2016-11-16Operation & Maintenance — Copenhagen Metro M1+M2 (Metroselskabet I/S)
The Contract comprises the operation and maintenance of the complete system of the Copenhagen Metro, M1+M2.
The Copenhagen Metro, M1+M2, is a driverless metro system. It has two lines running from suburban Vanløse to Vestamager (M1) and Lufthavnen (M2). The lines share common tracks between Vanløse and a bifurcation after Christianshavn.
The sections from Nørreport to Vestamager and Nørreport to Lergravsparken opened in 2002. The section from Vanløse to Nørreport opened in 2003 and the final section from …
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2015-12-18Cityringen — branch off to Sydhavnen — CRSH4 (Metroselskabet I/S)
Metroselskabet is in Copenhagen constructing Cityringen, Cityringen — branch off to Nordhavn and Cityringen — branch off to Sydhavnen (for short CRSH).
The present contract notice comprises CRSH.
CRSH is a dual track branching off Cityringen, starting after a bifurcation chamber ‘Havneholmen’ (Hah), on Cityringen located on the branch off from Cityringen to the Control and Maintenance Centre (CMC).
Four underground stations will be established:
— at Fisketorvet shopping mall;
— at Enghave Brygge just …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:JV of Rhomberg Bahntechnik GmbH and...
2015-12-18Cityringen — branch off to Sydhavnen — CRSH1A, CRSH1B, CRSH2 and CRSH3 (Metroselskabet I/S)
Metroselskabet is in Copenhagen constructing Cityringen, Cityringen — branch off to Nordhavn and Cityringen — branch off to Sydhavnen (for short CRSH).
The present contract notice comprises CRSH:
CRSH is a dual track branching off Cityringen, starting after a bifurcation chamber ‘Havneholmen’ (Hah), on Cityringen located on the branch off from Cityringen to the Control and Maintenance Centre (CMC).
Four underground stations will be established:
— at Fisketorvet shopping mall;
— at Enghave Brygge just …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:TUNN3L JV (Hochtief Infrastructure GmbH...
2015-12-15Cityringen — Kontrakt T4 — Transfertunnel fra Cityringens Metrostation til Østerport Station (Metroselskabet I/S)
Cityringen er under opførelse. Cityringen får 17 stationer, heraf en ved Østerport station.
Nærværende udbudsbekendtgørelse vedrører udførelse af en transfertunnel fra Cityringens station ved Østerport station til den eksisterende Østerport Station.
Opgaven udføres i en samlet hovedentreprise som indeholder arbejder for nedrivning, byggegrubeindfatninger, grundvandssænkning, monitering, beton, stål, elevator, escalator, El, afløb, trafikafvikling og aptering.
Arbejdet vil foregå tæt på eksisterende …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Züblin A/S
2015-09-16Copenhagen Metro Line M1 and M2 — Wheel Lathe for the Control and Maintenance Center (CMC) (Metroselskabet I/S)
The Metro line M1 and M2 have been operated for more than 15 years.
The present underfloor wheelset lathe located at the CMC Metrovej 5 has increasingly been the subject of repair and continual breakdowns. This contract notice comprises the procurement of replacing the wheel lathe with a new.
The Technical Specifications for the new Wheel Lathe can be downloaded from www.bascon.dk/da/udbud. The rest of the tender documents can be obtained via an e-mail to Carsten Larsen, cla@m.dk
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2015-04-30Insurance Consultancy/Broker Services related to construction, operation and maintenance of Ring 3 Lightrail and... (Metroselskabet I/S)
The call for tenders comprises Insurance Consultancy / Insurance Broking Services related to the Construction of:
Lot No. 1) Ring 3 Lightrail
Lot No. 2) Cityringen - branch off to Ny Ellebjerg via Sydhavnen
Establishment of a light rail along Ring 3 road from Lyngby to Ishøj has been agreed between the Danish State, Region Hovedstaden (the capital region of Denmark) and the following municipalities along Ring 3: Lyngby-Taarbæk, Gladsaxe, Herlev, Albertslund, Rødovre, Glostrup, Brøndby, …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:JLT Specialty LimitedWillis I/S
2015-02-26Nordhavnsmetroen — Kontrakt CRNH3 — Højbane og Orientkaj Station (Metroselskabet I/S)
Nordhavnsmetroen (i kort form CRNH) er en to sporet afgrening til Cityringen, som starter efter et afgreningskammer »Østersøgade«, Øsø, som etableres som en del af Cityringen og er lokaliseret under Sortedams Sø.
De første ca. 1 800 meter vil blive en boret tunnel, hvorefter der Nordhavnsmetroen over en strækning på ca. 350 meter bringes op til overfladen via en Cut & Cover tunnel og en rampe for at ende med ca. 250 meter metro over jorden på en højbro.
En skakt med nødudgang vil blive …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:MetNord JV
2014-12-15MSCRSH, Areas and Rights, Consulting services (Metroselskabet I/S)
Metroselskabet is constructing Cityringen and Cityringen — branch off to Nordhavnen.
Metroselskabet is currently planning design and procurement of Cityringen — branch off to Ny Ellebjerg via Sydhavnen (hereinafter called Sydhavnsmetroen).
Sydhavnsmetroen is a dual track branching off the Cityringen, starting after a bifurcation chamber located at the branch off to the Control and Maintenance Center (CMC). Sydhavnsmetroen will be a bored tunnel over the approx. first 3 500 metres, following which, over a …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:COWI A/S
2014-09-03Udvidelse af Metroselskabets domicil på Metrovej 5 (Metroselskabet I/S)
Metroselskabet I/S har domicil på Metrovej 5, 2300 København S. Metrovej 5 er udvidet ad flere omgange.
Grundet nye projekter er der behov for en udvidelse af domicilet. Det eksisterende byggeri er udført af Scandi Byg som præfabrikeret modulbyggeri.
Udvidelsen omfatter ca. 1 800 m² i 3 etager tilbygget syd for den eksisterende bygning. I stueetagen placeres kontorer langs øst façade og et samlet storrumskontor langs den nye sydfacade samt depoter m.v. På 1. og 2. sal placeres kontorer langs øst og vest …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:FLEXMODUL
2014-07-03Insurance Services related to the ownership and operation and maintenance of the Copenhagen Metro Phases 1, 2 and 3 (Metroselskabet I/S)
The call for tenders comprises insurance services (Material Damage Insurance) related to the ownership and operation and maintenance of the Copenhagen Metro Phases 1, 2 and 3. The insurance period shall be from 1.1.2015 until 31.12.2017.
Copenhagen Metro Phase 1, 2 and 3 comprises line M1 and M2, both with Vanløse as one end station and Vestamager respectively Copenhagen Airport as the other end station. M1 have 15 stations and M2 16 stations. 9 stations are common for both M1 and M2 resulting in a total …
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2014-06-30Consultancy services in relation to Cityringen - branch off to Ny Ellebjerg via Sydhavnen (Metroselskabet I/S)
Metroselskabet is constructing Cityringen and Cityringen - branch off to Nordhavnen.
Metroselskabet is now planning for Cityringen - branch off to Ny Ellebjerg via Sydhavnen (hereinafter called Sydhavnsmetroen) and invites applicants to seek prequalification as consultants for the design works involved in Sydhavnsmetroen.
Sydhavnsmetroen is a dual track branching off the Cityringen, starting after a bifurcation chamber located at the branch off to the Control and Maintenance Center (CMC). Sydhavnsmetroen …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Cowi Systra Joint Venture
2014-06-11Metroselskabet — T2 — Hovedentreprise — Elevatorer på Københavns Hovedbanegård (Kh) og Østerport Station (Kk) (Metroselskabet I/S)
I tilknytning til anlæggelsen af Cityringen, skal der som en del af projektet udføres tilslutningsarbejder fra den nye Metrostation ved Københavns Hovedbanegård og Østerport Station, for at sikre en direkte og hurtig omstigningsforbindelse samt elevatorforbindelse mellem Metrostationen og de eksisterende stationer.
Nærværende udbud omhandler en hovedentreprise, hvor Metroselskabet udbyder et myndighedsgodkendt detailprojekt.
Der er i nærværende hovedentreprise begrænset grænseflader til Metroselskabets …
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2014-05-15LR3CS7, - Ring 3 Light Rail - Independent Safety Assessor (Metroselskabet I/S)
Establishment of a light rail along Ring 3 from Lyngby to Ishøj has been agreed between the Danish State,
Region Hovedstaden (The capital region of Denmark) and the following 11 Ringby Municipalities along Ring 3:
Lyngby-Taarbæk, Gladsaxe, Herlev, Albertslund, Rødovre, Glostrup, Brøndby, Hvidovre, Vallensbæk, Ishøj and
The Ring 3 light rail will have 27 stations on a 27-kilometre line.
Frequent services at five-minute intervals on weekdays make the light rail an attractive public transport …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Lloyd's Register Rail
2014-05-05Metroselskabet – tilsyn med byggepladser (Metroselskabet I/S)
Metroselskabet anlægger Cityringen inkl. en afgrening til Nordhavn. I den forbindelse føres der tilsyn på Cityringens byggepladser.
Den udbudte opgave består af 2 delopgaver, som er beskrevet nærmere hver for sig herunder.
Der kan søges om prækvalifikation på begge delopgaver eller på hver enkelt af delopgaverne, jf. efterfølgende punkt II.1.8.
Delopgave 1:
Tilsyn inden for byggepladshegnet med focus på betonarbejde (herunder i tunnel), sikkerhed, håndtering af myndighedsforhold (herunder koordinering …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Slagelse Erhvervs Service Aps
2014-04-08LR3CS5, Areas and Rights, Consulting services for the design work on Ring 3 Light Rail (Metroselskabet I/S)
Establishment of a light rail along Ring 3 from Lyngby to Ishøj has been agreed between the Danish State, Region Hovedstaden (The capital region of Denmark) and the following 11 Ringby Municipalities along Ring 3: Lyngby-Taarbæk, Gladsaxe, Herlev, Albertslund, Rødovre, Glostrup, Brøndby, Hvidovre, Vallensbæk, Ishøj and Høje-Taastrup.
The Ring 3 light rail will have 27 stations on a 27-kilometre line.
Frequent services at five-minute intervals on weekdays make the light rail an attractive public transport …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:COWI A/S
2014-03-14Landmålingsydelser ved etablering af Ring 3 Letbane (Metroselskabet I/S)
Den danske stat har vedtaget at etablere en letbane mellem Kongens Lyngby og Ishøj. Aftalen er indgået mellem Region Hovedstaden og de 11 kommuner langs ringbanens forløb: Lyngby-Taarbæk Kommune, Gladsaxe Kommune, Herlev Kommune, Rødovre Kommune, Glostrup Kommune, Vallensbæk Kommune, Albertslund Kommune, Brøndby Kommune, Hvidovre Kommune, Høje-Taastrup Kommune og Ishøj Kommune.
Letbanen kommer til at have 27 stationer på en 27 km lang strækning.
Landmålingsydelser ved etablering af Letbanen omfatter …
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2014-01-03L27 – Hovedentreprise – omlægning af ledninger på Københavns Hovedbanegård (Kh) og Østerport (Kk) (Metroselskabet I/S)
I forbindelse med etablering af Cityringen skal der etableres en omstigningsstation på Københavns Hovedbanegård (Kh) samt nye adgangsveje på Østerport Station (Kk).
Nærværende udbud omfatter omlægning af interne ledninger på Københavns Hovedbanegård og Østerport Station (»Yellow Footprint«). Entreprisen har til formål at klargøre områder til en kommende entreprise for etablering af elevatorer fra perrontunnel på Kh til perroner, samt etablering af elevatorer fra perron og til bro på Kk. Hovedvægten af …
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2013-10-02LR3CS3, Transport Systems, Consulting services for the design work on a Ring 3 Light Rail (Metroselskabet I/S)
Establishment of a light rail along Ring 3 from Lyngby to Ishøj has been agreed between the Danish State, Region Hovedstaden (The capital region of Denmark) and the following 11 Ringby Municipalities along Ring 3: Lyngby-Taarbæk, Gladsaxe, Herlev, Albertslund, Rødovre, Glostrup, Brøndby, Hvidovre, Vallensbæk, Ishøj and Høje-Taastrup.
The Ring 3 light rail will have 27 stations on a 27-kilometre line.
Frequent services at five-minute intervals on weekdays make the light rail an attractive public transport …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Rambøll Arup JV
2013-10-02LR3CS2, Environmental Impact Assessment for a Ring 3 Light Rail (Metroselskabet I/S)
Establishment of a light rail along Ring 3 from Lyngby to Ishøj has been agreed between the Danish State, Region Hovedstaden (The capital region of Denmark) and the following 11 Ringby Municipalities along Ring 3: Lyngby-Taarbæk, Gladsaxe, Herlev, Albertslund, Rødovre, Glostrup, Brøndby, Hvidovre, Vallensbæk, Ishøj and Høje-Taastrup.
The Ring 3 light rail will have 27 stations on a 27-kilometre line.
Frequent services at five-minute intervals on weekdays make the light rail an attractive public transport …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Rambøll Denmark A/S
2013-10-02LR3CS4, Architecture and landscape, Consulting services for the design work on a Ring 3 Light Rail (Metroselskabet I/S)
Establishment of a light rail along Ring 3 from Lyngby to Ishøj has been agreed between the Danish State, Region Hovedstaden (The capital region of Denmark) and the following 11 Ringby Municipalities along Ring 3: Lyngby-Taarbæk, Gladsaxe, Herlev, Albertslund, Rødovre, Glostrup, Brøndby, Hvidovre, Vallensbæk, Ishøj and Høje-Taastrup.
The Ring 3 light rail will have 27 stations on a 27-kilometre line.
Frequent services at five-minute intervals on weekdays make the light rail an attractive public transport …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Gottlieb Paludan Architects A/S
2013-10-02LR3CS5, Areas and Rights, Consulting services for the design work on a Ring 3 Light Rail (Metroselskabet I/S)
Establishment of a light rail along Ring 3 from Lyngby to Ishøj has been agreed between the Danish State, Region Hovedstaden (The capital region of Denmark) and the following 11 Ringby Municipalities along Ring 3: Lyngby-Taarbæk, Gladsaxe, Herlev, Albertslund, Rødovre, Glostrup, Brøndby, Hvidovre, Vallensbæk, Ishøj and Høje-Taastrup.
The Ring 3 light rail will have 27 stations on a 27-kilometre line.
Frequent services at five-minute intervals on weekdays make the light rail an attractive public transport …
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2013-10-02LR3CS1, Roads, consulting services for the design work on a Ring 3 Light Rail (Metroselskabet I/S)
Establishment of a light rail along Ring 3 from Lyngby to Ishøj has been agreed between the Danish State, Region Hovedstaden (The capital region of Denmark) and the following 11 Ringby Municipalities along Ring 3: Lyngby-Taarbæk, Gladsaxe, Herlev, Albertslund, Rødovre, Glostrup, Brøndby, Hvidovre, Vallensbæk, Ishøj and Høje-Taastrup.
The Ring 3 light rail will have 27 stations on a 27-kilometre line.
Frequent services at five-minute intervals on weekdays make the light rail an attractive public transport …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:COWI A/S
2013-08-08Insurance services related to the construction of Cityringen – branch off to Nordhavnen (Metroselskabet I/S)
The call for tenders comprises insurance services related to the construction of Cityringen – Branch off to Nordhavnen Project.
The Cityringen – Branch off to Nordhavnen metro is a 2.5 km double track branching off the Cityringen Project, starting after a bifurcation chamber on the Cityringen Project located under the lake called Sortedams Sø.
The first approx. 1 800 metres will be in the form of a bored tunnel with an internal diameter of 4.9 m, following which, over a distance of approx. 350 metres, …
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2013-05-03Metroselskabet - hoved/totalentreprise - 2. elevator på Nørreport, Kongens Nytorv og Frederiksberg metrostationer (Metroselskabet I/S)
I forbindelse med etablering af Cityringen Metro forventes et endnu større antal passagerer, at benytte sig af metrostationerne. Metroselskabet har besluttet at udvide antallet af elevatorer på henholdsvis Nørreport (Kn), Kongens Nytorv (Kgn) og Frederiksberg (Fb). Udvidelse sker i forbindelse med det pågående anlægsarbejder og den valgte hoved/totalentreprenør skal derfor påregne et tæt samarbejde med Cityringens andre aktører, herunder bl.a. Metroservice og COWI Arup Systra Joint Venture (CAS JV), samt …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Aarsleff Rail A/S
2013-04-15Reparation af trapper (Metroselskabet I/S)
Kontrakten omfatter reparation af adgangstrapper til Metro undergrundsstationer, nødskakte og underjordiske teknikrum.
Der er konstateret et stort antal løse granitfliser på trapperne, og flere steder er der vandgennemsivninger til teknikrum mv.
Trapperne skal derfor repareres bl.a. ved at eksisterende granitfliser omlægges og betonunderlag, Aco-rende og gennemføringsrør udskiftes.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:CH Byg A/S
2013-04-09Reparation af trapper (Metroselskabet I/S)
Kontrakten omfatter reparation af adgangstrapper til følgende Metro undergrundsstationer:
— Islands Brygge Station
— Lergravsparken Station
— Amagerbro Station
— Christianshavn Station
— Kgs. Nytorv Station
— Nørreport Station
— Forum Station
— Frederiksberg Station
Der er konstateret et omfattende antal løse granitfliser på trapperne, og flere steder er der konstateret vandgennemsivninger til underliggende teknikrum eller rulletrapper.
Trappernes eksisterende granitfliser skal derfor omlægges og …
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2013-03-19Architectural Finishes (AF) of 17 underground stations at Cityringen (Metroselskabet I/S)
Metroselskabet (MS) is constructing Cityringen in Copenhagen. Cityringen comprises i.a. 16 km tunnels, 17 underground stations and 4 shafts.
The procurement process described in this notice comprises AF of the 17 underground stations.
Copenhagen Metro Team (CMT) is contractor on Cityringen Civil Works. The winner of the present procurement process for AF will be transferrred to CMT as a nominated subcontractor. CMT (and the companies behind CMT and subsidiaries of the companies behind CMT where these …
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2013-03-18Cityringen - branch off to Nordhavnen - Above Ground Civil Works (Metroselskabet I/S)
Metroselskabet (MS) is constructing Cityringen in Copenhagen. Cityringen comprises i.a. 16 km tunnels, 17 underground stations and 4 shafts.
Metroselskabet is also constructing a branch off to Nordhavnen.
The branch off to Nordhavnen is a dual track branching off Cityringen, starting after a bifurcation chamber on
Cityringen located under the lake called Sortedams Sø.
The first approx. 1,800 metres will be in …
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2013-03-18Cityringen - branch off to Nordhavnen - Transport Systems Works (Metroselskabet I/S)
General Information About Cityringen:
Metroselskabet (MS) is constructing Cityringen in Copenhagen. Cityringen comprises i.a. 16 km tunnels, 17 underground stations and 4 shafts.
Specific Information About The Branch Off To Nordhavnen:
Metroselskabet is also constructing a branch off to Nordhavnen.
The branch off to Nordhavnen is a dual track branching off Cityringen, starting after a bifurcation chamber on
Cityringen located under the lake called Sortedams Sø.
The first approx. 1,800 metres will be in …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Ansaldo STS Spa
2013-01-02Architectural Finishes (AF) of 17 underground stations at Cityringen (Metroselskabet I/S)
Metroselskabet (MS) is constructing Cityringen in Copenhagen. Cityringen comprises i.a. 16 km tunnels, 17 underground stations and 4 shafts.
The procurement process described in this notice comprises AF of the 17 underground stations.
Copenhagen Metro Team (CMT) is contractor on Cityringen Civil Works. The winner of the present procurement process for AF will be transferrred to CMT as a nominated subcontractor. CMT (and the companies behind CMT and subsidiaries of the companies behind CMT where these …
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2012-12-14Cityringen - branch off to Nordhavnen - tunneling (Metroselskabet I/S)
Metroselskabet (MS) is constructing Cityringen in Copenhagen. Cityringen comprises i.a. 16 km tunnels, 17 underground stations and 4 shafts. Copenhagen Metro Team (CMT) is contractor on Cityringen Civil Works using 4 TBMs for the tunnelling.
Metroselskabet is also constructing a branch off to Nordhavnen. The procurement process described in this contract notice comprises tunnelling from Nordhavnen to a bifurcation chamber at Cityringen, located under Sortedams Sø. The bifurcation chamber is constructed …
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2012-04-02Copenhagen Metro - Passenger Counting System (Metroselskabet I/S)
This contract notice relates to the procurement of a new passenger counting system for the Copenhagen Metro.
The Passenger Counting System (PCS) provides counting information of all passengers travelling on the existing metro lines in Copenhagen, covering 22 stations (both above and below grounds). The systems must be able to register and tally people going into and out of the stations using sensors placed at all entry and exit points (approx. 64 locations in total).
The scope of work shall include …
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2012-02-23Consulting services for the design work on a branch off the Cityringen to Nordhavnen – hereinafter called the... (Metroselskabet I/S)
The Nordhavnen Metro is a dual track branching off the Cityringen, starting after a bifurcation chamber on the Cityringen located under the lake called Sortedams Sø.
The first approx. 1 900 metres will be in the form of a bored tunnel, following which, over a distance of approx. 350 metres, the Nordhavnen Metro will be taken up to ground level via a cut & cover tunnel and a ramp; finally, the Nordhavnen Metro will end with approx. 250 metres of metro above ground.
A tunnel station will be established …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Ramboll / Arup Joint Venture