2015-08-31WTG tender for offshore wind farms (DONG Energy Wind Power A/S)
The contract(s) will cover works in the form of a Turbine Supply Agreement and service and maintenance in the form of a Service & Warranty Agreement and potentially a Spare Part Agreement for offshore wind farm projects. The tender comprises up to 5 different sets of contracts as described above covering 5 projects with a total maximum capacity of 3 800 MWh.
The works and services and maintenance are expected to comprise, but not limited to, design, engineering, certification, procurement, supply, …
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2015-08-17Frame Agreement for the supply of onshore services related to wells on natural gas aquifer storage (Energinet.dk)
The tender covers a frame agreement with one supplier for the supply of onshore services related to wells on natural gas storage at Stenlille Gas Storage, Merløsevej 1 C, DK-4296 Nyrup. The services are tendered in two partial agreements which will content the necessary and usual activities, including:
1. Pulsed neutron logging of gas and sand in gas storage wells, including interpretation of the logs and reporting of results.
2. Wireline, pumping and coil tubing jobs, well consulting services …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Schlumberger Danmark A/S
2015-08-11Framework Agreement for Work over Rig (Energinet.dk)
Framework Agreement for supply of a work over rig for rig-assisted recompletion well intervention on flooded natural gas storage cavern. Work over rig including equipment for recompletion operation (pulling and running casings and drill pipe, welded installation of production pipe). Regular hook load minimum is 150 t. If regular hook load is lower rig with certified hydraulic jacking unit feasible. The expected annual purchase under the framework agreement is 3 000 000 DKK.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Erdöl-Erdgas Workover GmbH
2015-08-11Framework Agreement for Welding Services (Energinet.dk)
Framework Agreement for Supply of Welding Services on production pipe during rig-assisted work over on natural gas storage including installation and services for X-ray and ultrasonic testing, distance measurements and radioactive markers.
The expected annual purchase under the framework agreement is 1 000 000 DKK.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:PPS Pipeline Systems GmbH
2015-07-01Frame Agreement for the supply of onshore services related to wells on natural gas storage (Energinet.dk)
The tender covers a frame agreement with one or several suppliers for the supply of onshore services related to wells on natural gas storage at Stenlille Gas Storage, Merløsevej 1 C, DK-4296 Nyrup.
The gas is stored in a sandstone formation named Gassum at a depth of about 1 500 m. The Gassum Formation is subdivided in 6 zones separated by thin claystone stringers.
The services will include the necessary activities for Energinet.dk to be able to comply with their obligations due to legislation as well as …
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2015-05-11Kriegers Flak Combined Grid Solution (KF CGS). Cable Route Survey (Energinet.dk)
The Contracting Entity hereby invites potential Contractors to pre-qualify for a cable route survey expected to be carried out in 2015.
As part of the Kriegers Flak (KF) Combined Grid Solution (CGS) the Danish TSO Energinet.dk and the German TSO 50Hertz Transmission GmbH is preparing the installation of two parallel HVDC cables from the KFBE substation at the planned Kriegers Flak Wind Farm (DK) to the Baltic 2 substation at the Baltic 2 Wind Farm (DE).
The KF CGS cable route survey require geophysical …
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2015-04-22Transport and installation of an Offshore Substation for Borkum Riffgrund 02, offshore wind farm (DONG Energy Wind Power A/S)
The work comprised by the Contract (the "Work") will consist of the following 2 lots:
Lot 1: The transport and installation of the jacket and piles for the offshore substation at the Borkum Riffgrund 02 offshore wind farm.
Lot 2: The transport and installation of the topside for the offshore substation at the Borkum Riffgrund 02 offshore wind farm.
A tender regarding Lot 1 and Lot 2, respectively, can be submitted as a stand-alone tender. Moreover, a tender regarding Lot 1 and Lot 2, respectively, can be …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Heerema Marine Contractors Nederland SE,...
2014-12-29Horns Rev 3 export cable — UXO survey (Energinet.dk)
Energinet.dk hereby invites potential contractors to prequalify for a UXO survey to be carried out in 2015.
The Danish TSO Energinet.dk is preparing the installation of a 33 km export cable from the planned off-shore wind farm Horns Rev 3. The cable extends from the planned transformer station to the West coast of Jutland, Denmark. The cable route traverses areas with varying risk of encountering UXO and it has thus been decided that a multipurpose UXO survey shall be performed to meticulously …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Heinrich Hirdes
2014-12-22SKV Wood Chips - 3rd party verification and inspection (DONG Energy Thermal Power A/S)
BACKGROUND: DONG Energy Thermal Power is building a new district heating production plant (SKV Wood Chips) based on two wood-chip boilers, providing steam for existing steam turbine and/or stand alone bypass heat exchanger.
The two boilers are envisaged as an add-on to the existing gas fired plant, Skærbækværket. The new biomass fired boilers shall deliver up to 320 MW heat to the district heating system. It is envisaged that the new boiler plant shall have a capacity of maximum 280 MW and the remaining …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Force Technology
2014-12-12VIKING Link. Client Representative Services (Energinet.dk)
Scope of Services:
National Grid Interconnectors Holding (NGIH) and Energinet.dk (ENDK) are jointly developing a new HVDC power cable between Great Britain and Denmark known as VIKING Link.
NGIH/ENDK is currently tendering a cable route survey extending across the North Sea between the two countries. The cable route survey will include geophysical survey, geotechnical investigations, cable-crossing investigations with ROV and Benthic investigations.
NGIH/ENDK hereby invites Tenderers to submit a response …
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2014-10-15Aftale om service af vindmøller — Sprogø Havmøllepark (A/S Storebælt)
Service af 7 stk. Vestas V90 3,0 MW mk. 9 vindmøller i Sprogø Havmøllepark. Aftalen omfatter planlagt/ikke planlagt service, samt overvågning af vindmøller. Sejlads til og fra møllerne samt eftersyn og reparation af fundamenter er ikke indeholdt i kontrakten. Ordregiver stiller servicebåd til rådighed.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:MHI Vestas Offshore Wind A/S
2014-06-27Aftale om service af vindmøller — Sprogø Havmøllepark (A/S Storebælt)
Service af 7 stk. Vestas V90 3,0 MW mk 9 vindmøller i Sprogø Havmøllepark. Aftalen omfatter planlagt/ ikke planlagt service, samt overvågning af vindmøller. Sejlads til og fra møllerne samt eftersyn og reparation af fundamenter er ikke indeholdt i kontrakten. Ordregiver stiller servicebåd til rådighed.
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2013-11-12Mejlflak Nearshore Wind Farm (Havvind Århus Bugt A/S)
Havvind Århus Bugt A/S ("HÅB") acting through its technical advisor COWI A/S are seeking main contractors that are interested in becoming pre-qualified for the subsequent tender of the turneky/EPCI contract for the Mejlflak Wind Farm in the Bay of Aarhus. COWI A/S has been employed by HÅB as owner's engineer and will as such make and receive all communication relating to prequalification and subsequent tendering. All communications hereunder shall be submitted to COWI A/S via e-mail to pevl@cowi.dk.
The …
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2012-11-16WTG service for Horns Rev 2 and Nysted offshore wind farms in Denmark (DONG Energy Wind Power Denmark A/S)
DONG Energy operates the turbines on Horns Rev 2 and Nysted offshore wind farm by default, but due to lack of resources there is a need for external service providers for WTG service.
It is expected that 2 contracts will be entered.
More information about DONG Energy and it's activities including the wind farms can be found on: http://www.dongenergy.com/DA/Forretningsaktiviteter/renewables/Pages/Renewables.aspx.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Apro Wind A/STotal Wind A/S
2011-12-22Service for onshore and offshore wind farms in Denmark (DONG Energy Power A/S)
DONG Energy has two off shore wind farms and more than 300 onshore wind turbines in Denmark.
The two off shore wind farms are Horns Rev 2 located off coast of Esbjerg and Nysted Havmøllepark located off coast of Lolland-Falster. The on shore turbines are primarily located in the East of Denmark (Zealand and Lolland-Falster).
DONG Energy operates the turbines by default, but due to lack of resources there is a need for external service providers within four categories 1) WTG Service 2) Cranes 3) Lifts 4) …
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2011-12-13Adjustment of J-tubes and tightening of immersed seals on offshore wind farm(s) (DONG Energy Power A/S)
Generally seen the work consists of:
— Development, production and test of tool to raise and adjust the J-tubes at hang-off.
— Adjusting J-tubes at hang-off, tightening seals at seabed and installing constraint system on J-tubes at lover internal platform.
— Optional (diving)inspections before and/or after the above mentioned work may be included. And may be the only work done.
— Preparation of risk analysis and method statements for the work.
— Providing of vessels in connection with the work.
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