2023-07-07   Joint Nordic evaluation of contributions to multilateral trust funds (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, department for Evaluation, Learning and Quality (ELK))
The focus of the evaluation will be on the use of trust funds from a Nordic donor perspective with focus on the World Bank, the UNMPTF and the African Development Bank. The evaluation will contain a comparative perspective in which the engagement and management of the individual Nordic donors’ support to the trust funds will be assessed. The evaluation will also assess to which extent the Nordic donors coordinate their financial support and overall engagement in multilateral trust funds, and at which … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: PEM Consult A/S
2023-07-07   Evaluation of Management of Danish Development Cooperation 20 years after decentralisation (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, department for Evaluation, Learning and Quality (ELK))
An evaluation which investigates whether and how management principles and practice as it has evolved, supports the aims and ambitions of Danish development cooperation, in light of the changes in Danish development cooperation. In this evaluation, management will be used to describe MFA management of support to development cooperation. This includes the management of both bilateral and multilateral development support at headquarter level in Copenhagen and at embassies/missions. This implies that … Se udbuddet »
2023-06-30   Specialiserede tilbud for kriminalitetstruet unge (Roskilde Kommune)
Dette udbud handler om indgåelse af aftaler om levering af beskæftigelsesindsats for Roskilde Jobcenter for målgruppen: - Borgere med direkte tilknytning til Rocker bandemiljøet - Borgere som færdes i det kriminelle miljø - Borgere med udad reagerende adfærd - Kriminalitetstruede borgere Borgerne skal: - Afklares, motiveres og opkvalificeres til at påbegynde en uddannelse og/eller et Job - Støttes til at ændre adfærd, så de kan indgå i grupperelation, både i uddannelses og job sammenhæng - Afklares ift. … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Integro A/S
2023-03-31   Evaluation of Danish Development Cooperation with Tanzania 1962-2022 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, department for Evaluation, Learning and Quality (ELK))
The evaluation of the Denmark-Tanzania development cooperation is commissioned in the context of the planned phase-out of Danish bilateral development cooperation managed by the Royal Danish Embassy (RDE) in Dar es Salaam and closure of RDE in July 2024. Tanzania is Denmark’s longest standing development partner. The end of such a historic bilateral cooperation calls for an evaluation that takes stock of Denmark’s contribution to Tanzania’s development journey. While accountability is a primary … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Nordic Consulting Group A/S
2023-03-22   Assistance with recruitment of sector advisers and bilateral advisers (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
The procurement procedure concerns assistance with recruitment of sector advisers and bilateral advisers (Service A and Service B) directly employed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Mercuri Urval A/S
2023-03-22   Assistance with administration of bilateral advisers (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
The procurement procedure concerns assistance with administration of bilateral advisers (Service C) directly employed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). Se udbuddet »
2023-01-31   Offentligt EU-udbud af rammeaftaler vedrørende vedligeholdelse af miljøkuglefang og forvoldskasser på Forsvarets... (Forsvarsministeriets Ejendomsstyrelse)
Der udbydes to rammeaftaler vedrørende vedligeholdelse af miljøkuglefang og forvoldskasser. Rammeaftalerne har til formål at sikre, at Ejendomsstyrelsen kan få udført/leveret ydelser, der relaterer sig til vedligeholdelsen af miljøkuglefang samt forvoldskasser. Rammeaftalerne vil både indeholde levering af varer, udførelse af vedligeholdelse/renovering samt en kombination heraf. Rammeaftalerne udbydes som følgende to delaftaler: Delaftale 1: Sjælland og Bornholm Delaftale 2: Jylland og Fyn Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Entreprenørfirmaet Gustav H. Christensen,...
2023-01-04   Offentligt EU-udbud af rammeaftaler vedrørende vedligeholdelse af miljøkuglefang og forvoldskasser på Forsvarets... (Forsvarsministeriets Ejendomsstyrelse)
Der udbydes to rammeaftaler vedrørende vedligeholdelse af miljøkuglefang og forvoldskasser. Rammeaftalerne har til formål at sikre, at Ejendomsstyrelsen kan få udført/leveret ydelser, der relaterer sig til vedligeholdelsen af miljøkuglefang samt forvoldskasser. Rammeaftalerne vil både indeholde levering af varer, udførelse af vedligeholdelse/renovering samt en kombination heraf. Rammeaftalerne udbydes som følgende to delaftaler: Delaftale 1: Sjælland og Bornholm Delaftale 2: Jylland og Fyn Se udbuddet »
2022-10-14   Framework agreement for reviews of Strategic Partnerships 2022-2025 (The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, The Department for Humanitarian Action, Civil Society and Engagement)
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (MFA) has entered into 18 Strategic Partnerships (SPA) with Danish Civil Society Organisations for the period 2022-2025. 20 reviews are expected to be conducted by the 3 consultants within the Contract Period. In keeping with the administrative guidelines, the MFA conducts a review within a 4 year period of each organization. The MFA will enter into framework agreements with 3 consultants where the result in the procurement procedure determines the number of … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: FCG Swedish Development AB H.N. Consultants ApS Nordic Consulting Group A/S Tana Copenhagen ApS Verner Kristiansen ApS
2022-10-13   Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Unit – Danish Arab Partnership Programme 2022-2027 (Department for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark is tendering a contract regarding a Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Unit in connection with the Danish Arab Partnership Programme (DAPP) 2022-2027. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Nordic Consulting Group A/S
2022-09-30   Administrative Management of Denmark’s Peace and Stabilisation Response 2023-2028 (Migration, Stabilization and Fragility (MNS), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
The objective of this contract is to engage with an administrative manager for Denmark’s Peace and Stabilization Response (PSR) from February 2023 to February 2026 (with the option to extend to February 2028). Identification of an administrative manager of the PSR contributes to security and stabilisation around the world by ensuring relevant, efficient and timely deployment of qualified Danish civilian experts to international peacebuilding and state-building missions. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Niras A/S
2022-07-09   Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Unit for Syria-Iraq Peace and Stabilisation programme 2022-2025 (Department for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
MENA wish to hire a consultant to implement a MEAL unit to support MENA with programme strategic monitoring of the overall Syria-Iraq Peace and Stabilisation Programme (SI-PSP) 2022-2025 and all its Official Development Assistance (ODA) engagements, additional engagements if approved and engagements still under implementation from SI-PSP 2019-2021. The objective of the assignment is to ensure regular and proper monitoring, reporting and learning of the entire SI-PSP 2022-2025 at its programmatic level, … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: GFA Consulting Group Gmbh Tana Copenhagen ApS
2022-07-08   Udbud vedrørende levering af operativt beredskab (Brand og Redning MidtVest)
Udbuddet vedrører brandslukningsydelsen for Brand & Redning MidtVest. Brand & Redning MidtVest er et §60 selskab ejet af Ringkøbing-Skjern, Herning og Ikast-Brande kommuner, som har til opgave at servicere de tre kommuner efter Beredskabslovens §12, der beskriver at det kommunale redningsberedskab skal kunne yde en forsvarlig indsats mod skader på personer, ejendom og miljøet ved ulykker og katastrofer, herunder terror og krigshandlinger. Derudover jf. §14 der beskriver at Forsvarsministeren fastsætter … Se udbuddet »
2022-07-06   Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Unit – Danish Arab Partnership Programme 2022-2027 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Department for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA))
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark is tendering a contract regarding a Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Unit in connection with the Danish Arab Partnership Programme (DAPP) 2022-2027. Se udbuddet »
2022-06-30   Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) under the Climate Change, Conflict, Displacement and... (Migration, Stabilization and Fragility (MNS), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
The Climate Change, Conflict, Displacement and Irregular Migration Programme in Sahel 2021-2024 (CCDMP) was approved in November 2021, and it includes five engagements with four selected implementing partners, a Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) component and a new Team Europe Initiative (TEI) under preparation on Climate, Conflict and Migration. The tender will lead to the establishment of a separate MEAL Unit by the consultant. The consultant will support, liaise and … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Niras A/S
2022-06-07   DAPP Communication Fund 2022-2027 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Department for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA))
The objective of this procurement is to select an operator for the role of fund manager to implement and operate the DAPP Communication Fund for a five-year (60 months) period from 2022 to 2027. Key tasks of this fund management set-up include to: a. Organise annual calls-for-proposal for communication professionals and manage grantees b. Annual narrative and financial reporting of results to the MFA c. Liaise with MFA DAPP team, DAPP partners, the DAPP MEAL Unit and others to identify annual … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Nordic Consulting Group A/S
2021-12-14   Evaluation of support to gender equality in Danish development cooperation (Danida Evaluation, Learning and Quality (ELK), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
The overall purpose of the evaluation of Gender Equality, Girls’ and Women’s rights in Danish Development Cooperation (2014-2021) is to learn from implementation of previous programs and projects in terms of addressing gender issues with a view to strengthening Denmark’s integration of gender equality, girls’ and women’s rights in Danish development cooperation. The evaluation has a forward-looking perspective providing strategic and operational guidance strengthening Denmark’s engagement in realizing … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: ITAD LIMITED
2021-10-15   Fund Manager for Danida Information & Engagement Fund (2022-2026) (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, The Department of Humanitarian Action, Civil Society and Engagement)
The Danida Information and Engagement Fund (2022-2026) is a new funding mechanism to support information and engagement of a wide spectrum of Danish target groups on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and global development. The overall objective of the fund is to inform Danes on global issues of relevance to development cooperation and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and/or engage citizens in making a difference for a more just, secure and sustainable world. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: CISU - Civil Society in Development Fonden Roskilde Festival
2021-10-15   Youth Inclusion and Employment Project under the Programme for Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship of the Danish... (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Department for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA))
The purpose of the assignment is to implement the Youth Inclusion and Employment project of the Programme for Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship (hereafter referred to as the Youth Employment Programme) in Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, and Jordan as well as a potential expansion of activities to Algeria. The deliverable will contribute to the Programme’s overall objective, which is increased employment of young people through entrepreneurship and enterprise development. To achieve this objective, the … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: ActionAid Denmark Danish Chamber of Commerce GAME PlanBørnefonden
2021-10-15   Programme for Human Rights and Inclusion of the Danish Arab Partnership Programme (DAPP) (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Department for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA))
The purpose of the assignment is to implement the DAPP Human Rights Programme in Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, and Jordan as well as a potential expansion of activities to Algeria. The deliverable will contribute to the Programme’s overall objective which is to promote and protect human rights with a focus on youth. To achieve this objective, the Programme will work with both rights holders and duty bearers with a particular emphasis on youth. The Programme is divided into two phases. The commencement of … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Danish Institute for Human rights DIGNITY, Danish Institute against torture International Media Support KVINFO
2021-09-14   Inspektion af brandsikringsanlæg i Københavns Kommune (Københavns Kommune - Økonomiforvaltningen)
Ved nærværende udbud ønsker Ordregiver at indhente tilbud på Kontrakt vedrørende inspektioner af alle typer brandsikringsanlæg. Tryk her https://permalink.mercell.com/151610571.aspx Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Dansk Brand- og sikringsteknisk Institut
2021-09-01   Technical Assistance in relation to projects for Danida Sustainable Infrastructure Finance (Investment Fund for Developing Countries)
Technical assistance in relation to Danida Sustainable Infrastructure Finance (DSIF) projects. DSIF is a department of the Investment Fund for Developing Countries (in Danish “Investeringsfonden for Udviklingslande”). DSIF provides subsidized loans to infrastructure projects in developing countries – preferably above 100.000.000 DKK. The framework agreement is established to provide DSIF with the possibility to invite the suppliers of the framework agreement to submit proposals for individual assignments … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: COWI A/S GOPA Infra GmbH Niras A/S PEMconsult A/S Rambøll Danmark A/S SAFEGE (SUEZ Consulting) Sweco Danmark A/S Viegand Maagøe A/S
2021-08-31   The Global Engagement, Sustainability, Education and Cooperation fund (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
The Global Engagement, Sustainability, Education and Cooperation fund (GLOBUS puljen in Danish) is a new fund aiming to engage Danish students and apprentices in the SDGs and in international development cooperation alongside partners in the Global South. This engagement is to be fostered through two types of interventions; (i) educational exchange, in the spirit of partnership among equals, between, on the one hand, educational establishments and other actors in Denmark and, on the other, partner … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Center for Church-Based Development - CKU Ulandssekretariatet
2021-08-17   Evaluation of support to gender equality in Danish development cooperation (Danida Evaluation, Learning and Quality (ELK), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
The overall purpose of the evaluation of Gender Equality, Girls’ and Women’s rights in Danish Development Cooperation (2014-2021) is to learn from implementation of previous programs and projects in terms of addressing gender issues with a view to strengthening Denmark’s integration of gender equality, girls’ and women’s rights in Danish development cooperation. The evaluation has a forward-looking perspective providing strategic and operational guidance strengthening Denmark’s engagement in realizing … Se udbuddet »
2021-07-02   Evaluation of Danida support to Private Sector Development (PSD) (Danida Evaluation, Learning and Quality (ELK), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
The Evaluation, Learning and Quality (ELK) Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (MFA) is commissioning an independent evaluation to evaluate the Danish support for improving the framework conditions for Private Sector Development (PSD) in the Global South. The objectives of the evaluation are: — to document and analyse the relevance, coherence, effectiveness (focusing on outcomes/impact), efficiency (including value for money), sustainability of the Danish support for improving the … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Nordic Consulting Group A/S
2021-04-21   Genudbud vedr. mobil stormflodsbeskyttelse (Frederikssund Kommune)
Udbuddet vedrører en kontrakt om mobil/ikke-permanent stormflodsbeskyttelse på 8 lokaliteter i Frederikssund Kommune. Kontrakten har karakter af en abonnements- og lejeaftale. Udbuddet gennemføres som et genudbud efter annullering af tidligere udbud (udbudsbekendtgørelse 2021/S 055-137927). Tryk her https://permalink.mercell.com/154645948.aspx Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Environment Solutions ApS
2021-04-09   Evaluation of Danida Multi-Bilateral Interventions (Danida Evaluation, Learning and Quality (ELK), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark wish to conclude a contract regarding Evaluation of Danida Multi-Bilateral Interventions. The main objective of the evaluation will be to provide lessons learned for future use of the multi-bi instrument in Danish development assistance. The evaluation will focus on Danish ‘Programatic’ and ‘Project-type’ multi-bi contributions for development purposes, which are ‘Country specific’. Multi-bi to humanitarian purposes will only be considered to the extent that it … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Mokoro Limited
2021-03-17   Evaluation of the Peace and Stabilisation Fund (PSF) (Danida Evaluation, Learning and Quality (ELK), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
Danida Evaluation, Learning and Quality (ELK) in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark wish to conclude a contract regarding evaluation consultancy services in relation to the Danish Peace and Stabilisation Fund (PSF). The objectives of the evaluation are threefold: — to document the achievements and main results of PSF programmes with respect to their objectives and theories of change, both in terms of outcomes ‘on the ground’ and in terms of overall policies adopted and carried out through the … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: ECORYS Nederland B.V. Nordic Consulting Group A/S
2021-03-15   Udbud med forhandling vedr. mobil stormflodsbeskyttelse (Frederikssund Kommune)
Udbuddet vedrører en kontrakt om mobil/ikke-permanent stormflodsbeskyttelse på 8 lokaliteter i Frederikssund Kommune. Kontrakten har karakter af en abonnements- og lejeaftale. Tryk her https://permalink.mercell.com/151446256.aspx Se udbuddet »
2021-02-16   Brandsikringsanlæg - vedligehold, serviceeftersyn, installation og udskiftning (Københavns Kommune - Økonomiforvaltningen)
Ved nærværende udbud ønsker ordregiver at indgå rammeaftale vedrørende løbende vedligehold, lovpligtigt serviceeftersyn og udskiftning af eksisterende brandtekniske installationer samt indkøb af nye brandtekniske installationer. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Bravida Danmark A/S
2021-01-25   Management of Danish Emergency Relief Fund (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
The Danish Emergency Relief Fund (DERF) is a humanitarian funding mechanism launched in May 2017. The DERF provides flexible and rapid funding to save lives and prevent further escalation of suffering in humanitarian crisis situations. It supports acute humanitarian interventions by Danish civil society organisations (CSOs), who have existing presence and capacity in crisis areas, primarily through local partners. The Department of Humanitarian Action, Migration and Engagement (HCE) of the Ministry of … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: CISU - Civil Society in Development Red Barnet
2020-12-03   Operativt beredskab af station Galten (Østjyllands Brandvæsen I/S)
Udbuddet omfatter levering af operativt beredskab af station Galten. En uddybende beskrivelse af opgaven fremgår af bilag 2: Kravspecifikation samt bilag 4: Dækningsområde Galten. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Falck Danmark A/S
2020-10-19   Brand- og redningstjeneste - distrikt Rønne og Nexø (Bornholms Regionskommune)
Bornholms Regionskommunes beredskab ønsker at indgå en 6-årig kontrakt med optioner på forlængelse i henholdsvis 2 + 2 år om varetagelse af det akutte operative beredskab for distrikterne Rønne og Nexø på Bornholm inklusive varetagelse af vagtcentralydelser. Det er ud fra Bornholms Regionskommunes beredskabs markedskendskab den umiddelbare vurdering, at Bornholms Regionskommunes nuværende leverandør Falck Danmark A/S, er den eneste aktør på markedet, der vil kunne løfte den udbudte kontrakt med … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Falck Danmark A/S
2020-07-17   Udbud af operationelt beredskab (Gribskov Kommune)
Opgaven omfatter det begrænsende og afhjælpende brand- og redningsberedskabs indsats i tilfælde af redningsopgaver i henhold til beredskabsloven, vedtagne risikobaserede dimensionering, pickliste samt nabohjælp. I hovedtræk omfatter opgaven drift og redning fra Gribskov Kommunes 2 stationer (Gilleleje og Helsinge), naboassistance samt evt. dækning for indsatsleder samt brandhaneeftersyn. Se udbuddet »
2020-07-13   Udbud af operationelt beredskab (Gribskov Kommune)
Opgaven omfatter det begrænsende og afhjælpende brand- og redningsberedskabs indsats i tilfælde af redningsopgaver i henhold til beredskabsloven, vedtagne risikobaserede dimensionering, pickliste samt nabohjælp. I hovedtræk omfatter opgaven drift og redning fra Gribskov Kommunes to stationer (Gilleleje og Helsinge), naboassistance samt evt. dækning for indsatsleder samt brandhaneeftersyn. Tryk her https://permalink.mercell.com/134033149.aspx Se udbuddet »
2020-07-03   Operativt beredskab til Beredskab & Sikkerhed - prækvalifikation (Beredskab og Sikkerhed I/S)
Udbuddet omfatter operativt beredskab og drift af 5 brandstationer samt drift af frivillige fordelt på 4 delområder/delaftaler. Stationerne driftes i dag af ekstern leverandør. Ansøgning om prækvalifikation Tryk her https://permalink.mercell.com/133926586.aspx Se udbuddet »
2020-06-16   Brandslukningsydelsen for Beredskab Øst (Beredskab Øst)
Rammeaftalen i forbindelse med udbud af brandslukningsydelsen er et samlet udbud og er i henhold til rådets direktiv nr. 2004/18/EF af 31. marts 2004 om samordning af fremgangsmåderne ved indgåelse af offentlige vareindkøbskontrakter, offentlige tjenesteydelseskontrakter og offentlige bygge- og anlægskontrakter klassificeret som en bilag IIB ydelse. Rammeaftalen indgås med Beredskab Øst på vegne af følgende 5 kommuner: Ballerup, Gentofte, Gladsaxe, Herlev og Lyngby-Taarbæk Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Falck Danmark A/S
2020-05-20   Tender for Evaluation of the Danish Support to Civil Society: Three Thematic Evaluations to Support Joint Learning 2020-2022 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of Evaluation, Learning and Quality (ELK))
Department of Evaluation, Learning and Quality (ELK) intends to commission a series of thematic evaluations with the following objectives: The objectives of the evaluation are to: • capture outcome level results in selected thematic areas of development and humanitarian assistance implemented in the global south by Danish CSOs; • stimulate learning based on evidence of achieved results to improve the quality of the Danish Government’s support to civil society. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: INTRAC Ltd Nordic Consulting Group A/S
2020-04-01   Tender for enabling environment for sustainable energy in Georgia (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department for European Neighbourhood)
The objective of the project is to deliver Technical Assistance (TA) to key energy authorities in Georgia, in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increased investment in the green energy transition facilitated by a strengthened enabling environment. The immediate objective of the project is to increase capacity of energy authorities, tools for long-term energy system planning and modelling and better forecasting and integration of wind energy, secondary legislation on appliances and ecodesign, … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Niras A/S
2020-03-31   Tender for Evaluation of the Danish support to civil society: Three thematic evaluations to support joint learning 2020-2021 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of Evaluation, Learning and Quality (ELK))
Department of Evaluation, Learning and Quality (ELK) intends to commission a series of thematic evaluations with the following objectives: The objectives of the evaluation are to: - Capture outcome level results in selected thematic areas of development and humanitarian assistance implemented in the global south by Danish CSOs; - Stimulate learning based on evidence of achieved results to improve the quality of the Danish Government’s support to civil society. Se udbuddet »
2020-03-16   Tender for Motorcycles for Danida Uganda Country Programme (The Embassy of Denmark in Uganda)
The Danish Embassy in Kampala wishes to enter into a framework agreement for the supply of approximately 150 motorcycles in the agreement period, which is running from the signing of contract until 31 December 2022. The Danish Embassy in Kampala will procure 98 motorcycles as an initial purchase. The motorcycles will be used for implementation of a wide range of activities related to projects and programmes supported and financed under Danida in Uganda. Most of these motorcycles are expected to be … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Toyota Uganda Ltd
2020-03-05   Evaluation of Danish Funding for Climate Change Mitigation in Developing Countries (Danida Evaluation, Learning and Quality (ELK), Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
The objectives of the evaluation are threefold, covering both accountability and learning purposes: — to document achievements in terms of assisting developing countries to mitigate climate change through the provision of Danish support in the period from 2013, both through the climate change envelope and through other development assistance channels, — to analyse the outcomes of climate change mitigation funding, with due consideration of the opportunities and barriers at both national and global … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: ODI Sales Ltd Particip GmbH
2020-02-14   Evaluation of Danida Sustainable Infrastructure Finance Programme (Danida Evaluation, Learning and Knowledge Department (ELK), Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
The services consist of consultancy services related to an independent evaluation of the Danida Sustainable Infrastructure Finance (DSIF — previously Danida Business Finance) projects covering the period since the first evaluation in 2001, although with an emphasis on the last 10 years of operation. The evaluation of DSIF serves learning and accountability purposes for both the Investment Fund for Developing Countries (IFU)/DSIF and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Particip GmbH
2020-02-05   Event Management and Catering Services (The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Department for the European Neighbourhood)
EUACI requires an experienced event management and catering agency in order to provide organization of events including logistical support, booking of conference halls, interpretation services and coffee breaks, etc. during events in Kyiv and in Ukraine. The scope of the framework agreement includes event management, catering services, accommodation, interpretation services, printing services, photographer services, transportation services and any necessary coordination between the service providers used … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: LLC ‘Company Toleran’ Starmice LLC
2020-01-17   German Authority Persons (APs) Contract (Femern Bælt A/S)
In connection with the offshore construction activities of the Femern Belt Fixed Link project a Vessel Traffic Service, VTS Fehmarnbelt, will be established as a part of the risk control measures. The VTS operators at VTS Fehmarnbelt will be working in co-operation with the VTS operators at VTS Travemünde. VTS Travemünde is an existing VTS operated by the German authorities. As part of VTS Fehmarnbelt the work areas shall be guarded by guard vessels at all times. The guard vessels will be provided, … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: EMS Maritime Offshore GmbH
2019-12-20   Operativt beredskab til Trekantområdets Brandvæsen (Trekantområdets Brandvæsen)
Udbuddet vedrører operativt beredskab til Trekantområdets Brandvæsen. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Falck Danmark A/S
2019-11-01   Management Support Consultant for the Danida Market Development Partnerships Programme (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Danida Market Development Partnerships (DMDP) Programme is an instrument under the Danish government’s priorities for development cooperation. The objective of DMDP is to contribute to sustainable economic growth in developing countries within the framework of the sustainable development goals. The DMDP programme supports partnerships between private enterprises and non-profit actors in selected countries. The DMDP has until now been managed by the Department for Sustainable Growth and Employment (BVB) … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Klim Nordic Consulting Group A/S
2019-07-09   Varetagelse af det akutte operative beredskab i Lolland-Falster Brandvæsens dækningsområde (LollandKommune og... (Lolland Kommune)
Lolland-Falster Brandvæsen ønsker at indgå en 4-årig kontrakt med optioner på forlængelse i 3 perioder af 2 år, om varetagelse af det akutte operative beredskab i Lolland-Falster Brandvæsens dækningsområde (Lolland Kommune og Guldborgsund Kommune) inklusive varetagelse af vagtcentralydelser. Det er ud fra Lolland-Falster Brandvæsens markedskendskab den umiddelbare vurdering, at Lolland-Falster Brandvæsensnuværende leverandør, Falck Danmark A/S, er den eneste aktør på markedet, der vil kunne løfte … Se udbuddet »
2019-07-01   Evaluation of Danish Strategic Sector Cooperation (Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Danida Evaluation Department)
The Evaluation Department (EVAL) under the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs will commission an evaluation of the strategic sector cooperation initiative in all its dimensions and assess whether, how, and why the Initiative has succeeded in delivering concrete results and in co-creating value in accordance with its 3 overall objectives mentioned earlier. The objective of the evaluation is also to assess the current governance and management arrangements in the light of the diversity and continued … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: PEMconsult A/S
2019-06-07   Evaluation of the Danish Support for Climate Change Adaptation in Developing Countries (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Danida Evaluation Department)
In 2019, the Evaluation Department (EVAL) under the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs will commission an evaluation of the support to climate change adaptation under the Danish Development Assistance budget. The evaluation will have a focus on interventions within climate adaptation as part of the climate envelope and as mainstreamed interventions within the overall development assistance portfolio. There will be a focus on learning, building on the outcomes of interventions carried out in the period … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: PEMconsult A/S