2021-06-30Køb og levering af armerede køretøjer, reservedele, serviceydelser og køreundervisning (Udenrigsministeriet)
Udenrigsministeriet udbyder hermed på vegne sig selv og de øvrige trækningsberettigede myndigheder en rammeaftale om levering af armerede køretøjer med tilhørende reservedele, serviceoptioner og køreundervisning.
Udenrigsministeriet ønsker, at købe et antal civilt-udseende armerede køretøjer af typen SUV. I rammeaftalens løbetid forventes, at Udenrigsministeriet vil aftage minimum 15 køretøjer. Hovedparten af køretøjerne skal være certificerede VPAM BRV2009 VR7 eller dokumenteret tilsvarende beskyttet. …
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2020-11-02Køb og levering af armerede køretøjer, reservedele, serviceydelser og køreundervisning (Udenrigsministeriet)
Udenrigsministeriet udbyder hermed på vegne sig selv og de øvrige trækningsberettigede myndigheder en rammeaftale om levering af armerede køretøjer med tilhørende reservedele, serviceoptioner og køreundervisning.
Udenrigsministeriet ønsker, at købe et antal civilt-udseende armerede køretøjer af typen SUV. I rammeaftalens løbetid forventes, at Udenrigsministeriet vil aftage minimum 15 køretøjer. Hovedparten af køretøjerne skal være certificerede VPAM BRV2009 VR7 eller dokumenteret tilsvarende beskyttet. …
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2020-08-17Køb og levering af armerede køretøjer, reservedele, serviceydelser og køreundervisning (Udenrigsministeriet)
Udenrigsministeriet udbyder hermed på vegne sig selv og de øvrige trækningsberettigede myndigheder en rammeaftale om levering af armerede køretøjer med tilhørende reservedele, serviceoptioner og køreundervisning.
Udenrigsministeriet ønsker, at købe et antal civilt-udseende armerede køretøjer af typen SUV. I rammeaftalens løbetid forventes, at Udenrigsministeriet vil aftage minimum 15 køretøjer. Hovedparten af køretøjerne skal være certificerede BRV2009 VR7 eller dokumenteret tilsvarende beskyttet. De …
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2018-03-16Stand-alone shot detection system (SD) (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations)
This notice concerns the establishment of a framework agreement regarding the acquisition of stand-alone shot detection systems. The framework agreement will have a duration of 4 (four) years with the option for renewal of the agreement 3 (three) times of 1 (one) year's duration.
The shot detection systems will be used by the Danish Defence in both domestic and international missions to provide warnings to the crew when a supersonic round is passing the vehicle. The system shall be able to geo-reference …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Precision Technic Defence A/S
2018-01-22Stand-alone shot detection systems (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations)
This notice concerns the establishment of a framework agreement regarding the acquisition of standalone shot detection systems. The framework agreement will have a duration of 4 years with the option for renewal of the Agreement 3 times of 1 year's duration.
The shot detection systems will be used by the Danish Defence in both domestic and international missions to provide warnings to the crew when a supersonic round is passing the vehicle. The system shall be able to geo-reference the location of the …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:N/A - please see section VI.2) Additional...
2017-09-19Weapon Brackets and Weapon Bags (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistic Organization)
The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) is putting the acquisition of Weapon Brackets up for tender. The tender will be divided into 2 lots, including
Lot 1: Mechanical Weapon Brackets
Lot 2: Weapon Bags
DALO is looking for one primary Weapon Bracket to fit all weapons in all vehicles in the Danish Defence. DALO has no knowledge of one specific product that is able to suit all situations. DALO estimates that a single Weapon Bracket cannot cover more than 80 % of the demand for …
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2016-10-07Begrænset udbud af armerede køretøjer (Rigspolitiet)
På baggrund af et ændret trusselsbillede, har Dansk Politi behov for et antal armerede køretøjer til sikring af den enkelte polititjenestemands sikkerhed ved løsning af særlige opgaver. Forsvaret ønsker tilsvarende mulighed for at indkøbe armerede køretøjer, men har ikke et aktuelt behov. På denne baggrund udbydes hermed Rammeaftale om levering af armerede køretøjer.
Tryk her http://permalink.mercell.com/61944514.aspx
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Jan Nygaard A/SMercedes-Benz A/S
2016-05-12Installations related to the Danish Defence fleet of combat vehicles (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
This contract notice concerns The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) award of a framework agreement that covers DALO's need for external assistance in the series production related to the installed equipment / modifications of DALO's operational vehicles and containers. The series production will be based on documented prototypes / documented installation instructions, which typically will be developed by the relevant system house under applicable system agreement. Series …
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2016-03-14120mm Mortar Systems (Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse)
This tender concerns the acquisition of 15 autonomous floor mounted Heavy Mortar Systems (120mm Mortar Systems). The acquisition also includes a fire control system, ammunition racks and the necessary technical support to integrate the weapon system on the platform (Piranha 5 from MOWAG). The integration of the Mortar System (and the ammunition racks) is handled by MOWAG, and MOWAG has the overall responsibility for the integration, but the provider of the Mortar System must participate in the …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:ESL Advanced Information Technology GmbH
2015-12-01Armoured Patrol Vehicles (APV) (Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse)
Armoured patrol vehicle (APV) system:
This contract notice concerns DALO's award of framework agreements for the procurement of an 4 x 4 Armoured Patrol Vehicle (APV) system.
The APV system shall consist of different configurations of the APV that are based on the same basic vehicle platform.
The APVs will function in a full-spectrum operational environment from war to humanitarian missions with multiple and diverse threats presenting themselves. This demands that the APVs are flexible, highly mobile and …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:General Dynamics European Land Systems-MOWAG GmbH
2015-10-08Armoured Patrol Vehicles (APV) (Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse)
This contract notice concerns DALO's award of framework agreements for the procurement of an 4 x 4 armoured patrol vehicle (APV) system (consisting of different configurations of the APV), initial spare parts and documentation as well as sustainment services, training and additional spare parts for the APVs procured.
Procurement will be based on 2 agreements/contracts. Thus, DALO will award 1) a framework agreement concerning the acquisition of the APVs, initial spare parts and documentation (the …
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2014-12-23Acquisition and sustainment of military terrain capable trucks and commercial trucks (Danish Defence Aquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
The awarded contract will contain three framework agreements. The three agreements will be purchasing of (1) military terrain capable trucks, including armour protection, and commercial road trucks for general transportation of goods (acquisition), (2) a wide range of services, support and spare parts for the terrain capable trucks and commercial trucks (sustainment), and (3) a system house engineering agreement regarding engineering development and configuration management.
The total quantity of …
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2014-05-28Vehicle Camera System for Drivers vision and Local situational awareness (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization ( DALO) wishes to procure a vehicle camera system for Drivers vision and Local situational awareness. The system is primarily a drivers system, but should also be able to provide some situational awareness and assist in using tools (dozer blade, excavator etc.) on the vehicle. In order to reduce time spend on training and education, and reducing logistic footprint, there is a requirement for a system, which can be used on all types of vehicles in the …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Selex ES Ltd
2013-10-17Vehicle Camera System for Drivers vision and Local situational awareness (Danish Defence and Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) wishes to procure a vehicle camera system for Drivers vision and Local situational awareness.
The system is primarily a drivers system, but should also be able to provide some situational awareness and assist in using tools (dozer blade, excavator etc.) on the vehicle. In order to reduce time spend on training and education, and reducing logistic footprint, there is a requirement for a system, which can be used on all types of vehicles in the …
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2012-10-22Acquisition of Rubber Track Systems for the armoured personnel carrier M113 G3/G4 (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
The tender regards the delivery of Rubber Track Systems (RTS) to be used with the Danish army's armoured personnel carriers (APC) of the type M113 G3/G4.
The contract consists of an initial delivery of 20 RTS for the APC M133 G4 (6 road wheel arms) together with the option to place additional order for 10 RTS for the APC M133 G3 (5 road wheel arms) and/or 10 RTS for the APC M133 G4 for a period of 2 years following the commencement of the contract.
The delivery of the initial order shall take place no …
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2012-05-25Acquisition of Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC) (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
The contract regards the delivery of 360 armoured personnel carriers (APCs) for replacement of the existing fleet for the entire Danish Army. During contract negotiations DALO retains the right to adjust the number of APCs to be delivered, however the number cannot exceed 450 or be less than 206, and the negative options as well as the positive options shall be adjusted accordingly, cf. section II.2.2 and the description of the positive and negative options below. I.e. should DALO choose to increase the …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:General Dynamics European Land Systems —...
2012-02-24Pansrede Hjulbjærgningskøretøjer II (Forsvarets Materieltjeneste)
Forsvarets Materieltjeneste ønsker at indkøbe 10 komplette hjulbjærgningskøretøjer.
Hjulbjærgningskøretøjerne skal være med kran, bjærgningsspil, lift og selvbjærgningskapacitet.
Køretøjerne skal blandt andet opfylde følgende krav:
1. Drivlinien skal være teknisk afstemt således, at der kan bugseres et køretøj på 36 ton ophængt gennem let kuperet terræn.
2. Førerhuset skal være beskyttet til minimum level 3/3a (STANAG 4569) eller tilsvarende.
3. Køretøjet skal uden forberedelse have en vadeevne på …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:MAN Truck & Bus A/SMAN Truck & Bus Danmark A/S
2011-08-12Pansrede hjulbjærgningskøretøjer (Forsvarets Materieltjeneste)
Forsvarets Materieltjeneste ønsker at købe 4 komplette hjulbjærgningskøretøjer til snarlig levering.
Hjulbjærgningskøretøjerne skal være udstyret med kran, bjærgningsspil, lift og selvbjærgningskapacitet.
Køretøjerne skal blandt andet opfylde følgende krav:
1. Drivlinien skal være teknisk afstemt således, at der kan bugseres et køretøj på 36 ton ophængt gennem terræn.
2. Førerhuset skal være beskyttet til minimum level 2/2a (STANAG 4569) eller tilsvarende.
3. Køretøjet skal uden forberedelse have en …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:MAN Last og Bus A/S
2011-04-20Pansrede hjulbjærgningskøretøjer (Forsvarets Materieltjeneste)
Forsvarets Materieltjeneste ønsker at anskaffe i alt 18 hjulbjærgningskøretøjer. De 4 af disse ønskes leveret senest 14 dage efter kontraktindgåelse. De resterende 14 ønskes løbende leveret i perioden 2012-2014. De 18 hjulbjærgningskøretøjer skal hovedsagelig have samme logistik.
Hjulbjærgningskøretøjerne skal være udstyret med kran (der kan anvendes til såvel løft som træk) og bjærgnings- og selvbjærgningsspil. Førerhuset skal være forberedt til våbenstation og i øvrigt kunne indeholde op til 1 tons …
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