepumper. I …
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2015-12-10RSC Cure NL Lot 3 (DONG Energy Thermal Power A/S)
Cure DONG Energy REnescience B.V. has decided to establish a plant for a complete handling of unsorted household waste (Municipal Solid Waste — MSW).
DONG Energy Thermal Power A/S will be responsible for the execution of the project on behalf of Cure DONG Energy REnescience B.V.
The project, RSC Cure NL will be based on DONG Energy's REnescience Technology, which is a technology for treatment of unsorted household waste. The purpose of the process is sorting and refining the waste for utilization in the …
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2015-10-28Acquisition of 4 trailer mounted diesel driven cooling carts for F-16 aircrafts (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistic Organization)
Due to deployment of the Royal Danish Air Force F-16 aircrafts to warm climatic zones (for example A1) the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (hereafter ‘DALO’) wishes to procure four cooling carts with sufficient cooling capacity to sustain F-16 operations under these climatic conditions.
The cooling carts shall consist of a cooling system mounted on a 4-wheeled trailer.
The cooling carts shall be driven by a diesel cycle combustion engine. This engine shall — during deployment – be …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:ITW GSE — Military
2015-10-08HØK — Renewal of CHP plant — Helsingør (Helsingør Kraftvarmeværk A/S)
The existing natural gas fired combined cycle unit was built in 1993 and has an electricity output of 60 MW and district heating output of 60 MW. The configuration is a single shaft arrangement with a gas turbine with HRSG, a steam turbine and 1 generator in common for the gas turbine and steam turbine.
The combined cycle unit shall be modified in order to use the existing steam turbine and generator without operating the gas turbine, i.e. by steam supply to the steam turbine from the new bio-mass …
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2015-05-05Rammeaftale vedrørende anskaffelse af påhængsmotorer (Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse)
Forsvaret udbyder en rammeaftale på anskaffelse af påhængsmotorer. Påhængsmotorerne skal anvendes på forsvarets motorgummibåde og Rigid Inflatable boat (RIB), hvor disse monteres både som single og twin montering.
Da forsvarets motorgummibåde og RIB anvendes både som arbejdsfartøj og mand over bord båd skal de fleste påhængsmotorer leveres i henhold til SOLAS MED direktiv, rat mærkede.
Udbuddet omfatter levering af påhængsmotorer fra 9,9 hk til 100 hk samt levering af reservedele til brugervedligeholdelse.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Pro-Safe A/S
2015-04-01Lot M4: Steam turbine, Generator and District Heating Systems (HOFOR Energiproduktion A/S)
Lot M4: Steam turbine, Generator and District Heating Systems.
A full functional unit for Steam turbine, Generator and District Heating Systems.
Scope of Supply includes:
— Backpressure non reheat steam turbine (estimated steam data 560C / 140 bar / approx. 190 kg/s and approx. output 150 MWe/400MWth) as well as auxiliaries (lube oil, control fluid and vibration monitoring, etc.)
— Synchronous generator and auxiliary systems (CT/VT, generator busbars, protection, excitation system and synchronization, …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Doosan Skoda Power s.r.o.
2015-02-27Acquisition of four trailer mounted diesel driven cooling carts for F-16 aircrafts (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
Due to deployment of the Royal Danish Air Force F-16 aircrafts to warm regions, the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (hereafter ‘DALO’) wishes to procure four cooling carts with sufficient cooling capacity to sustain F-16 operations under these climatic conditions.
The cooling carts shall consist of a cooling system mounted on a four-wheeled trailer.
The cooling carts shall be driven by a diesel cycle combustion engine. This engine shall — during deployment — be able to run on …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:ITW GSE — Military
2015-01-26Prækvalifikation — Levering og montering af nøglefærdigt biogaskraftvarme- og biomassevarmeværk inklusive bygninger... (Lemvig Varmeværk a.m.b.a.)
Annoncen vedrører prækvalifikation til afgivelse af tilbud på et komplet biogasfyret kraftvarmeværk og et kompletfyret biomassefyret varmeværk inklusive bygninger og anlæg i en totalentreprise. Totalentreprisen indeholder en 8,0 MW (indfyret) fliskedel inklusive røgvaskeranlæg og en varmepumpe, et biogas motor-/generatoranlæg med en elektrisk effekt på 3,0 MW inklusive røggassystem og en varmepumpe, to stålskorstene på hver 60 meter og en varmeakkumuleringstank på ca. 5 000 m³ nyttevolumen, samt brovægt, …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Euro Therm A/S
2014-07-08Contract for Major Overhaul of Steam Turbine (Vordingborg Kraftvarme A/S)
The tender covers the conclusion of a contract for a major overhaul of an ABB V25 (10 MW) steam turbine for Vordingborg Kraftvarme A / S. The turbine has passed 200,000 EOH and underwent the last major overhaul at 100,000 EOH.
The main overhaul is part of the maintenance of the steam turbine and includes the following deliveries:
1. Cleaning of all components of the turbine, including reducers, valves and servos and inspection of all these components
2. Delivery and replacement of known lifetime expired …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Alstom Danmark A/S
2014-05-20Kontrakt om turbinerevision (Vordingborg Kraftvarme A/S)
Udbuddet omfatter indgåelse af en kontrakt vedrørende en hovedrevision (Major Overhaul) af en ABB V25 (10 MW) dampturbine for Vordingborg Kraftvarme A/S.
Hovedrevisionen inkluderer følgende opgaver:
1. Turbine hovedrevision, inklusive reduktionsgear, ventiler og server;
2. Levering af nye reservedele og renovering/reparation af eksisterende dele.
For så vidt angår leverancerne nævnt under punkt 2 bemærkes, at disse ydelser aktualiseres i indhold og omfang alt efter hovedrevisionens resultat og det …
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2014-03-13Udskiftning af biogasmotor og tilbehør (Vejle Spildevand A/S)
Udskiftning af biogasmotor omfatter levering, montering og opstart af biogasmotor samt nødvendigt hjælpeudstyr. Biogasmotor med indfyret effekt på ca. 1,2 MW til elproduktion og varmeproduktion. Biogasmotor placeres i eksisterende bygning på samme sted som eksisterende biogasmotor. Biogasmotor leveres med tilhørende ny styring og elinstallationer. Biogasmotor og nødvendigt hjælpeudstyr skal tilsluttes eksisterende installationer i bygningen. Demontage og fjernelse af eksisterende biogasmotor og …
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2013-09-10SKV steam turbine major overhaul at Skaerbaek Power Plant (DONG Energy Thermal Power A/S)
The contract will cover at complete overhaul of the high pressure and (assymetric) intermediate pressure turbine cylinders, see below in Section II.2.1 re Scope of the Contract.
The 416 MW GEC Alstom 5-cylinder steam turbine was commissioned in 1998 with approximately 100 000 operationg hours. It is a double re-heat system operating a live steam pressure of 290 bar and 580°C. The live steam flow is 270 kg/s.
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2012-08-30HEV steam turbine and generator major overhaul (DONG Energy Thermal Power A/S)
The 89 MW BBC single cylinder steam turbine was commissioned in 1982. It operates at a live steam pressure of 115 bar at 525°C. The steam flow is 120 kg/s. It’s at back pressure turbine supplying district heating to the city of Herning. The generator is an air/water cooled BBC type wx18L-083LLT of 111 MVA/50Hz.
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2012-04-27Nyt biogasmotoranlæg til Viby renseanlæg (Aarhus Vand A/S)
Arbejdet omfatter nedenstående arbejder og leverancer som nærmere beskrevet i det følgende:
1. Projektering, levering, montering og indkøring af 1 stk. ny komplet biogasmotor kraftvarme anlæg (250 KW el-effekt) inklusive gasbooster, generator, høj temperatorveksler, nødkølevandssystem, automatiske oliepåfyldnings- og spildoliesystem samt røggassystemer samt kabler og kontroltavler mv.
2. Projektering, levering, montering og indkøring af 1 stk. ny gasfyr varme anlæg (600 KW) inklusive kølevands- og …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Averhoff Energi Anlæg A/S
2011-09-20Major overhaul of Avedøreværket(AVV) unit 1 steam turbine section MP2 and LP (Avedøreværket)
Major overhaul of AVV unit 1 steam turbine section MP2 and LP.
Unit 1 was commissioned in 1990 and is a 262 MW BBC turbine with a steam pressure of 240 bar and steam temperature of 540 C running at 3000 RPM. It consist of a high pressure section, two medium pressure sections and a low pressure section. The work concerns the second medium pressure (IP2) section and the low pressure section (LP), both of which are with dual outlet with asymmetrical outlet pressures. The condenser pressure after the …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Turbocare Sp.zo.o
2011-05-17Mechanical and electrical technology supplies for a new combined heat and power producing waste incineration line in... (I/S Nordforbrænding)
Mechanical and electrical works for a new combined heat and power producing waste incineration line with a capacity of 10 tonnes waste per hour, with one common turbine/generator system.
The waste incineration line is based on a moving grate concept, steam boiler with SNCR, followed by semi-dry flue gas treatment, including electrical system, control and monitoring system and all necessary auxiliary systems.
The works are divided in 3 lots:
Lot A: one waste incineration unit including incinerator based …
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