2017-04-08   Tender of services for revision of digital maps in Denmark 2017 (Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Effektivisering, GEO)
The purpose of the tendered service is to revise digital photogrammetric captured map data according to the specification FOT5 in 4 regions of Denmark in 2017. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: DSM Geodata Limited
2017-03-24   Udbud af rammeaftale om landinspektørydelser (Femern A/S)
Rammeaftale om landinspektørydelser til levering af landinspektørrådgivning i forbindelse med etableringen af den faste forbindelse over Femern Bælt. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Landinspektørfirmaet LE34 A/S
2017-03-07   Tender of services for revision and upgrading af digital maps in Region Sjælland 2017 (Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Effektivisering, GEO)
The purpose of the tendered service is to revise digital photogrammetric captured map data according to the specification FOT5 in Region Sjælland in 2017. Approx. 7280 sqkm. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: COWI A/S
2017-03-03   Summer ortho photo 2017 — v. B (Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency)
Summer Ortho photo (after foliation) covering the entire area of Denmark approximate 48 500 km in tiff-jpeg, raw tiff, jpeg and ECW formats with copyright to the ortho photo and photos. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: TopGis s.r.o. Vermessung AVT
2016-12-08   Kriegers Flak Combined Grid Solution Burial and Protection of 150 kV Submarine Cables (Energinet.dk)
Kriegers Flak CGS (Combined Grid Solution) is a joint project between Energinet.dk and 50Hertz Transmission to interconnect the Danish and German grid via the two offshore wind farms at Krieger's Flak (DK) and Baltic 2 (DE). The Contracting Entity wants to procure Burial and Protection of approximately 2 x 24 km of submarine cable route, which is to be divided into trenching and jetting work for the Krieger's Flak CGS connection. The works includes inter alia: 1. Boulder Removal 2. … Se udbuddet »
2016-11-17   Digital spring aerial photography 2017 (Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency)
Digital aerial photography with a ground sample distance of 15 cm and optional 10cm GSD and absolute orientation of the imagery so the result can be used for stereo mapping and ortho photos. The sub agreements/lots are made to make sure any local good weather can be used to data acquisition. The Photo period is from 10th March to 1st May. This year only 2 lots is tendered. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: GeoReal Primis spol. s r.o.
2016-11-09   Digital Oblique photography 2017-18 (Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency)
Country wide oblique aerial photography of approximately 43 000 km² captured 10 cm resolution. Period of image acquisition assessed to span from 15.2.2017 to 31.10.2017 with sun angle above 15 degrees. The job will be split into five lots (sub-agreements) of approximate same size. Each Lot is spit into 10 or 11 photo acquisition blocks. The acquisition has to be done with a digital frame based Maltese Cross system. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Aerodata International Surveys COWI A/S Vermessung AVT-ZT-GmbH
2016-08-31   Geokodning af BBR-bygninger (SKAT)
Ordregiver udbyder en offentlig kontrakt med 1 leverandør vedrørende »Geokodning af BBR-bygninger«. Ordregiver skal som en del af forberedelsen til den kommende ejendomsvurdering foranledige, at der gennemføres en landsdækkende forbedring af geokodningen for samtlige BBR-bygninger i Danmark. Geokodningen skal benyttes i forbindelse med inddragelse af geografiske variable i værdifastsættelsen af ejendomme. Formålet med at gennemføre den landsdækkende forbedring af geokodningen er at sikre et korrekt og … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Niras A/S
2016-07-29   Copernicus local land monitoring services: production of very high resolution land cover/land use datasets —... (European Environment Agency)
The purpose of this call for tenders is to establish framework contract(s) with (an) economic operator(s) who will provide the very high resolution (VHR) land cover/land use datasets including change layers and other ancillary datasets in the following areas and divided into the following lots: lot 1: urban atlas; lot 2: riparian zones; lot 3: Natura 2000. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: e-GEOS EFTAS Fernerkundung Technologietransfer GmbH GAF AG GeoVille Informationssysteme und... IGN France International S.A. Indra Sistemas S.A. Sc GISBOX srl Systèmes d'Information à référence...
2016-05-26   Corrections of Nautical Charts (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
This Contract Notice concerns the award of a contract regarding corrections of nautical paper charts for Denmark, the Faroe Islands and Greenland for the vessels of the Danish Defence. Nautical charts are normally printed and published on an annual to bi-annual frequency by Geodatastyrelsen (GST; The National Mapping and Charting Authority of Denmark). Corrections to these charts are continuously necessary, to secure safe navigation for the Royal Danish Navy. The Supplier shall deliver, upon request from … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Iver C. Weilbach & Co A/S
2016-05-12   Services for revision of digital maps in Denmark 2016 (Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Effektivisering, GEO)
The purpose of the tendered service is to revise digital photogrammetric captured map data at designated places according to the specification FOT4 or FOT5 in the major parts of Denmark 2016. Approx. 35 000 sq. km. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: COWI A/S
2016-05-03   Digital Spring Ortho Photo 2016 (Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency)
During period from March 10 to May 15 4 channels digital spring imagery with GSD 15cm is acquired over Denmark — a total of 49 270 km. The images from these photo flights are basis for this tender — producing a seamless ortho photo in GSD 12,5 cm. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Primis, spol. s r. o
2016-04-29   Tender of services for revision of FOT5 in Region Nordjylland 2016 (Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Effektivisering, GEO)
The purpose of the tendered service is to revise digital photogrammetric captured map data according to the specification FOT5 in Region Nordjylland in 2016. Approx. 7 900 sqkm. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: COWI A/S
2016-03-16   Summer Orthophoto 2016 (SOP2016) (Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency)
License to Summer Orthophoto (after foliation) covering the entire area of Denmark approximate 48500 km2 in different raster formats. The pixel size of the ortho photo is 20 cm with 2 pixel RMSE. The acquisition period is from Mid-May to Mid-July. The service also includes data processing, image orientation and project management. Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency is also publishing a free spring ortho photo (before foliation), but SOP2016 is not free data and is licensed from the Producer. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: COWI A/S
2015-12-21   Corrections of Nautical Charts (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
This Contract Notice concerns the award of a contract regarding corrections of nautical paper charts for Denmark, the Faroe Islands and Greenland for the vessels of the Danish Defence. Nautical charts are normally printed and published on an annual to bi-annual frequency by Geodatastyrelsen (GST; The National Mapping and Charting Authority of Denmark). Corrections to these charts are continuously necessary, to secure safe navigation for the Royal Danish Navy. The Supplier shall deliver, upon request from … Se udbuddet »
2015-11-20   Digital Spring Aerial Photography 2016 (Danish Geodata Agency)
Digital aerial photography with a ground sample distance of 15 cm and absolute orientation of the imagery so the result can be used for stereo mapping and ortho photos. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: AVT Blom Geomatics FINNMAP TopGis Weser
2015-09-11   Open procedure purchase of a LIDAR acquisition North East Greenland (Aarhus Universitet)
The intention with this data purchase is to acquire an airborne laser-scanned classified point cloud covering the largest possible area of the specified and prioritised area of interest located in North East Greenland close to Station Nord. Se udbuddet »
2015-08-24   Services for revision of existing hydrological adjustments to a DTM (Digital Terrain Model) (Geodatastyrelsen, DAB)
The purpose of the tendered service is to revise existing hydrological adjustments lines created in 2013 on the basis of a DTM captured in 2007 with a grid size of 1.6 meters. The Contracting Authority has a new measured laser DTM with a grid size of 0,4 m. The existing adjustments must edited, deleted, or new captured to fit into the new DTM. The work process includes: 1. Receiving of the existing adjustments, the old DTM, the new measured DTM, colour ortho photos (2015) and other supporting … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Niras A/S
2015-03-24   Topographic mapping in Greenland (Danish Geodata Agency)
The overall purpose of the tender is to create topographic maps in Greenland covering a total of approximately 75 000 km² in 4 different pilot areas. The following deliverables are covered by the tender (basic service): 1. Satellite images in stereo. 2. Aerotriangulation output and orientation parameters. 3. Elevation data in a grid model. 4. Orthophoto mosaic. See tender material for further details. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: COWI A/S
2015-03-06   Summer orthophoto 2015 (SOP2015) (Danish Geodata Agency)
License to Summer Orthophoto (leaf on trees) covering the entire area of Denmark 48 431 km in Jpeg2000 and ECW formats. The spatial resolution is either 25 cm or 32 cm GSD. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: COWI A/S
2015-02-18   Spring Ortho photo 2015 (Danish Geodata Agency)
Ortho Photo production in 12,5 cm pixel size based on spring images on 15 cm ground sample distance (GSD). The contract is split into 2 sub-agreements — An East and a West. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: COWI A/S GetMapping Plc.
2015-02-06   Tender of services for revision and upgrading to FOT5 in parts of Region Syddanmark 2015 (Miljøministeriet, Geodatastyrelsen, DAB)
The purpose of the tendered service is to revise and update digital photogrammetric captured map data according to the specification FOT4 to specification FOT5 in parts of Region Syddanmark in 2015. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: DSM GeoData Ltd
2015-02-06   Tender of services for revision of FOT5 in parts of Region Syddanmark 2015 (Miljøministeriet, Geodatastyrelsen, DAB)
The purpose of the tendered service is to revise digital photogrammetric captured map data according to the specification FOT5 in parts of Region Syddanmark in 2015. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: COWI A/S
2015-02-06   Tender of services for revision of digital maps in Denmark 2015 (Miljøministeriet, Geodatastyrelsen, DAB)
The purpose of the tendered service is to revise digital photogrammetric captured maps at estimated 20-30 000 designated places. The maps are according to the FOT4 or FOT5 specification. The area is the major part of Denmark. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: COWI A/S
2014-11-14   Digital spring aerial photography 2015 (Danish Geodata Agency)
Digital aerial photography with a ground sample distance of 15 cm and absolute orientation of the imagery so the result is suitable for stereo-mapping and orthophotos. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Blom Geomatics AS COWI A/S Vermessung AVT ZT-GmbH Weser Airborne Sensing GmbH & Co. KG
2014-03-19   Sommerortofoto 2014 (Sop2014) (Danish Geodata Agency)
Arial Photography: Orthophoto production 16cm GSD, all Denmark, devided in 2 contracts. Se udbuddet »
2014-02-27   Tender of services for revision and upgrading to FOT5 in Region Hovedstaden 2014 (Miljøministeriet, Geodatastyrelsen, DAB)
The purpose of the tendered service is to revise and update digital photogrammetric captured map data according to the specification of FOT3 to specification FOT5 in the major part of Region Hovedstadenin in 2014. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: DSM GeoData Ltd.
2013-08-23   Tender of services for revision of digital maps of the City of Copenhagen (Miljøministeriet, Geodatastyrelsen, Databehandling)
The purpose of the tendered service is to create digital photogrammetric captured map data according to the specification FOT 5 in the municipality of Copenhagen in the year 2013. Approx. 90 km² urban area. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: COWI A/S
2013-03-14   Tender of services for revision of FOT in Cental Denmark Region 2013-2014 (Miljøministeriet, Geodatastyrelsen, DAB)
The purpose of the tendered service is to revise digital photogrammetric captured map data according to the specification of FOT in part of the Central Denmark Region in the years 2013 and 2014. In 2013 approx. 5 900 km². In 2014 approx. 6 000 km². Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Niras A/S
2013-02-22   Summer Orthophoto Production, Denmark 2013 (Geodatastyrelsen)
The purpose of the tendered service is to priduce seamless orthophoto for Denmark in the period 15 May - 15 July Se udbuddet »
2013-02-14   Indkøb af et hydrologisk tilpasningslag til en eksisterende DTM (Miljøministeriet, Geodatastyrelsen, DAB)
Ud fra udleverede data (DHM, DTM, FOT-kort mv.) skal etableres et hydrologisk tilpasningslag, der viser vandets afstrømningeveje på modellens overflade. Yderligere oplysninger om udbud, kontrakt og beskrivelsen af opgaven kan findes på den anførte website. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Niras A/S
2012-11-22   Digital aerial photography and orthophotoproduction, Denmark 2013 (Kort og Matrikelstyrelsen)
The purpose of the tendered service is to create the necessary snow and leaffree aerial photo and orthophoto basis in digital form for updating the common dataset FOT in GeoMidt and HRKS. Each sub-agreement consist of the following production type: — Digital aerial photography and orthophoto production in 10 cm resolution, covering municipalities (10komm). Areas and number of polygons of the contracts are: Tender#1: Geomidt-year 2013: Area=6481km2. GSD 10cm: Number of 10cm, 1km tiles= 7788 … Se udbuddet »
2012-09-04   Operational supplies of satellite synthetic aperture radar data and services (Danish Meteorological Institute)
The Danish Meteorological Institute, DMI, provides meteorological and related services for the community within the large geographical area of the Kingdom of Denmark, including surrounding waters and airspace. The production of near real time ice charts of the Greenland waters is part of DMI’s operational year round obligations, as a 24/7 activity. Data products and services for the South Greenland Waters in particular have very high priority for DMI as well as the marine community. Accurate and timely … Se udbuddet »
2012-05-11   Screening af markblokke (Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri, NaturErhvervsstyrelsen)
NaturErhvervstyrelsen, som er en styrelse under Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri, ønsker en forbedret kvalitet af det kortværk (kaldet markblokke), som anvendes i forbindelse med administration af EU's arealbaserede støtteordninger. NaturErhvervstyrelsen er ansvarlig for administration af de arealbaserede støtteordninger til landmændene. Derfor har Styrelsen i midten af 90’erne oprettet et korttema (markbloktemaet), som løbende skal opdateres og vedligeholdes ud fra de nyeste oplysninger, … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Vermessung AVT-ZT-GmbH
2012-02-15   Summer Orthophoto Production 2012 (SOP2012) (National Survey and Cadastre, Denmark)
Arial Photography: Orthophoto production 16 cm GSD, all Denmark, devided in 2 contracts. Se udbuddet »
2012-01-27   Tender of services for creation of digital maps in the municipality of Viborg (Miljøministeriet, Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen, Landkortområdet)
The purpose of the tendered service is to create digital photogrammetric captured map data according to the specification of FOT 4.1 in the municipality of Viborg in the year 2012. Approx. 60 km² urban and 1 350 km² rural areas. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Fugro Aerial Mapping A/S
2012-01-16   Tender of services for revision of FOT-maps in North Jutland Region 2012 (Miljøministeriet, Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen, Landkortområdet)
The purpose of the tendered service is to revise digital photogrammetric captured map data according to the specification of FOT 4.1 in 2009 in the North Jutland Region of Denmark. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: NIRAS BlomInfo A/S
2012-01-05   Tender of services for revision of FOT-maps in Seeland Region 2012-2014 (Miljøministeriet, Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen, Landkortområdet)
The purpose of the tendered service is to revise digital photogrammetric captured map data according to the specification of FOT 4.1 in the Seeland Region of Denmark in the years 2012, 2013 and 2014. — In 2012 approx. 3 200 km2 and at 1 000 spots, — In 2013 approx. 4 100 km2 and at 3 000 spots, — In 2014 only at approx. 4 000 spots. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: DSM Geodata Ldt
2011-11-11   Digital aerial photography and orthophotoproduction, Denmark 2012 (Kort og Matrikelstyrelsen)
The purpose of the tendered service is to create the necessary snow and leaffree aerial photo and orthophoto basis in digital form for updating the common dataset FOT in Geosjælland and Geonord. Each sub-agreement consist of one or more of the following production types: — Digital aerial photography and orthophoto production in 20 cm resolution, covering municipalities (20komm). — Digital aerial photography and orthophoto production in 10 cm resolution, covering municipalities (10komm). — Digital aerial … Se udbuddet »
2011-06-17   Research project: evaluation of pressure equalization modules for shore erosion control (The Danish Ministry of Transport)
The tender comprises: — Research and follow-up on project concerning evaluation of pressure equalization modules (PEM-system) for shore erosion control (please refer the manufacturer's homepage http://www.shore.dk), — Application for environmental authority approval of the project. Duration: Appr. 3½ years. Se udbuddet »
2011-05-27   Naboretsdata (Vejdirektoratet)
Tjenesteyderen skal i samarbejde med Vejcentrene rette de fejl i Naboretsdata, som optræder i Vejdirektoratets vejforvaltningssystem vejman.dk. I et vist omfang er fejlene kendte i Vejcenteret, men tjenesteyderen skal også foretage fejlfinding og efterfølgende fejlretning. Parallelt med tjenesteyderens fejlfinding og fejlretning foretager Vejcentrene selv fejlfinding og fejlretning. Opgaven er derfor ikke eksklusiv for tjenesteyderen. Det er et ufravigeligt krav, at rådgiver skal foretage fejlretningen … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Landinspektørfirmaet LE34 A/S
2011-03-07   Tender of services for revision of FOT maps in the Municipalities on the island of Funen 2011-2013 (Grundkort Fyn A/S)
The purpose of the tendered service is by digital photographic means to revise map data according to the specification of FOT-4 in the Municipalities on the island of Funen. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Blominfo A/S
2011-03-01   Tender of services for production of digital maps (FOT-4) in some of the Municipalities in the Region SydDanmark... (Miljøministeriet, Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen, Landkortområdet)
The purpose of the tendered service is to establish digital photogrammetric captured map data according to the Danish specification of FOT-4 in some of the municipalities in the area. Se udbuddet »
2011-03-01   Tender of services for revision and upgrading of FOT-3-maps to FOT-4-maps in the Municipalities: Fanø, Esbjerg and... (Miljøministeriet, Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen, Landkortområdet)
The purpose of the tendered service is to revise a digital map by digital photogrammetric means and upgrade it to the Danish specification FOT-4. Se udbuddet »
2011-02-11   Digital orthophoto production 2011 (Kort og Matrikelstyrelsen)
The purpose of the tendered service is to create and deliver summer orthophoto in digital form. The ordering authority requires a seamless delivery of digital orthophotos as decribed in the tender material, covering all Denmark, including near-shore areas, appr. 53 000 km2. Furthermore establishing a Web Map Service (WMS). The tendered service is for the following Danish organization: — The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries (Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri). Se udbuddet »
2011-01-28   Georeferering af indscannede markkort og digital indtegning af markpolygoner (FødevareErhverv)
FødevareErhverv, som er et direktorat under Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri, ønsker at få georefereret markkort fra 2008 for hele Danmark samt desuden at få lavet digital indtegning (som polygoner) af de marker der er håndtegnet på disse kort. FødevareErhverv er ansvarlig for administrationen af de arealbaserede støtteordninger til landmændene, og derfor har direktoratet årligt siden slutningen af 90’erne udsendt grafisk kortmateriale til landmændene, baseret på ortofotos, forud for hver … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: COWI A/S