2015-11-03   Purchase and sustainment of Tempest test receiver (The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
DALO wishes to acquire a Tempest test receiver and provision of service and spare parts for a period of 7 years. The awarded contract will therefore consist of an acquisition agreement concerning the TEMPEST test receiver and a framework agreement concerning service and spare parts. The Tempest test receiver shall be used for the evaluation of equipment in accordance with NATO standard "SECAN Doctrine and Implementation Policy "27" (SDIP-27) or equivalent. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Altoo Measurement Science ApS
2015-10-15   Acquisition and sustainment of BRASS Enhancement 1 (BRASS EO) (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations (DALO))
This contract notice concerns DALO's award of a contract covering the acquisition and sustainment of the Danish implementation of the NATO BRASS EO. The Danish implementation of the NATO BRASS EO system will be the strategic maritime HF communication system for the Royal Danish Navy ensuring backwards compatibility with NATO BRASS Initial Core Capability (ICC) and NATO legacy systems. The purpose of the contract is to facilitate a multiple, continuous, robust, strategic and independent long range radio … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
2015-02-17   Stabilized Gimbal Assembly for SeaFLIR III+ (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
DALO wishes to acquire 2 ea Stabilized Gimbal Assembly for SeaFLIR III+ with an option of acquiring 1 ea Stabilized Gimbal Assembly for SeaFLIR III+. Procedure: Se udbuddet »
2015-02-06   Framework agreement — Purchase of Chaff and Flares (Danish Defence Acqusition and Logistic Organization (DALO))
The purpose of this Framework Agreement is to supply the Royal Danish Air Force with Flares and Chaff cartridges to sustain operation of the F-16 fighter, C-130J cargo aircraft and EH-101 and Seahawk helicopters within RDAF inventory. The Framework Agreement is divided into the following 6 lots/portions: 1. Standard MTV Flares; 2. Spectral Flares; 3. Kinematic Flares; 4. Propelled/Thrusted Flares; 5. Special Material Flares (SMD); 6. Chaff. The following minimum requirements will apply to the Chaff and … Se udbuddet »
2014-12-15   Acquisition of 14 Continous Wave Illumination (CWI) transmitters and a framework agreement covering spare parts and... (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) is planning to purchase 14 Continous Wave Illumination (CWI) transmitters as a form, fit and functional replacement for the existing MK93 CWI Transmitter. The supplier is requested to participate in the installation and integration work of the CWI transmitters on the first ship. The installation of the CWI transmitters on the remaining ships is handled by DALO. In regards to the main acquisition contract, DALO among other things also wishes to … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Thales Nederland B.V.
2014-10-03   DALO F-16, F-100 Jet Engine Test Cell Facility Conversion (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
The overall purpose of this purchase is to provide DALO with an upgrade of the existing F100 Jet Engine Test Cell Facility. The upgraded Test Cell Facility must be a dual-mode facility with capability to accommodate the F100-PW-200 as well as the F100-PW-220/220E engine in accordance with the requirements set forth in USAF Technical Orders 2J-F100-31-2 ENGINE TEST and 2J-F100-41-2- ENGINE TEST. The existing Test Cell Facility is located in a Hush House at Skrydstrup Air Force Base (AFB) and the upgrade … Se udbuddet »
2014-09-30   Levering og vedligeholdelse af et system til automatisk nummerpladegenkendelse (ANPG) (Rigspolitiet)
Nærværende udbud omfatter: — forskellige typer mobilt ANPG udstyr (kameraer mv.) — forskellige typer intelligent, stationært ANPG udstyr, der kan kommunikere over GSM-nettet (kameraer, beslag, kabler mv.) — tilhørende programmel, herunder særligt et back office system (BOF) til analyse af data fra ANPG udstyret — dokumentation — montering og installation — uddannelse — diverse tilknyttede konsulentydelser, herunder vejledning i integration til politiets andre systemer — vedligeholdelse og support (inkl. … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: ITS Teknik A/S
2014-09-03   Acquisition of spare parts for APAR fire control system (The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) are planning to purchase an extended initial spare parts package for the new Active Phased Array Radar Anti Air Warfare System (APAR/AAWS) for the Iver Huitfeldt class frigates (IVER-kl.) The list of spare parts include, but is not limited to, items such as Switch Matrix (SWM), new updated Local Control Panel (LCP) — as currently being redesigned by designed agent and BUS-TAP. The APAR/AAWS, together with the SMART-L, is the core system for … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Thales Nederland B.V
2014-05-12   TMA Radar Systems (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
The acquisition regards delivery and installation of 2 Terminal Maneuvering Area (TMA) radar systems each consisting of a Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR) and a Monopuls Secondary Surveillance Radar (MSSR) with military functionalities (mode 1 and mode 2). The TMA radar systems shall be certified by the Civil Aviation Authority for Air Traffic Control use. The delivery and installation shall include radar towers. The TMA radar systems shall be delivered and installed in Jutland, Denmark. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Indra Sistematic S.A
2014-05-12   Re-tender for Framework Agreement on Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) systems, spares, training and Services (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
DALO is seeking to establish an framework agreement to include a Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) systems including transponder and interrogator, for the Danish Navy THETIS-class with a capability to conduct safe operations with helicopters and supporting fixed wing A/C in survaillance role in general and in NATO EN Standard form 17 - Contract notice for contracts in the field of defence and security 4 / 15 operations. The IFF systems shall be in accordance with NATO STANG 4193 (Mark XII) and ICAO … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Airbus Defence and Space GmbH HENSHOLDT Sensors GmbH
2014-02-27   Acquisition of a Resource Allocation System to the Royal Danish Air Force (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
DALO is in the process of acquire a Resource Allocation System (RASS) to the Royal Danish Air Force (RDAF). RDAF requires RASS to plan and manage military flight operations. The primary purpose of the RASS is to track and log air-crew qualification data and provide the tools for efficient planning and scheduling of flight operations in order to effectively use personel and technical resources to obtain the necessary qualification level for individual air-crew, units, squadrons and wings. RASS shall … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Combitech AB
2013-09-05   Mono NIght Vision Goggles, 3. generation (Gallium Arsenide Micro Channel intensifier) (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO))
1. Mono NIght Vision Goggles, (MNVG) 3. generation (Gallium Arsenide Micro Channel intensifier) including Mounts, Daylight Filters and Hard Case for Transportation. 2. Service agreement for above mentioned MNVG. 3. Not mandatory, but preferred: Service Agreement for Danish Army's existing MNVG PSV-14. Se udbuddet »
2013-06-28   Framework agreement on Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) systems, spares, training and service (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
DALO is seeking to establish an framework agreement to include a Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) systems including transponder and interrogator, for the Danish Navy THETIS-class with a capability to conduct safe operations with helicopters and supporting fixed wing A/C in survaillance role in general and in NATO operations. The IFF systems shall be in accordance with NATO STANG 4193 (Mark XII) and ICAO Annex 10, V Volume IV. The IFF interrogator shall have the SSR modes A and C, the military mode 1, … Se udbuddet »
2012-09-04   Framework agreement regarding purchase of minimum 8 Electro Optical systems (EO-systems) for RDAF EH101 helicopters... (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
DALO intends to purchase a minimum of 8 EO-systems to be used on the RDAF EH101 Helicopters, in the Tactical Troop Transport (TTT) Role subject to the terms of a framework agreement. The framework agreement includes the non exclusive purchase of all necessary spare parts, support and maintenance, upgrades, support equipment, documentation and training needed for keeping the EO-systems operational. The purchase of 8 EO-systems is planned for delivery in 2013, with delivery of the first system before … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Wescam Inc.
2012-02-06   Flight Line Test Set (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) is planning to purchase Flight Line Test Sets (FLTS) to replace the Royal Danish Air Force (RDAF) existing Radar Warning Receiver (RWR), ALQ-162 Jammer Test Set and UV/IR Missile Warning Systems. These new FLTS are intended for use on all types of aircrafts within the RDAF fleet, to verify that the installed warning- and countermeasures systems are fully operational. The purpose of replacing the RDAF's aging RWR testers is to acquire a … Se udbuddet »
2011-12-21   Purchase of 4 new surveillance radars for ships and options to purchase up to further two new surveillance radars... (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) is planning to purchase 4 new seabased surveillance radars for the THETIS class with options to buy up to further two seabased radars and two landbased radars. The Surveillance Radar System will be the primary sensor for helicopter approach and short to long range air & surface surveillance and target tracking in all weather and sea states (SS) within the ships operational envelope. The THETIS class will operate in all waters of the world … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Terma A/S
2011-09-16   Modifikation af Forsvarets helikopter politiradio (Forsvarets Materieltjeneste)
I Forsvarets helikoptere er der installeret dedikerede politiradioer (THOR system). Politiets THOR system er nu afløst af SINE systemet. Den nuværende politiradio består af en politi THOR radiodel og en flyinterface. Flyinterfacen er certificeret af Forsvaret. For at sikre fortsat optimal interfacekompabilitet og begrænse re-certificering skal den nuværende helikopter politiradio modificeres ved udskiftning af THOR radiodel med ny SINE Motorola MTR850S del. Modifikationen skal bestå af en fysisk - og … Se udbuddet »
2011-07-01   Personal Role Radios (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
Through purchase under a Framework Agreement Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) is planning to purchase Personal Role Radios to be used in a combat environment. The radios will primarily be used for voice communications within a group of 2 to 40 soldiers at ranges up to about 1 500 m. Data capability shall be available for position reports and other applications in the future. Headsets providing protection against high noise levels shall be included. The headsets shall have … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Harris Corporation Harriss Corporation