2020-06-30Udbud af Kontrakt på systemer og udstyr til understøttelse af grænsekontrol, udlændingekontrol og retshåndhævende... (Rigspolitiet)
1) Baggrund og formål:
Nærværende udbud omfatter anskaffelse, udvikling / tilpasning, support, vedligehold og videreudvikling af en samlet løsning bestående af software og hardware, der skal gøre dansk politi i stand til at varetage en effektiv grænsekontrol på Danmarks ydre Schengengrænser, varetage udlændingekontrol på Danmarks territoriale område samt understøtte dansk politis forebyggelse, afsløring og efterforskning af terrorhandlinger og andre strafbare handlinger.
Ved en ”effektiv grænsekontrol” …
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2020-02-17Diesel Driven Ground Power Units (GPU) (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
This framework agreement concerns the acquisition of diesel driven Ground Power Units (GPU) — 20 kVA, 45 kVA and 90 kVA —, spare parts and services related to the maintenance and repair of the GPUs to be delivered to the Danish Defence. The GPUs will be used by the Royal Danish Air Force to service a broad range of aircrafts withind the Danish Air Force, i.e. small propeller aircraft, fighter jets, helicopters and transportation aircrafts. The GPUs will be used on the airbases in Denmark, including …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Guinault SA
2019-11-08Diesel Driven Ground Power Units (GPU) (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations)
This framework agreement concerns the acquisition of diesel driven ground power units (GPU) — 20 kVA, 45 kVA and 90 kVA — , spare parts and services related to the maintenance and repair of the GPUs to be delivered to the Danish Defence. The GPUs will be used by the Royal Danish Air Force to service a broad range of aircrafts withind the Danish Air Force, i.e. small propeller aircraft, fighter jets, helicopters and transportation aircrafts. The GPUs will be used on the airbases in Denmark, including …
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2019-01-28Carry-On Baggage Security Lanes and Trays (Billund Lufthavn A/S)
Billund Airport hereby publishes a call for tender regarding the delivery of lanes for carry-on baggage screening including trays.
The tender regards the delivery of three double carry-on baggage security lane with the option of buying additional one single lane. The present installed X-ray machines are to be incorporated into the new security lane. The security lanes must be equipped with a tray return system.
Trays approved for the present X-ray machines are included in the tender. The future supplier …
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2018-10-18Carry-on baggage security lanes, trays, and remote screening system (Billund Lufthavn A/S)
Billund Airport hereby publishes a call for tender regarding carry-on baggage security system, trays, and remote
screening system.
The tender includes delivery of one double carry-on baggage security lane with the option of buying additional
two double lanes and one single lane. The present installed X-ray machines are to be incorporated into the new security lane. The security lanes must be equipped with a tray return system.
Trays approved for the present X-ray machines are included in the tender. …
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2018-02-27Instrument Landing System (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations)
The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) wishes to replace the existing Instrument Landing Systems at Airbase Karup / Midtjylland airport (EKKA) with two new Instrument Landing Systems. The existing Instrument Landing Systems – runway (RWY) 27L (CAT II) and RWY 09R (CAT I) were installed and commissioned in about 1977/87. This purchase concerns the replace of these 2 Instrument Landing Systems. All other prerequisites for existing CAT II and CAT I operations will be retained.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Indra Navia AS
2018-01-05HBS Standard 3 Upgrade — Hold Baggage Screening System (HBSS) (Copenhagen Airports A/S)
The HBSS supplier is required to provide ECAC Standard 3 EDS Machines and associated infrastructure as is required for the Project.The BHS Portion of the works will be supplied by others. The EDS machines shall be installed in 3 locations:
— 4 machines in baggage factory 2,
— 3 machines in the terminal 3 Basement,
— 2 machines in the baggage factory 3.
In addition, the HBSS contractor shall provision:
— 20 HBS level 2 operator workstations,
— 4 HBS level 3 workstations,
— 6 training workstations,
— 2 TIP …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Rapiscan Systems
2017-12-15HBS Standard 3 Upgrade - Baggage Handling System (BHS) (Copenhagen Airports A/S)
The Contractor is required to provide a Baggage Handling System (BHS) upgrade to facilitate the installation of ECAC Standard 3 EDS Machines (supplied and installed by others). The new machines will be installed in 3 locations:
— 4 machines in Bag Factory 2,
— 3 machines in the Terminal 3 basement
— 2 machines in the Bag Factory 3
The existing BHS system will be modified as indicated by the tender drawings in order to accomplish the installation of these new machines, including a re-build of the existing …
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2015-12-23Purchase of belt loader (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
When an aircraft is to be loaded or unloaded, the personnel crawl around in long, narrow cargo spaces with very low ceiling height, and the personnel move heavy cases around in these cargo spaces.
The belt loader must be capable of being used under all conditions and in connection with all types of passenger flights handled at Karup aviation station.
It is a requirement that the belt loader must be electrical and run on battery power in order to avoid exhaust gases from a fuel-driven belt loader …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:BBHS A/S
2015-12-03Stationary and mobile power converters to deliver electrical power to aircrafts (Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse)
This framework agreement will cover converters to deliver electrical power to aircrafts. The stationary converters will primarily be used on airbases located in Denmark, and mobile converters will be used in shelters, aprons, hangars etc. on airbases in Denmark, as well as during deployment all over the world. The purpose with this tender, is to establish a framework agreement on stationary and mobile power converters, which is able to service the broad range of aircraft with 115 VAC, 400 Hz and/or 28 …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:ITW GSE ApS (AXA Power)
2015-06-18Legal Voice Recorders (Naviair)
Naviair — The Air Navigation Service Provider in Denmark (the purchaser) intends to replace the existing Legal Voice Recorder systems with new equipment. The systems will be installed at 3 specific locations in Naviair’s building in Kastrup, Denmark. Naviair will provide the necessary infrastructure regarding power, data lines and racks for the equipment.
The Contractor will be responsible for the delivery of the equipment necessary to comply with the requirements set forth in the Invitation to Tender …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Jotron AS
2015-05-12Rammeaftale og tilbud på kameraovervågning (Copenhagen Airport A/S)
CPH ønsker en rammeaftale på kameraovervågningsudstyr på 3 år, med mulighed for 2 x 12 måneders forlængelse.
Det første køb:
Kameraovervågning af ny udendørs security grænse. Løsningen skal være operationel den 1.12.2015.
CPH ønsker at købe kameraer der skal kunne integreres med den eksisterende, egenudviklet VMS løsning (VMS understøtter Dallmeier DaVid og Onvif), hvor dekodningen af optagelser sker vha. Dallmeier hardware dekoder.
Særlige vilkår omkring overvågningen
De særlige vilkår omkring …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Scanview A/S
2013-05-16E-gates (Self Boarding Gates) (Københavns Lufthavne A/S)
Københavns Lufthavne A/S (CPH) ønsker at implementere et Self-Boarding koncept, der tilbyder passagerer mulighed for selv at gennemføre egen boarding ved Gate. Dette gøres muligt via ny-etablering af standard Self-Boarding Gate løsninger. De nye Self-Boarding Gates skal etableres som supplement til de eksisterende manuelle bordingstationer i CPH, således at en Gate kan have både Self-Boarding Gates og en manuel boardingstation.
Konceptet skal i første omgang implementeres i 11 udvalgte Gates, der …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:SITA INC Denmark
2012-07-12Self-service bag drop (Københavns Lufthavne A/S)
Kontrakten omfatter indkøb af en self-service bag drop løsning (SBD), der muliggør, at passagerer, der rejser fra CPH med forskellige flyselskaber, får mulighed for selv at indlevere tagget bagage. Dette gøres muligt via ny-etablerede delvist flyselskab specifikke self-service bag drop løsninger. Kontrakten omfatter løsninger, der integrerer til to flyselskabers host systemer (SAS og Norwegian). De nye self-service bag drop løsninger skal etableres som supplement til et antal af de eksisterende …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:DSG Systems A/S
2012-05-25CSRA Border Surveillance (Københavns Lufthavne A/S)
In 2009, CPH found out, that the existing PIDS (Perimeter Intruder Detection System) no longer was able to detect intruders according to regulatory requirements for surveillance of Critical Security Restricted Area (CSRA) border. CSRA is the most critical of all airport security zones and covers aircraft stands, service roads, maintenance areas and taxiways outside the maneuvering area. Access to this area is subject to 100 % access control and 100 % security control. Border surveillance must be …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Siemens A/S
2011-12-16Baggage Handling System (BHS) enhancement project (Københavns Lufthavne A/S)
The contractor is to furnish and install a turnkey solution including mechanical equipment and installation, electrical equipment and installation, controls equipment and installation and associated programming. Contract is to provide a phased solution which maintains airport operation and capacity throughout the construction.
Project consists of existing baggage handling system expansion to meet Copenhagen Airport’s growing capacity and throughput requirements. Expansion includes an increase in capacity …
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2011-07-07Billund Lufthavn, EDS 2012 (explosive detection systems) (Billund Lufthavn A/S)
Billund Lufthavn (airport) must change the existing EDS units in the baggage handling system in order to meet the EU standard 2 regulations. For this purpose 2 or 3 new EDS units (explosive detection systems) shall be built in the baggage handling system in the existing passenger terminal building. The 2 or 3 new EDS units shall be in operation by June 2012.
The scope of work comprises of authorities approval, delivery, dismantling of existing EDS units, erection and commissioning of the 2 or 3 new EDS …
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2011-04-29VOR systems (VHF Omnidirectional radio range systems) (Naviair)
We would like to bring to your intention that the selected participants shall, as a portion of the tendering process, participate in a Site Survey at the AAL VOR Site, Aalborg, Denmark, on Thursday, 30.6.2011. Details will be provided in the tender material.
Naviair intends to procure hardware, software and services for implementation of 2 new conventional VOR (C-VOR) systems. One system will replace the aging enroute VOR near the province ATS unit in Aalborg, while the other system will be procured in a …
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