De seneste indkøb af luft- og rumfartøjer i Danmark
2023-09-27T-17 Instrumentopdatering (Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation)
Aftalen omhandler udskiftning af nuværende instrumenter i Forsvarets T-17 fly med en ny instrumentpakke inkl. nyt ledningsnet. Den ny instrumentpakke skal indeholde alle funktionerne fra de eksisterende instrumenter bortset fra IFF, KN64 DME og UHF-radio. IFF, KN64 DME og UHF-radioen bibeholdes og indbygges i det nye instrumentpanel.
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2022-02-17Lease of Patrol/ISR Aircraft for the Danish Air Force Home Guard (Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
DALO is tendering a leasing contract for two ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance) Aircraft for the Danish Air Force Home Guard (DAFHG).
The aircraft shall be equipped with mission equipment in terms of sensors, mission consoles and communication, enabling DAFHG to fulfil their missions, such as surveillance, inspection, observation, reconnaissance and SAR, while communicating with assets on the ground. Flight hours per year are expected to be (but not limited to) approximately 1000 in total …
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2021-02-03Framework Agreement: Delivery of Meteorological Weather Balloons (1) (Danmarks Meterologiske Institut)
II.1.4) Short description: the scope of this tender is to procure a framework agreement, which enables DMI to purchase meteorological weather balloons over a 4-year period. This agreement will enable DMI to conduct and collect upper-air meteorological measurements that provide inputs to numerical weather predictions and additionally are used for other purposes consistent with DMI’s general work scope and obligations as National Meteorological Service and contributor to international collaboration. The …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Aage Christensen A/S
2020-10-23Framework Agreement: Delivery of Meteorological Weather Balloons (Danmarks Meterologiske Institut)
The scope of this tender is to procure a framework agreement, which enables DMI to purchase meteorological weather balloons over a 4-year period. This agreement will enable DMI to conduct and collect upper-air meteorological measurements that provide inputs to numerical weather predictions and additionally are used for other purposes consistent with DMI’s general work scope and obligations as National Meteorological Service and contributor to international collaboration. The weather balloons will be used …
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2019-11-15Avionics Update of the Royal Danish Air Force Fleet of Four (4) CL-604 (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations)
The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) is going to update the Royal Danish Airforce (RDAF) fleet of 4 Bombardier Challenger 604 aircraft to meet mandates and ensure airworthiness for the next 20 years.
The RDAF Bombardier Challenger 604 fleet consists of 3 missionized aircraft and 1 normal customised aircraft.
The update consists of:
— a basic Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) certified cockpit upgrade to Rockwell Collins Pro Line Fusion or equivalent,
— a customised cockpit …
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2017-03-09Purchase of a survey-grade UAS LiDAR solution (Aarhus Universitet)
Unfortunately is it not possible to choose a more appropriate CPV-code than the above mentioned, but this purchase contains parts/accessories for a non-pioleted aircraft (drone) and not the non-pioleted aircraft itself.
More specific intends Aarhus University to purchase a survey-grade UAS LiDAR solution.
By UAS we mean an Unmanned Aerial System, here used for lightweight drones below 25kg.
By LIDAR we mean a Light Detection and Ranging, a remote sensing method using pulsed laser to measure ranges.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:YellowScan
2017-03-03Purchase of a survey-grade UAS LiDAR solution (Aarhus Universitet)
Unfortunately is it not possible to choose a more appropriate CPV-code than the above mentioned, but this purchase contains parts/accesories for a non-pioleted aircraft (drone) and not the non-pioleted aircraft itself.
More specific intends Aarhus University to purchase a survey-grade UAS LiDAR solution.
By UAS we mean an Unmanned Aerial System, here used for lightweight drones below 25kg.
By LIDAR we mean a Light Detection and Ranging, a remote sensing method using pulsed laser to measure ranges.
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2017-02-28Tactical Air Navigation Stations (TACAN stations) and TACAN Flight Inspection System (TACAN FIS) (Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse)
The tender concerns the acquisition of 4 (four) fixed Tactical Air Navigation stations (TACAN stations) including Initial Spare Parts Packages and Training and 1 (one) TACAN Flight Inspection System including Training.
For air navigation purposes the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) plan to procure new fixed TACAN stations (ground beacon/transponder, antenna group and remote/control system) and TACAN FIS.
The fixed TACAN stations are used by military aircrafts as a short-range …
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2016-10-13Purchase of two remotely Piloted Aircraft System (drones) (Aarhus Universitet)
Two Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) to be procured is to be used to support scientific research in
remote locations, primarily in Greenland and other Artic areas. The mission of the System will be to host various
types of sensors to collect data in support of Artic scientific research.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:UAVE Limited
2016-08-01Purchase of 2 remotely Piloted Aircraft System (drones) (Aarhus Universitet)
The Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) to be procured is to be used to support scientific research in remote locations, primarily in Greenland and other Arctic areas. The mission of the System will be to host various types of sensors to collect data in support of Arctic scientific research.
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2016-07-05Purchase of 2 Penguin B remotely Piloted Aircraft System (Aarhus Universitet)
The Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) to be procured is to be used to support scientific research in remote locations, primarily in Greenland and other Arctic areas. The mission of the System will be to host various types of sensors to collect data in support of Arctic scientific research.
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2016-03-16Contract for the delivery of a Low Pressure Pneumatic Launcher (LPPL) for the Royal Danish Navy (The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
The Danish Defence has since the late 1950's been supplying the naval artillery with flying and sailing target drones located at the Naval Weapon Centre (NWC) at Gniben, Sjællands odde (Zealands Point), Denmark.The drones are handled by Værnsfælles Droneafdeling (‘VFD’, in English ‘Joint Aerial Targets Branch’). VFDis currently operating Banshee 600 and Jet 40 Banshee air target drones from NWC but can also launch fromoutside the NWC as a mobile unit. VFD is flying in excess of 100 missions a year to …
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2015-12-04Contract for the delivery of a Low Pressure Pneumatic Launcher (LPPL) for the Royal Danish Navy (The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
The Danish Defence has since the late 1950's been supplying the naval artillery with flying and sailing target drones located at the Naval Weapon Centre (NWC) at Gniben, Sjællands odde (Zealands Point), Denmark. The drones are handled by Værnsfælles Droneafdeling (‘VFD’, in English ‘Joint Aerial Targets Branch’). VFD is currently operating Banshee 600 and Jet 40 Banshee air target drones from NWC but can also launch from outside the NWC as a mobile unit. VFD is flying in excess of 100 missions a year to …
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2015-09-11Rammeaftale på helikopterydelser ( ønsker at udbyde al helikopterleje i en 3 års rammeaftale med mulighed for forlængelse i 1 år + 1 år.
Rammeaftalen opdeles i delaftaler:
1. Inspektionsflyvninger af gastransmissionsledninger samt højspændings luftledninger;
2. Transport til Offshore platforme af pax + cargo
3. Transport til Horns Rev. 3 samt andre platforme af pax + cargo.
Leverandører har mulighed for at byde på alle delaftaler eller enkelte heraf. forbeholder sig retten til, at tildele primær og …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:KN HelicoptersUNI-Fly
2015-05-05Framework agreement regarding performance of Ship Helicopter Operating Limits (SHOL) trials (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
The Danish Defence has a requirement emerging in mid 2016 to operate its coming MH-60R Seahawk helicopters from the Royal Danish Navy's (RDN) helicopter carrying units.
Ship Helicopter Operating Limits (SHOL) must therefore be developed in order to achieve Full Operational Capability (FOC) as they determine the environmental, ship and aircraft limitations under which operations with MH-60R Seahawk can be conducted to and from:
— Iver Huifeldt (IVER) Class Frigates;
— Absalon (ABSL) Class Flexible Support …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Prism Defence
2014-03-19Leasing of 2 multi-engine aircraft for the Danish Air Force Home Guard (in Danish: 'Flyverhjemmeværnet') (Danish Air Force Home Guard (DAFGH))
The Danish Air Force Home Guard (in Danish: 'Flyverhjemmeværnet') seeks to lease 2 multi-engine piston aircraft for a 5 year period with expected delivery between 1 September 2014 - 31 January 2015. DAFHG will have the option to extend the lease for a further 2 years.
The aircraft are intended to be used in primarily non-military operations, including surveillance, inspection, reconnaissance and light transport. The aircraft must be in compliance with all relevant safety regulations and with current and …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:CAE Aviation Sarl Luxembourg
2014-02-11Repair and overhaul of GEM engine for Lynx Helicopter (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (Forsvarets Materieltjeneste))
Establishment of a framework agreement with a certified contractor performing repair and overhaul (R&O) services on the Rolls Royce GEM aero engine and as well on a level seperately.
The applicant shall be able and certified to execute all of the following requirements pertaining the GEM engine:
A) Depot level light and heavy maintenance including R&O and subsequent testing.
B) Incorporation of selected RR modifications.
C) Supply spare parts and consumables as required to accomplish the contracted …
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2014-01-29Leasing of 2 multi-engine aircraft for the Danish Air Force Home Guard (in Danish: 'Flyverhjemmeværnet') (Danish Air Force Home Guard (DAFGH))
The Danish Air Force Home Guard (in Danish: 'Flyverhjemmeværnet') seeks to lease 2 multi-engine piston aircraft for a 5 year period with delivery between 1 September - 30.12.2014. DAFHG will have the option to extend the lease for a further 2 years.
The aircraft are intended to be used in primarily non-military operations, including surveillance, inspection, reconnaissance and light transport. The aircraft must be in compliance with all relevant safety regulations and with current and future Instrument …
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2012-12-18Leasing of multi engine aircraft for the Danish Air Force Home Guard (in Danish: 'Flyverhjemmeværnet') (Danish Air Force Home Guard (DAFHG))
The Danish Air Force Home Guard (in Danish: 'Flyverhjemmeværnet') seeks to procure the leasing of at least 2, but no more than 6, multi engine aircraft in a 3 year period with delivery between 1 July - 30 August 2013. DAFHG will have the option to extend the lease for a further 2 years.
The aircraft are intended to be used in primarily non-military operations, including surveillance, inspection and reconnaissance. The aircraft must be in compliance with all relevant safety regulations and with current …
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2012-02-21Precision aerial delivery system (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
DALO would like to acquire a Precision Aerial Delivery System (PADS) for aerial delivery of payloads weighting between 700 lbs and 10 000 lbs. PADS is herein defined as a high altitude, offset bundle delivery system that consists of a mission planning (MP) system, a global positioning system (GPS) retransmission system and one or more steerable parachute systems, incorporating autonomous navigation in the form of one or two Airborne Guidance Unit(s) (AGU). The MP system consists of a laptop (or another …
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2011-07-07Hydraulic Test Stands (The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
DALO intends to procure 'Off The Shelf' trailer mounted Hydraulic Test Stands (HTS) for testing F-16 and C-130. The HTS shall rapidly and accurately determine the performance and operation characteristics of the aircraft hydraulic systems.
Lot 1:
1) 3 ea. Dual Test Circuit Hydraulic Tester (electrically Driven) to F-16
2) 4 ea. Double Remote Control station to F-16
3) The option to procure 2 ea. Double Remote Control station to F-16
Lot 2:
1) 5 ea. Mini Hydraulic Tester (electrically driven) to F-16
2) 4 …
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