2023-08-31   Instrument for real-time live-cell imaging and cellular impedance analysis (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU)
DTU requires an instrument that can analyze behavior of live mammalian cells (incl. proliferation/morphology/death) in real-time using both impedance (label-free, high sensitivity) and live-cell imaging (precision and confirmation of cell behavior). Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: AH Diagnostics
2023-02-10   Re-tender Continuous wave laser with narrow bandwidth and high tunability (Syddansk Universitet)
Continuous wave laser with narrow bandwidth and high tunability Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: M Squared Lasers GmbH
2022-12-08   Continuous wave laser with narrow bandwidth and high tunability (Syddansk Universitet)
Continuous wave laser with narrow bandwidth and high tunability Se udbuddet »
2022-11-18   Acquistion of Transmissions Elecktron Microscope (University of Copenhagen)
The purpose is to invite suppliers of a Transmissions Electron Microscope equipment with specifications described in annexes to supply and install such equipment. On this basis, the purpose of the contract is to help the Contracting Entity to achieve a solution that provides the research and teaching requirements of the department. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: FEI Europe B.V.
2022-10-03   Forbrugsartikler til mikroskopi (Genudbud) (Syddansk Universitet)
Forbrugsartikler til mikroskopi (genudbud) Grundet en fejl i Mercells opsætning var det ikke muligt, at udfylde ESPD, derfor oprettes et nyt genudbud. Udbuddet forløber som planlagt, med undtagelse af en 2-dages udskyldelse af tilbudsfrist, idet udbuddet først offentliggøres på Mercell 48 timer efter Ordregivers offentliggørelse. Der er ikke foretaget væsentlige ændringer i udbudsmaterialet. Mindre ændringer i henhold til det oprindelige materiale, er synliggjort i spørgsmål og svar. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: VWR International A/S
2022-09-23   3D Konfokalt Mikroskop (1) (Region Hovedstaden)
3D Konfokalt Mikroskop Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Triolab AS
2022-09-15   Forbrugsartikler til mikroskopi (Genudbud) (Syddansk Universitet)
Forbrugsartikler til mikroskopi Se udbuddet »
2022-09-12   Purchase of a Technical specifications of High Content Screening (HCS) microscope (Københavns Universitet)
University of Copenhangen wishes to aquire a Technical specifications of High Content Screening (HCS) microscope for it's Department of Biology. Se udbuddet »
2022-08-28   3D Konfokalt mikroskop (Region Hovedstaden)
3D Konfokalt Mikroskop til undersøgelse af bakteriers opførsel og vækst i in-vitro lungemodel og undersøgelse af kemiske processer i væv og bakterier efter tilførsel af immunceller og antibiotika. Se udbuddet »
2022-08-25   Purchase of a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) (Københavns Universitet)
The University of Copenhagen wishes to purchase a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) for the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences. Se udbuddet »
2022-08-01   Forbrugsartikler til mikroskopi (Syddansk Universitet)
Forbrugsartikler til mikroskopi Se udbuddet »
2022-07-04   Scanning Electron Microscope (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU)
This tender concerns the acquisition of a scanning electron microscope (SEM) for a university facility that provides access to an extensive suite of nanofabrication and characterization tools as one of its core purposes. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Zeiss
2022-06-17   Dry cryostat with scanning inset suited for NV magnetometry (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU)
The requested system is a variable-temperature scanning system suitable for scanning nitrogen-vacancy magnetometry operating in a cryostat with a superconducting magnet. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Qnami AG
2022-03-18   Ultrafast Scanning Atomic Force Microscope (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU)
DTU Physics has a group investigating the interaction of materials with solutions and gases, in the presence and absence of organic compounds. The work aims to understand and control reactions such as dissolution of the materials and the nucleation of secondary phases on the solid surfaces. For this work, we need an atomic force microscope, that is flexible, to allow developments in hardware and software. We require ultrafast scanning, as well as the classical slow and fast scanning, because many of the … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Oxford Instruments GmbH
2022-03-09   Acquisition of Confocal Raman Microscope (Københavns Universitet)
Formålet med dette udbud er at invitere udbydere af Confocal Raman Mikroskop med specifikationer som beskrevet i bilag til at afgive tilbud, levere og installere omtalte udstyr. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Ab Kimmy Photonics Oy
2022-01-03   Acquisition of an Electron Microscope (Beskæftigelsesministeriet)
The National Research Center for the Working Environment (NRCWE) plans to acquire an analytical scanning electron microscope (SEM) for analysis of inorganic and organic materials, powders, aerosol and dust particles, and particles in biological matrices. For additional information, please refer to the procurement documents. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: FEI Europe B.V.
2021-01-18   Tender Specifications for a Purchase Agreement Concerning Supply and Installation of a Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope (Københavns Universitet)
The purpose of this tender is to purchase a Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope (CLSM) that will be used for research purposes of fixed natural tissues and live natural specimen, including a variety of animal, algae, and plant samples. Se udbuddet »
2020-11-02   Basis apparatur til laboratoriebrug (Syddansk Universitet)
Rammeaftale for levering af basis apparatur til laboratoriebrug til en værdi < 100 000 DKK til universiteterne DTU, AU og SDU. Aftalen er opdelt i 5 delaftaler. Se udbuddet »
2020-10-14   Multimode Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM) (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet — DTU)
DTU wishes to acquire a multimode scanning probe microscope (SPM) with several modes of characterisation. The microscope is intended for research and educational purposes at DTU Energy, Department of Energy Conversion and Storage. Contract for this procurement must be completed within 2020. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Blue Scientific Ltd
2020-04-01   The Purpose of this Tender is to Purchase a Custom-built Spinning-disc Confocal Microscope (Københavns Universitet)
The University of Copenhagen’s Center for Advanced Bioimaging (CAB) facility will establish new capacity to deliver spinning-disc confocal microscopy to users and partners. The purpose of this tender is to purchase a custom-built spinning-disc confocal microscope. On this basis, the purpose of the contract is to help the Contracting Entity achieve installation of a functional custom-built spinning disc confocal microscope in the assigned location. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Intelligent Imaging Innovations GmbH
2018-08-03   Ultra-high-vacuum chamber (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet — DTU)
The procurement consists of the purchase, delivery and installation of a fully functioning variable-temperature scanning probe microscope (SPM) with at least one (1) year warranty. This includes scanning probe head (with capabilities of performing both scanning tunneling microscopy, STM, and non-contact atomic force microscopy, AFM), scanning stage, mechanical support and integration, ul-trahigh vacuum (UHV) chamber for sample preparation, STM/AFM control unit, cables, control com-puter, all necessary … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Sigma Surface Science
2018-07-13   Fluorescence Confocal microscope for fast imaging of live cell cultures (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet / Technical University of Denmark)
A confocal fluorescence microscope equipped for fast 3D scanning of living cells. Fully motorized equipped with high NA objectives, 4 excitation laser channels, fast z-scanner possibly a piezo-scanner, a sCMOS camera with a high quantum yield and an environmental chamber for cell culture with CO2 and temperature control. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Ramcon A/S
2018-07-02   Ultra-high-vacuum chamber (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU)
The procurement consists of the purchase, delivery and installation of a fully functioning variable-temperature scanning probe microscope (SPM) with at least one (1) year warranty. This includes scanning probe head (with capabilities of performing both scanning tunneling microscopy, STM, and non-contact atomic force microscopy, AFM), scanning stage, mechanical support and integration, ul-trahigh vacuum (UHV) chamber for sample preparation, STM/AFM control unit, cables, control com-puter, all necessary … Se udbuddet »
2018-06-26   Integrated Inverted Spinning-disk Microscope (Aalborg Universitet)
Purchace of 1 automated, integrated inverted microscope system for transmitted light microscopy and spinning-disk confocal microscopy. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Olympus Danmark A/S
2018-02-05   Contract for the acquisition of equipment for examination of documents etc. and related services (Udlændinge- og Integrationsministeriet)
The purpose of the tender is to buy technical equipment — including for a state-of-the-art forensic laboratory at the new Danish National ID Centre and for the Danish National Police (placing the equipment at the Danish National Police as well as at the local police districts through-out the country) — that will allow trained staff to carry out authenticity assessments of all types of travel, identity and breeder documents. The tender involves a joint procurement procedure including 2 contracting … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Norad A/S
2018-01-08   Contract for the acquisition of equipment for examination of documents etc. and related ser-vices (Udlændinge- og Integrationsministeriet)
The purpose of the tender is to buy technical equipment — including for a state-of-the-art forensic laboratory at the new Danish National ID Centre and for the Danish National Police (placing the equipment at the Danish National Police as well as at the local police districts through-out the country) — that will allow trained staff to carry out authenticity assessments of all types of travel, identity and breeder documents. The tender involves a joint procurement procedure including 2 contracting … Se udbuddet »
2017-04-07   Purchase of a new Field Emission Gun Scanning Electron Microscope with automated mineralogy analysis software (Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS))
GEUS wishes to buy a variable pressure field emission gun Scanning Electron Microscope that is suitable for reservoir studies, mining, and general geosciences applications. The instrument must contain automated mineralogy analysis software suitable for loose particulate material embedded in epoxy, as well as for the analysis of minerals surrounded by neighbouring grains in polished sections, and must hold Secondary Electrons, Back Scattered-contrast Electrons, Energy Dispersive Spectrometry, Electron … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Carl Zeiss A/S
2016-10-31   Transmission Electron Microscope (Region Midtjylland, Indkøb & Medicoteknik)
The Department of Pathology, Aarhus University Hospital, has a requirement to re-place its existing Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) with a new TEM suitable for mainly medical diagnostics but also biomedical research. 38511000. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: JEOL (Germany) GmbH
2016-10-17   Purchase of a microscope for microelectrode array recording (Aarhus Universitet)
This purchase concerns a microscope for microelectrode array recording. The microscope is to be used in a university research laboratory at the Department of Biomedicine. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Scientifica Ltd
2016-05-30   Purchase of small apparatus and instruments and related consumables, including software, sales services and service... (Aarhus Universitet)
Purchase of small apparatus and instruments and related consumables, including software, sales services and service agreements for research and educational purposes. The contracting authorities for this tender procedure are Aarhus University, which comprises all the faculties,departments, researchers and other staff connected to Aarhus University. All natural and legal persons/entities affiliated with the Contracting Authority may therefore make purchases under the Framework Agreement. Delivery must be … Se udbuddet »
2016-05-30   Framework agreement purchase of advanced apparatus and instruments and related consumables, including software,... (Aarhus Universitet)
Framework agreement purchase of advanced apparatus and instruments and related consumables, including software, sales services and service agreements. Se udbuddet »
2016-05-20   Framework agreement purchase of advanced apparatus and instruments and related consumables, including software,... (Aarhus Universitet)
Framework agreement purchase of advanced apparatus and instruments and related consumables, including software, sales services and service agreements. Se udbuddet »
2016-04-29   Purchase of small apparatus and instruments and related consumables, including software, sales services and service... (Aarhus Universitet)
Purchase of small apparatus and instruments and related consumables, including software, sales services and service agreements for research and educational purposes. The contracting authorities for this tender procedure are Aarhus University, which comprises all the faculties,departments, researchers and other staff connected to Aarhus University. All natural and legal persons/entities affiliated with the Contracting Authority may therefore make purchases under the Framework Agreement. Delivery must be … Se udbuddet »
2015-12-18   Purchase of basic apparatus and instruments (Syddansk Universitet)
The University of Southern Denmark wants to consolidate all purchases of basic apparatus and instruments in 17 framework agreements. In the tender procedure, and the subsequent purchases on basis of mini-tender procedures, the University of Southern Denmark will have focus on entering into service agreements with the suppliers where relevant and thereby submitting these service agreements to competition along with the apparatus or instrument. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: A/S Electro-service A/S Ninolab AH Diagnostics Bio-Rad Laboratories AB Buch & Holm Fisher Scientific, Biotech Line Holm & Halby A/S In Vitro as Kem-En-Tec Nordic A/S LH Laboratorie Service A/S Mettler Toledo A/S Miele A/S Mikrolab Aarhus A/S Olympus Danmark A/S Ramcon A/S Saveen Werner VWR — Bie & Berntsen
2015-08-21   Indkøb af kombineret flowcytometer og flourescensmikroskop (imaging flowcytometer) (Aarhus Universitet)
Indkøb af kombineret flowcytometer og fluorescensmikroskop (imaging flowcytometer) til FACS (Fluorescens Aktiveret Celle Sortering) Core Faciliteten, Aarhus Universitet. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Merck Life Science A/S
2015-06-02   Acquisition of microscope for Department of Chemistry and Nano-Science (Københavns Universitet)
The instrument should perform standard TIRF- and wide field fluorescence microscopy with single molecule resolution. Perform simultaneous multicolour and FRET imaging under wide field and TIRF illumination. The emission light from donor and acceptor shall be split and imaged simultaneous on either 2 different EM-CCD cameras or on a single camera using dual camera adaptor. Software for analysis of data should be included. The instrument should perform photoswitching of photoactivatable chromophores with … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Olympus Danmark A/S
2014-10-31   Purchase of a multiphoton microscope instrument package (Aarhus Universitet)
With the multiphoton microscope with galvo scanning system (Item A), we will perform calcium imaging of retinal neurons and also perform two photon targeted patch-clamp recordings of fluorescently-labelled retinal neurons. In order to perform such experiments, the multiphoton microscope must allow simultaneous two-photon imaging and infrared (around 750 nm) camera imaging. We will use DLP overhead projector for both a light source for infrared imaging and visual stimulation. This could be achieved by … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Scientifica Ltd
2014-06-27   Acquisition of a multiphoton microscope (University of Copenhagen)
Department for Neuroscience and Pharmacology at University of Copenhagen is planning to acquire a multiphoton microscope and therefore wishes to receive offers through this tender procedure for subsequent contracting. The Department is part of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences where the research ranges from molecular pharmacology and cellular studies of nerve tissue for the study of the nervous system, higher functions and diseases. Se udbuddet »
2014-05-29   Purchase of Electron Microscope instrument package (Aarhus Universitet Indkøb)
Electron Microscope instrument package. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: JEOL GmbH
2014-04-11   Purchase of an Electron Microscope System (The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation)
Purchase of a scanning electron microscope system for materials science and life science. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Spectral Solutions AB
2013-10-22   Purchase of Electron Microscope instrument package (Aarhus Universitet, Indkøb)
Aarhus University (the Contracting Authority) is purchasing a Electron Microscope instrument package. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: FEI Europe B.V Branch Office Denmark
2013-10-22   13/07241 - Mikroscope for DTU Physics (Technical University of Denmark)
Microscopes for DTU Physics. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: DFA Instruments
2013-09-17   Purchase of Electron Microscope instrument package (Aarhus Universitet Indkøb)
Aarhus University (the Contracting Authority) is purchasing a Electron Microscope instrument package. Se udbuddet »
2013-04-16   Levering, montering og idriftssættelse af 3 stk. operationsmikroskoper til Glostrup Hospital, øjenafdeling (Region Hovedstaden)
Til øjenafdelingen på Glostrup Hospital udbydes levering, opstilling, installation og idriftssættelse af 3 styk komplette operationsmikroskoper. Yderligere information til opgaven fremgår af udbudsmaterialet. Udbuddet omfatter også option på tilsvarende 2 styk udstyr. Optioner kan udnyttes i 2 år fra kontraktindgåelse af alle ordregivers hospitaler. Optioner på tilsvarende udstyr indgår i evalueringen med 50 % vægt. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: MMC Optical A/S
2012-07-03   Purchase of a complete system with a scanning tunnelling microscope for operation under ultrahigh vacuum and low temperature (Aalborg University)
Purchase of a complete system with a Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) operated under ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) conditions at low temperatures. A cryostat (cooled with liquid helium) must ensure cooling of the STM to stable temperatures T8 K, allowing high-resolution imaging and spectroscopy of primarily crystalline surfaces as well as atomic and molecular adsorbents. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Createc Fischer & Co GmbH
2012-06-01   Total Internal Reflection Microscope (Københavns Universitet)
Instrumentet skal udføre standard TIRF-og wide field fluorescence microscopy med en opløsning ned til enkelt molekyle opløsning. Instrumentet skal generere simultant flerfarvet og FRET billeder under wide field og TIRF belysning. Emissionslys fra donor til acceptor skal være opdelt og projekteres samtidig på enten to forskellige EM-CCD-kameraer eller på et enkelt kamera med dobbeltkamera adapter. Software til analyse af data skal medfølge. Instrumentet skal kunne udføre photoswitching af fotoaktiverbare … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Olympus Danmark A/S
2012-03-27   Purchase of apparatus and instruments etc (Aarhus University)
The Contracting Authority wants to consolidate all purchases of apparatus and instruments as well as laboratory furniture and related consumables, including software, after-sales services and service agreements in a number of framework agreements. These agreements will substitute the agreements that the Contracting Authority currently holds with a number of suppliers based on two tenders, with a total of 25 lots, conducted and awarded in 2010. Furthermore the Contracting Authority will in this tender … Se udbuddet »
2011-06-07   Purchase of a Super-resolution Light Microscope (University of Copenhagen)
The Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation has granted the funding for the establishment of Centre for Advanced Bioimaging Denmark (CAB) at the Uni-versity of Copenhagen. The purpose of CAB is to install a number of complementary microscopes for biological and live-cell imaging. This tender procedure concerns the purchase of one of these microscopes; a Super-resolution Light Microscope. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Brock & Michelsen
2011-03-30   Framework agreements on purchases of microscopes (Aarhus University)
The Contracting Authority held an EU-tender process in early 2010 with the intention of consolidating all purchases of advanced instruments and equipment solutions in a number of framework agreements. The framework agreements concluded on the basis of that tender lay down the overall conditions for the specific contracts subsequently entered into on the basis of the framework agreements. Additional conditions may be laid down in connection with conducting mini-invitations to tender as described in the … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Becton Dickinson A/S Brock & Michelsen A/S DFA Instruments A/S Fisher Scientific A/S Leica Microsystems A/S Olympus Danmark A/S VWR – Bie & Berntsen A/S