Indkøb: Lokomotiver og motorvogne samt rullende materiel og tilhørende dele
>20 arkiverede indkøb
Lokomotiver og motorvogne samt rullende materiel og tilhørende dele er blevet indkøbt af organisationer som f.eks Banedanmark, DSB og DSB Vedligehold A/S.
De seneste indkøb af lokomotiver og motorvogne samt rullende materiel og tilhørende dele i Danmark
2023-09-08Sterilvogne til Nyt Aalborg Universitetshospital (NAU) (Byggeri og Ejendomme, Nyt Aalborg Universitetshospital)
Nyt Aalborg Universitetshospital (NAU) udbyder én kontrakt vedrører sterilvogne.
Byggeri og ejendomme, Nyt Aalborg Universitetshospital er Ordregiver.
Kontrakten udbydes efter udbudslovens §§ 61-66.
Det udbudte indkøb er detaljeret i udbudsmaterialet.
Ordregiver forbeholder sig retten til at tildele kontrakten på baggrund af det første indledende tilbud uden gennemførelse af forhandlinger. På samme måde forbeholder Ordregiver sig retten til at afholde en yderligere forhandlingsrunde end den ene forventede runde.
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2023-09-01Udbuddet vedrører madtransportvogne til Nyt Aalborg Universitetshospital (NAU) (Byggeri og Ejendomme, Nyt Aalborg Universitetshospital)
Nyt Aalborg Universitetshospital (NAU) udbyder én kontrakt vedrører madtransportvogne.
Byggeri og ejendomme, Nyt Aalborg Universitetshospital er Ordregiver.
Kontrakten udbydes efter udbudslovens §§ 61-66.
Det udbudte indkøb er detaljeret i udbudsmaterialet.
Ordregiver forbeholder sig retten til at tildele kontrakten på baggrund af det første indledende tilbud uden gennemførelse af forhandlinger. På samme måde forbeholder Ordregiver sig retten til at afholde en yderligere forhandlingsrunde end den ene …
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2023-07-10Supply and Maintenance of automated S-trains - (New automated S-trains) (DSB)
DSB seeks to acquire automated s-trains and a variety of interconnected deliverables. The purpose of the acquisition is to enable DSB to carry out its passenger transport operations. Furthermore, DSB intends to acquire maintenance including a maintenance solution, maintenance operations by use of DSB’s maintenance personnel, technical support and delivery of spare parts for the automated s-trains and other supplier services.
Thus, the procurement consists of an agreement for acquisition of automated …
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2023-07-10Genudbud af Ladeinfrastruktur på strækningen Skjern-Holstebro (Banedanmark)
Kontrakten er en totalentreprisekontrakt og omfatter totalentrepriser for etablering af ladeforsyningsstationer som skal indgå som hovedbestanddel af de kommende ladeinfrastrukturer til batteritog. Ladeforsyningsstationerne skal omforme 3-faset 10 kV vekselstrøm til 1-faset 27,5 kV vekselstrøm, med en samlet systemeffekt på 2,5 MVA.
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2023-06-14Ladeinfrastruktur på strækningen Skjern-Holstebro (Banedanmark)
Kontrakten er en totalentreprisekontrakt og omfatter totalentrepriser for etablering af ladeforsyningsstationer som skal indgå som hovedbestanddel af de kommende ladeinfrastrukturer til batteritog. Ladeforsyningsstationerne skal omforme 3-faset 10 kV vekselstrøm til 1-faset 27,5 kV vekselstrøm, med en samlet systemeffekt på 2,5 MVA.
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2023-06-12Nyt Aalborg Universitetshospital - E979 EU-udbud af vaskeanlæg for transportvogne (Projektafdelingen, Nyt Aalborg Universitetshospital Hospitalsbyen)
Udbuddet vedrører E979 vaskeanlæg til transportvogne til Nyt Aalborg Universitetshospital. Projektafdelingen Nyt Aalborg Universitetshospital er Bygherre for opførelse af Nyt Aalborg Universitetshospital (herefter betegnet Bygherre).
Udbuddet omfatter et anlæg til at vaske 289 transportvogne i døgnet, med en peak-kapacitet på 32 vogne i timen, fordelt på 2 vaskelinjer.
Udbuddet omfatter yderligere produktion, levering, installering og idriftsætning af et fuldautomatisk vaskeanlæg til transportvogne. …
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2023-05-12Supply and Maintenance of automated S-trains - (New automated S-trains) (DSB)
DSB seeks to acquire automated s-trains and a variety of interconnected deliverables. The purpose of the acquisition is to enable DSB to carry out its passenger transport operations. Furthermore, DSB intends to acquire maintenance including a maintenance solution, maintenance operations by use of DSB’s maintenance personnel, technical support and delivery of spare parts for the automated s-trains and other supplier services.
Thus, the procurement consists of an agreement for acquisition of automated …
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2023-03-29Nyt Aalborg Universitetshospital - Sterilvogne (Projektafdelingen, Nyt Aalborg Universitetshospital)
Udbuddet vedrører sterilvogne. Projektafdelingen Nyt Aalborg Universitetshospital, er Bygherre for opførelse af Nyt Aalborg Universitetshospital. (Herefter betegnet Bygherre).
Udbuddet omfatter indkøb af transportvogne til transport af sterilt udstyr mellem sterilcentral og operationsgang på Nyt Aalborg Universitetshospital. Sterilvognene vil skulle transporteres med AGV’er, kunne håndteres i hospitalets automatiske vognbufferlagre samt vaskes i hospitalets automatiserede vognvasker.
I sterilvognene vil …
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2023-03-13Tender for the Tunnel Track and Catenary contract for the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link (Femern Bælt A/S)
The Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link Project is the final stage in the realization of a straight traffic corridor between Scandinavia and continental Europe. It will be an immersed tunnel containing two dual carriageways and a twin-track railway traversing the 19 km distance across the Fehmarnbelt between Rødbyhavn on the island of Lolland in Denmark and Puttgarden on the island of Fehmarn in northern Germany. The Tunnel Track and Catenary (‘TTC’) contract covers design, build (installation), testing and …
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2022-04-11Supply of Train Driver Seat and (optional) Supply Overhaul and (optional) Maintenance Services and Spare Parts to... (DSB Vedligehold A/S)
DSB is tendering train driver seats and supply of overhaul and maintenance service and spare parts for DSB’s train fleet. Two litra (train type) S-Tog and ER have been specified for new train driver seats and other two litra IC3 and IC4 are specified for overhaul services. Overhaul services, maintenance services and supply of spare parts are all optional within this tender and can upon acceptance and agreement be added to an Agreement.
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2022-04-08Trækkraft (Banedanmark)
Banedanmark udbyder en Rammeaftale om levering af trækkraft med og uden ERTMS onboard udstyr for perioden d. 01/01 2023 - 01/07 2030.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Contec Rail ApS
2022-02-16Purchase for LINT 41 2,4Mm bogie overhaul (Lokaltog A/S)
Lokaltog A/S is hereby conducting an EU public procurement for the purchase of components and services for the upcoming LINT41 2,4Mm bogie overhaul that will take place in the period January 2023 to December 2026. The bogie overhaul is for 31 LINT41 train sets. Each trainset has 3 bogies, 2 motor bogies and 1 trailer bogie. Lokaltog is seeking deliveries for components and components service and the contract is divided into 4 lots. It is possible to deliver one, more or all four lots.
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2022-01-07Tender for Rolling Stock Lokaltog A/S (Lokaltog A/S)
Lokaltog A/S (“Lokaltog”) is hereby conducting an EU public procurement procedure for a contract regarding acquisition of train sets. The train sets shall replace several train sets from the 90’s in Region Zealand.
As a result of dialogue with stakeholders and market consultations, Lokaltog has decided to obtain tenders regarding zero emission technology, specifically trains powered by battery.
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2021-07-12Ny Kong Frederik IX's bro (Banedanmark)
I forbindelse med Banedanmarks Ringsted-Femern program igangsættes hermed projektet E3006 Ny Kong Frederik den IX’s bro, der bl.a. omfatter etablering af en ny et-sporet banebro syd for den eksisterende Kong Frederik IX's bro. Kontrakten omfatter i hovedtræk projektering og udførelse af dobbeltspor ved krydsningen af Guldborgsund i Nykøbing Falster med tilhørende tilslutninger på Falster og Lolland. Det ekstra spor placeres på sydsiden af det eksisterende spor.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:MT Højgaard Danmark A/S
2021-06-15Levering af trækkraft (Banedanmark)
Banedanmark udbyder en rammeaftale om levering af trækkraft med og uden ERTMS onboard udstyr for kalenderårene 2022-2028.
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2021-04-09Tender for Supply of Seven BEMU Train Sets, Including a Service Contract (MJ Batteritog A/S)
With this call for tenders, the contracting entity asks for tenders for supply of seven BEMU train sets and a subsequent service contract for the Vemb-Thyborøn line owned by MJ Batteritog A/S and the Holstebro-Skjern line owned by Banedanmark. This call for tenders comprises a negative option for four fewer BEMU train sets.
The requirements to be met by the tenderer’s products and services in general are specified in the tender documents.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Siemens Mobility A/S
2021-03-31Udvendig foliering af DSB's S-tog (DSB Vedligehold)
Demontering af eksisterende folie på ca. 100 S-tog på DSB's værksted i Taastrup. Udvendig foliering af i alt 135 S-tog på DSB's værksted i Ishøj. Leverandøren skal levere folie.
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2020-07-22Rubber Fronts for DSB Trainsets (DSB Vedligehold A/S)
DSB Maintenance has the need new Rubber Fronts for litra MF (IC3) and ER (IR4). The existing Rubber Fronts are continually replaced either due to wear or due to accidents. The two types of litra share the same model of Rubber Front.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Dellner Couplers AB
2020-07-15Fjernstyring af neutralsektioner i Borup og Sorø (Banedanmark)
Kontrakten omfatter etablering af 2 nye fjernstyringsstationer til nye neutralsektioner ved lokaliteter omkring Borup og Sorø. Herunder teknikhytte, inkl. styring og egenforsyning samt fremføring af styrekabler og forsyningskabler. Opgavens nærmere omfang er beskrevet i SAB (EP_1_6_CCS_005_SAB). Entreprenøren skal udføre detailprojektering, udførelse, test og dokumentation af de 2 understationer. Projektet har grænseflade til en sideløbende entreprise, som udfører køreledningsarbejdet på de 2 …
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2020-04-30Vaskerimaskiner til nyt vaskeri (Region Midtjylland)
Udbuddet vedrører ordregivers indkøb af vaskerimaskiner/-udstyr til midtVasks nye vaskeri, som bygges i Skejby i tilknytning til Aarhus Universitetshospital og evt. flytning og geninstallation af nogle af midtVasks eksisterende vaskerimaskiner.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:JENSEN Danmark A/S
2020-04-24Multi-disciplinary Consultancy Services for Copenhagen Future Rail Network (DSB)
With this tender DSB seek one consultant to deliver multi-disciplinary consultancy services to assist DSB with replacing the current semiautomatic S-train system with a fully automated S-train system. This includes tender for new S-trains as well as upgrading the current infrastructure, safety system, passenger information systems, etc. to a full scale GoA4 operation. As part of the automation programme also a restructuring of the organisation around the Copenhagen S-bane will take place. The existing …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:COWI A/SParsons Group International LtdSYSTRA AB
2019-11-26Procurement of Solid Wheels (DSB)
The purpose of this tender is to establish a framework agreement on which DSB can purchase solid wheels for the total fleet of initial 530 train sets. The total fleet will in the contract period be reduced due to a planned phase out of older train sets. The applicant must be able to deliver either original components or equivalent components. The estimated total volume of solid wheels is approx 3 400 ea the first year of the contract.
The purchase on the framework agreement is based on a 12-month …
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2019-06-12Tender of Framework Agreement for Route Control Systems (DSB)
DSB (the Danish State Railways) are tendering for the design and construction works of a number of route control systems in Framework Agreement with one turnkey contractor. The systems are to be used in unsignalled areas, mainly in areas for depot stabling, but also in connection with workshop facilities. The Framework Agreement has a duration of 8 years and covers delivery of route control systems for various locations in Denmark.
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2019-05-24DSB Purchase of Complete DD Air Spring Systems (DSB Vedligehold A/S)
DSB has chosen to purchase complete air spring systems for the DD fleet consisting of 184 bogies. In total, DSB needs to procure 368 Complete air spring systems; 196 complete air spring systems for DD1-2 bogies and 172 complete air spring systems for DD3 bogies. Originally DD1-DD2 have Phoenix SEK 680-10 secondary spring systems installed and DD3 has Phoenix SEK 680- 11 installed. DSB is tendering for one supplier that can deliver original ‘or equivalent’ air spring systems.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Astra Trading GmbH
2019-05-16DSB Vedligehold A/S (DSB Vedligehold A/S)
DSB has chosen to purchase complete air spring systems for the DD fleet consisting of 184 Bogies. In total, DSB needs to procure 368 Complete air spring systems; 196 pcs. for DD1-2 Bogies and 172 pcs. for DD3 bogies. Originally DD1-DD2 have Phoenix SEK 680-10 secondary spring systems installed and DD3 has Phoenix SEK 680-11 installed. DSB is tendering for one supplier that can deliver original “or equivalent” Air Spring Systems.
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2019-05-13Tender of Refurbishment Work on DSB's Double Dekkers (DSB)
DSBs train fleet today consists of several “Litra” types, which each has a different look and feel. As the trains will be in service for several years DSB wish to unify the look and feel to a more modern look concerning both interior and exterior.
The upgrade of the interior will take place simultaneously in an organised flow and will run over 18 months approximately. The refurbishment work will be performed by DSB while internal as external collaborators will perform other tasks.
The upgrade is limited …
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2019-01-07Udbud af transportvogne (Region Midtjylland)
Udbuddet vedrører Ordregivers indkøb af transportvogne. Transportvognene skal, i forbindelse med Region Midtjyllands fælles regionslager, transportere varer fra det fælles regionslager ud til de enkelte hospitaler i regionen.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Handy Transportvogne A/S
2018-12-20Udbud vedr. levering af maskine til forsortering (Vestforbrænding)
Ved nærværende udbud ønsker Ordregiver at indhente tilbud på forskellige forsorteringsmaskiner til brug når Ordregiver skal bygge et nyt robotsorteringsanlæg for sortering af storskrald. Robotsorteringsanlægget skal bygges på Vestforbrændings areal i Frederikssund.
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2018-12-06A Negotiated Tender for Purchase of Transets to Midtjyske Jernbaner A/S (Midtjyske Jernbaner A/S)
As of December 2020, Midtjyske Jernbaner A/S will take over the responsibility for regional rail traffic on the state-owned rail line between Holstebro and Skjern.
Midtjyske Jernbaner A/S is one of the few privately owned railroad operators left in Denmark today. Midtjyske Jernbaner A/S was formed in 2008 as the result of a merger between Lemvigbanen and the former Odderbanen. Today, Odderbanen has again been segregated and is now part of Aarhus Letbane, and as a result of this, Midtjyske Jernbaner A/S …
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2018-08-31Acquisition of passenger coaches for international operation (DSB)
This tender concerns DSB’s acquisition of new passenger coaches and a variety of interconnected deliverables by means of a Framework Agreement (Purchase Agreement (“PA”)) as well as a Framework Agreement which will regulate the spare parts supply for the maintenance (Spare Parts Agreement (“SPA”)). The purpose of the acquisition is to enable DSB to carry out its passenger transport operation.
DSB intends to acquire new passenger coaches in support of DSB's existing fleet that will be operated using …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Patentes Talgo S.L
2018-07-13NAMA 2018 Purchase of IC3 bogie components (DSB Vedligehold A/S)
The Danish Authority for Transport, Building and Housing (TBST) has granted DSB the opportunity to implement the bogie lifetime extension among other technical areas on the IC3 trains. DSB has identified a list of bogie components necessary for that purpose. DSB has 96 IC3 trainsets in total. The IC3 train is a Bombardier Transportation train.
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2018-06-22New Trains — Supply and Maintenance of Electric Trainsets (DSB)
DSB seeks to acquire electric trainsets and a variety of interconnected deliverables. The purpose of the acquisition is to enable DSB to carry out its passenger transport operations. Furthermore, DSB intends to acquire full service maintenance including management and performance of maintenance and all related technical support services and delivery of spare parts for the electric trainsets and other supplier services.
Thus, the procurement consists of a framework agreement for acquisition of electric …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Alstom Transport Danmark A/S
2018-06-15Railway Diagnosis and Monitoring Tool (DiamonT) (Banedanmark)
This public tender concerns a tool on one unique platform, which collects, analyses and stores information from different sources (Signaling and Communication) and presents it in a comprehensive way for the users.
The source of information is either interfaces between subsystems or data imported from maintenance system, datawarehouses, etc.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Comtest Wireless International SRL
2018-01-31Tender for Purchase of a New Refurbishment of up to 96 IC3 Train Sets (DSB)
The contract tendered for is a Project Agreement concerning the refurbishment with a duration period of 30 months and covers repairs/maintenance for the rest of the trains' lifetime. The tasks that DSB wish to tender for are:
— Demounting and mounting of all couches/seats,
— Re-upholstery and renovation of the couches/seats,
— New neckpieces,
— Upholstery of sound absorbing element in hat shelf including supply of the sound absorbing element,
— Upholstery of wall coverings including wall plates,
— …
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2017-09-27Tender for DSB's purchase of new toilet system for 44 ER trainsets (DSB)
In order to provide its customers better comfort and more attractive journeys, DSB has undertaken a project to purchase new and reliable vacuum toilet systems for its ER-trainsets. For further technical requirements for the toilet system, please see Tender document 1: Requirement Specifications. The contract being procured is a Project Agreement with a duration of 24 months and contains the purchase of 94 Vacuum toilets. Furthermore contracting parties will enter into a framework agreement re: delivery …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Glova rail A/S
2017-09-14Odense Letbane — Operation and Maintenance (O&M) (Odense Letbane P/S)
The Contractor shall be responsible for the Operation and the Maintenance of Odense Letbane. This includes the management of drivers and OCC staff as well as the Facility Management of the Transportation System and the Facility Management (cleaning and preparation activities) of the Rolling Stock. The proposed Odense Letbane line 1 is 14.34 km long, running from Tarup in the north of the city to Hjallelse in the south. Odense Letbane P/S will have 26 Stations. Initially the fleet of rolling stocks will …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Keolis Danmark A/S
2016-09-15Acquisition of electric locomotives and maintenance services (DSB)
DSB intends to acquire new electric locomotives of at least 5.6 MW to gradually replace DSB's existing fleet of ME diesel locomotives. The acquisition consists of an initial purchase of 26 locomotives with an option to purchase 6 additional locomotives in the same configuration. In addition, there is an option to purchase a further 12 locomotives which shall include all equipment required to be able to operate in Denmark and Germany, including automatic changeover. Further technical options are described …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Siemens A/SSiemens Aktiengesellschaft
2016-06-28Purchase of Monorail for use in the Great Belt bridge (A/S Storebælt)
A/S Storebælt has 3 deck shuttles located in the East Bridge of the Great Belt Link. These 3 deck shuttles are at the end of their expected life time, and hence must be substituted with 3 new deck shuttles. The deck shuttles run on a monorail situated on top of the deck shuttles. The deck shuttles must be able to carry 2 persons and their hand tools and be able to hook on a trailer for material transport.
The bridge is divided into 3 sections, and a deck shuttle is located in each section. The 3 sections …
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2016-04-04Purchase of Monorail for use in the Great Belt bridge (A/S Storebælt)
A/S Storebælt has 3 deck shuttles located in the East Bridge of the Great Belt Link. These 3 deck shuttles are at the end of their expected life time, and hence 3 deck shuttles must be substituted with 3 new. The deck shuttles run on a monorail situated on top of the deck shuttles. The deck shuttles must be able to carry 2 persons and their hand tools and be able to hook on a trailer for material transport.
The bridge is divided into 3 sections, and a deck shuttle is located in each section. The three …
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2016-02-12Udbud af rammeaftale om skinnefræsning (Banedanmark)
Arbejdet omfatter vedligeholdelse af Banedanmarks spor i form af:
1) Fræsning af strækninger med et bemandet selvkørende fræsetog
2) Flytning af fræsetog og evt. mandskabsvogne mellem standpladser
Nærværende udbud omfatter fræsning af skinner på alle Banedanmarks spor samt skinner på Storebæltsforbindelsen.
Kort over Banedanmarks jernbanenettet findes på Banedanmarks internetside > Om jernbane > Kort over jernbanenettet > Jernbaner i Danmark.
Kortet over jernbaner i Danmark inkluderer alle …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Alpha Rail Team
2016-02-12Udbud af rammeaftale om skinneslibning (Banedanmark)
Arbejdet omfatter vedligeholdelse af Banedanmarks spor i form af:
1) Slibning af strækninger med et bemandet selvkørende slibetog
2) Flytning af slibetog og evt. mandskabsvogne mellem standpladser.
Nærværende udbud omfatter slibning af skinner på alle Banedanmarks spor samt skinner på Storebæltsforbindelsen.
kort over Banedanmarks jernbanenettet findes på Banedanmarks internetside > Om jernbane > Kort over jernbanenettet > Jernbaner i Danmark.
Kortet over jernbaner i Danmark inkluderer alle …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Speno International