2021-10-08   Acquisition of Ballistic Underpants (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
This contract notice concerns the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) of a Framework Agreement for acquisition of protective Ballistic Underpants (hereafter BU). The BU will be used by deployed solidiers as a part of the combat uniform system and in conjunction with other personal protection equipment to reduce the severity of injuries from fragments. The purpose of the BU is to protect the soldiers from blast effects from e.g. improvised explosive devices and thereby help to … Se udbuddet »
2020-04-17   Rammeaftale om levering af taktisk gasmaske (Rigspolitiet)
Rigspolitiet udbyder hermed rammeaftale om levering af taktisk gasmaske. Udbuddet omfatter flg. produkter: 1) Taktisk gasmaske 2) Filtratorer til den taktiske gasmaske. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Topmark Trading ApS
2019-09-24   Udbud af Arbejds-/flugtmasker og filtratorer (Rigspolitiet)
Udbuddet omfatter flg. produkter: - Arbejds-/flugtmaske, - Filtratorer til Antiriot gasmaske og til arbejds-/flugtmaske, der har standard 40 mm gevind. Se udbuddet »
2019-04-15   Rammeaftale om levering af antiriot hjelme, gasmasker, partikelmasker, filtratorer, MC-hjelme samt tilbehør (Dansk Politi v/ Rigspolitiet)
Udbuddet vedrører en Rammeaftale om levering af antiriot hjelme, gasmasker, partikelmasker, filtratorer, MC-hjelme samt tilbehør. Delaftale 1 omfatter flg. produkter: 1) Antiriot hjelm (Mobilt Indsats Koncept-hjelm); 2) Antiriot gasmaske; 3) Tilbehør (Reservedele, hjelmkrog mv.). Delaftale 2 omfatter flg. produkter: 1) Arbejds-/flugtmaske; 2) Halvmaske; 3) Partikel-maske (engangsmaske med indbygget filter til beskyttelse mod Pyroteknisk røg); 4) Filtratorer til Antiriot gasmaske og til … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: British Car Import
2019-03-29   Ballistic helmets, non-ballistic helmets, spare parts and life extension (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations)
This purchase consist of 2 framework agreements. The executive framework agreement is about the purchase of ballistic and non ballistic helmets with a duration for 7 years. The second framework agreement, which is an appendix to the executive framework agreement, is about the purchase of spare parts to the ballistic and non ballistic helmets, education and training as well as the purchase of life extension for the purchased ballistic and non ballistic helmets.This framework agreement has a duration for … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Galvion INC
2018-12-05   Combat Vehicle Crew Helmet System (CVC Helmet) (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations)
This contract notice concerns the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) award of a Framework Agreement for procurement of Combat Vehicle Crew Helmet System (CVC Helmet). Background and scope. The Danish army operate a number of armoured vehicles. Crews that operate these vehicles work in a noisy and hazarders environment. To protect the personnel against these threats, the crews are equipped with the DH-132 Combat Vehicle Crew Helmet with the Bose audio system. This helmet system … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Racal Acoustics Ltd
2018-09-10   Udbud af rammeaftale vedr. beskyttelsesveste (Direktoratet for Kriminalforsorgen)
Kriminalforsorgen har løbende behov for at indkøbe beskyttelsesveste til brug ved transport af indsatte, samt indsatsveste til konfliktfyldte situationer i arresthuse og fængsler. Nærværende udbud vedrører en rammeaftale for det løbende indkøb af beskyttelsesveste, samt det løbende indkøb af indsatsveste til brug for Kriminalforsorgen i hele Danmark. Tryk her https://permalink.mercell.com/90743934.aspx Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: P-B Miljø A/S
2018-08-28   EU-udbud af rammeaftale om levering af redningsuniformer - jakke og buks (Beredskabsstyrelsen)
Beredskabsstyrelsen udbyder rammeaftale på levering af redningsuniformer - jakke og bukser - til det danske redningsberedskab. Udbudsbetingelserne angiver de nærmere vilkår og retningslinjer herfor. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: VIKING RUBBER CO. A/S
2018-07-13   Offentligt udbud af rammeaftale om levering af kemikalieindsatsdragter (Beredskabsstyrelsen)
Beredskabsstyrelsen udbyder rammeaftaler på levering af kemikalieindsatsdragter — type 1A-ET jf.EN 943-1:2015 og type 1B-ET jf.EN 943-1:2015 inklusiv støvler og handsker — til det danske redningsberedskab. Udbudsbetingelserne angiver de nærmere vilkår og retningslinjer herfor. Se udbuddet »
2018-06-12   Offentligt udbud af rammeaftale om levering af kemilkalieindsatsdragter (Beredskabsstyrelsen)
Beredskabsstyrelsen udbyder rammeaftaler på levering af kemikalieindsatsdragter - type 1A-ET jf.EN 943-1:2015 og type 1B-ET jf.EN 943-1:2015 inklusiv støvler og handsker - til det danske redningsberedskab. Udbudsbetingelserne angiver de nærmere vilkår og retningslinjer herfor. Se udbuddet »
2018-05-15   Acquisition of CVC Helmets (The Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation)
The Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) is putting the Framework Agreement for Combat Vehicle Crew Helmet System (CVC Helmet) up for tender. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: N/A. Please see section VI.2) for...
2017-09-04   Udbud af beskyttelsesveste til dansk politi (Rigspolitiet)
Rigspolitiet udbyder hermed rammeaftale om levering af ballistiske beskyttelsesveste. Udbuddet omfatter betræk, ballistiske plader (herefter benævnt HB), paneler (herefter benævnt SB) samt transporttasker og bæremidler til følgende vestesystemer: 1. Letvest 2. Modulvest 3. Low vis vest 4. Low vis plus vest 5. Taktisk vest 6. Taktisk vest plus med Quick Release (herefter benævnt QR). De seks vestesystemer anvendes til forskellige polititaktiske situationer. Letvesten skal benyttes som let personlig … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: NFM Production Sp. z o.o.
2017-06-02   CVC Helmets and Headsets for mounted and dismounted soldiers (Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse (The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization))
The Danish Army operate a number of armored vehicles. The crews of these vehicles operate in a noisy and hazardous environment which is the reason The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) is tendering a new Combat Vehicle Crew Helmet (CVC Helmet) (Lot 1) which shall allow fully functionality when connected to the SOTAS M2 system The Danish Army is using. The same goes for dismounted soldiers who also have the need for hearing protection while providing clear communication between … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Not applicable due to cancellation of tender
2017-04-28   Udbud med forhandling af ballistiske beskyttelsesveste (Rigspolitiet)
Rigspolitiet udbyder hermed Rammeaftale om levering af ballistiske beskyttelsesveste. Udbuddet omfatter betræk, ballistiske plader (herefter benævnt HB), paneler (herefter benævnt SB) samt transporttasker og bæremidler til følgende vestesystemer: Let veste Modul veste Taktiske veste Specialvest type 1 Specialvest type 2. Tryk her http://permalink.mercell.com/68489201.aspx Se udbuddet »
2016-10-28   Headlamp and Tactical Light System (Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse)
Danish Defence and Logistic Organization (DALO) are putting the acquisition of Headlamp and Tactical Light System up for tender. This tender procedure concerns the award of framework agreement of a (1)Tactical Light System and a (2) Simple Headlamp for the Danish Defence. DALO will award 1 framework agreement to the tenderer who offer the ‘best price-quality ratio’. (1) The Tactical Light System should be understood as a light system that is able to operate in different tactical environments and for … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Precision Technic Defence A/S
2016-05-10   Mono Night Vision Goggles (MNVG) (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
The objective of this Framework Agreement is to ensure that DALO will be able to provide Mono Night Vision Goggles (MNVGs) for use by the individual Danish Soldier under low light level conditions both in real combat situations as well as training situations. DALO expects to make an initial procurement of 1 120 MNVGs, including accessories (such as mounting brackets, BNVG brackets, counter weight, daylight filters etc.). This Initial procurement is expected to be followed by additional procurements of … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Theon Sensors S.A.
2015-12-21   Fabric for military combat uniforms and rain suits for the Danish Defence (Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse)
The Danish Defence Aquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) intends to buy fabric for military heavy-duty and lightweight combat uniforms and military rain suits for the Danish Defence. More specifically, DALO intends to buy 77 500 meters of fabric for the military heavy-duty combat uniforms, 44.100 meters of fabric for the military lightweight combat uniforms and 51.450 meters of fabric for the rain suits (in total a value of approximately DKK 16 000 000). The expected width of the fabric needed is … Se udbuddet »
2015-12-11   Mono Night Vision Goggles (MNVG) (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
The objective of this Framework Agreement is to ensure that DALO for the next 7 years will be able to provide Mono Night Vision Goggles (MNVGs) for use by the individual Danish Soldier under low light level conditions, both in real combat situations as well as training situations. DALO expects to make an initial procurement of 1120 MNVGs, including accessories (hardware for helmet mounting, daylight filters, counter weight, carrying case etc.). This Initial procurement is expected to be followed by … Se udbuddet »
2015-05-19   Military combat uniform, other military uniform units and fabric for these (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
The military combat uniforms, together with the corresponding under — and middle layer clothing, must provide the optimal conditions for the soldiers in order to operate in the climate zones and terrain areas where the Danish Defence are expected to operate. The military combat uniform system must reduce the climates impact on the soldier, as well as provide a passive protection against identification by enemies reducing the effect of the enemy's weapons along with protection from wild life, insects and … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Seyntex N.V
2014-12-05   Wash and dry cleaning of uniforms (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
Wash and Dry cleaning uniforms. In order to redistribute uniforms the Danish Forces need to wash and/or dry clean the 3 main systems of uniforms, sleeping bags, webbing, bags and other items used by the soldier. The Framework agreement will be divided into 2 sub agreements. A sub agreement regarding cleaning and a sub agreement regarding washing. The sub agreements will be evaluated separately. It will be possible to be assigned either 1 or both sub agreements. Its imperative that the dry cleaning and … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: A-Vask A/S Sober Rens ApS
2013-09-05   Mono NIght Vision Goggles, 3. generation (Gallium Arsenide Micro Channel intensifier) (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO))
1. Mono NIght Vision Goggles, (MNVG) 3. generation (Gallium Arsenide Micro Channel intensifier) including Mounts, Daylight Filters and Hard Case for Transportation. 2. Service agreement for above mentioned MNVG. 3. Not mandatory, but preferred: Service Agreement for Danish Army's existing MNVG PSV-14. Se udbuddet »
2012-02-09   Acquisition of military helmets (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO))
The helmet will be tendered as a “Military off-the-shelf” product. The helmet must have a high protection level against both fragments & projectiles. Furthermore the helmet must have been Operational Tested; which means that the helmet has been tested by a unit from NATO Allies partner with a documented appertaining evaluation. Minimum requirements: The coverage area of the helmet must correspond to MEDIUM CUT (ACH). To support the soldier’s situational awareness the helmet must be available in 4 sizes … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Revision Military B.V. Revision Military BV
2011-12-16   Acquisition of military helmets (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO))
The helmet will be tendered as a “Military off-the-shelf” product. The helmet must have a high protection level against both fragments & projectiles. Furthermore the helmet must have been operational tested; which means that the helmet has been tested by a unit from NATO Allies partner with a documented appertaining evaluation. Minimum requirements: The coverage area of the helmet must correspond to MEDIUM CUT (ACH). To support the soldier’s situational awareness the helmet must be available in 4 – 5 … Se udbuddet »