2021-04-21   Genudbud vedr. mobil stormflodsbeskyttelse (Frederikssund Kommune)
Udbuddet vedrører en kontrakt om mobil/ikke-permanent stormflodsbeskyttelse på 8 lokaliteter i Frederikssund Kommune. Kontrakten har karakter af en abonnements- og lejeaftale. Udbuddet gennemføres som et genudbud efter annullering af tidligere udbud (udbudsbekendtgørelse 2021/S 055-137927). Tryk her https://permalink.mercell.com/154645948.aspx Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Environment Solutions ApS
2021-03-15   Udbud med forhandling vedr. mobil stormflodsbeskyttelse (Frederikssund Kommune)
Udbuddet vedrører en kontrakt om mobil/ikke-permanent stormflodsbeskyttelse på 8 lokaliteter i Frederikssund Kommune. Kontrakten har karakter af en abonnements- og lejeaftale. Tryk her https://permalink.mercell.com/151446256.aspx Se udbuddet »
2020-10-15   NEW: Rescue Tools, Hydraulic and Battery Powered (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) tender a framework agreement for the procurement of hydraulic and battery powered rescue tools for rescue missions and related accessories and services. The agreement shall cover the requirements of the Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA), the Danish Defence and the municipal fire departments for hydraulic cutting and spreading tools, both as a single function tools and as combination tools (combi tools), as well as rams. Requirements … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Hytor A/S Lotek A/S
2020-08-26   Rescue Tools, Hydraulic and Battery Powered (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) tender a framework agreement for the procurement of hydraulic and battery powered rescue tools for rescue missions and related accessories and services. The agreement shall cover the requirements of the Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA), the Danish Defence and the municipal fire departments for hydraulic cutting and spreading tools, both as a single function tools and as combination tools (Combi Tools), as well as rams. Requirements … Se udbuddet »
2020-07-10   Rescue Tools, Hydraulic and Battery Powered (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) tender a framework agreement for the procurement of hydraulic and battery powered rescue tools for rescue missions and related accessories and services. The agreement shall cover the requirements of the Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA), the Danish Defence and the municipal fire departments for hydraulic cutting and spreading tools, both as a single function tools and as combination tools (combi tools), as well as rams. Requirements … Se udbuddet »
2020-05-12   Rammaftale vedrørende levering og vedligeholdelse af polarredningsflåder (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
Rammeaftalen omfatter levering og vedligeholdelse af polarredningsflåder med en kapacitet på 25 personer inklusiv nødvendige backup-systemer samt tilhørende tjenesteydelser, herunder eftersyn, service og vedligeholdelse. Rammeaftalen indeholder både levering af polarredningsflåder og backup-systemer samt efterfølgende eftersyn, service og vedligeholdelse af polarredningsflåder og backup-systemer samt levering af brugsdele, der indgår i eftersyn, service og vedligeholdelse samt nødpakke. Det er … Se udbuddet »
2020-05-07   Service og vedligehold af VVS og brandanlæg på Amager Bakke anlægget (I/S Amager Ressourcecenter)
Udbuddet vedr. service og vedligehold af VVS og brandanlæg på Amager Bakke anlægget. Se kravspecifikation for yderligere info. Se udbuddet »
2020-02-07   Rammeaftale vedrørende eftersyn, service og vedligeholdelse af Forsvarets redningsflåder og Viking Evacuation Chutes (Forsvarsministeriet Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelsen)
Rammeaftalen omfatter eftersyn, service og vedligeholdelse af Forsvarets redningsflåder og evakueringssystemer i henhold til gældende nationale og internationale regler og godkendt servicemanual fra producenten Viking Life Saving Equipment A/S. Rammeaftalen omfatter eftersyn, service og vedligeholdelse af følgende redningsflåder og evakueringssystemer: 1) ”Kast over bord”-redningsflåder; 2) Polarredningsflåder; 3) Nedfirbare redningsflåder; 4) Viking Evacuation Chute System. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Viking Life-Saving Equipment A/S
2016-05-10   Framework agreements regarding acquisition of ammunition (The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
As part of DALOs business development of the ammunition area, DALO has started focusing on the various ammunition types that are consumed by the Danish Defence. This has enabled DALO to structure the ammunition consumption and spending into several categories, of which 4 of the main categories are now tendered for in 4 different categories/lots (hereinafter referred to as Category Contracts). Thus, each Category Contract regards a separate lot. A Categories Contract constitutes a group of ammunition … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Expal Systems S.A. Mecar S.A.
2015-07-16   Rammeaftale vedr. drift og vedligeholdelse af redningsflåder og evakueringssystemer (Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse)
Alle redningsflåder og evakueringssystemer i Forsvaret er godkendt i henhold til international og national lovgivning samt regler for skibe og fartøjers sikkerhed til søs. Leverandøren skal udføre certificeret service og vedligeholdelse af disse redningsflåder og evakueringssystemer i henhold til gældende nationale og internationale regler samt godkendt servicemanual fra producenten. Rammeaftalen omfatter således vedligeholdelse og reparation af flåder og evakueringssystemer, herunder levering af … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Bornholms Flådeservice ApS Viking Life-Saving Equipment A/S
2015-04-15   Pyrotechnic — Visual Life-Saving Appliances plus Signals, Poly Bottles and Mini Flares (Supplier optional) (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
The Framework Agreement regards the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) acquisition of pyrotechnic consisting of visual life-saving appliances plus signals, mini flares and poly bottles (hereinafter merely referred to as ‘LSA’) her for the entire Royal Danish Navy including the National Home Guard naval division in order to secure the operation of the Danish fleet and to maintain a constant access and availability of LSA in line with i.a. the International Convention for the … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Pro-Safe A/S
2015-03-12   Udbud af redningslifte til Københavns Brandvæsen (Københavns Brandvæsen)
Københavns Brandvæsen ønsker ved nærværende udbud tilbud på en rammeaftale på 2 stk. redningslifte til ildløstjenesten i Københavns Brandvæsen, og en option på anskaffelse af yderligere redningslifte til henholdsvis Århus, Odense og Ålborg kommunale brandvæsner i rammeaftalens løbetid. Procedure: Ordregiver har valgt at gennemføre denne opgave digitalt igennem Mercell Danmark A/S. For at deltage i opgaven kopieres dette link til din internet browser: http://permalink.mercell.com/49756380.aspx Her … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Omme Lift A/S
2014-12-17   Pyrotechnic — Visual Life Saving Appliances (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistic Organization (DALO))
The Agreement regards The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistic Organization's single acquisition of visual life-saving appliances (hereinafter merely referred to as the “LSA”) for the entire Royal Danish Navy including the National Home Guard naval division (hereinafter referred to as “RDN”). The Deliverables (the LSAs) and the total number of Deliverables which the Supplier must deliver under the agreement are as follows: — Rocket parachute flare (1 200 units), — Hand flares (1 300 units), — Buoyant … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Nammo LIAB AB
2014-10-10   Pyrotechnic — Visual Life-Saving Appliances plus Signals, Mini Flares and Poly Bottles (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
The Framework Agreement regards the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) acquisition of pyrotechnic consisting of visual life-saving appliances plus signals, mini flares and poly bottles (hereinafter merely referred to as ‘LSA’) her for the entire Royal Danish Navy including the National Home Guard naval division. The purpose of the acquisition is to secure the operation of the Danish fleet and to maintain a constant access and availability of LSA in line with i.a. the … Se udbuddet »
2014-09-12   Framework agreement regarding GMDSS and Direction Finders (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
The Danish Defence is using several different vessels in the Coastal Rescue Service, the Maritime Home Guard, the Danish Navy, different educational institutions and the Army and Air Force. These vessels have to be equipped with GMDSS material and direction finders in order to be able to require or deliver assistance, and potentially lead operations, in an emergency situation at sea in accordance with the International Maritime Organizations (IMO) Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS) regulations and the Search … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: FURUNO Danmark A/S
2014-07-18   Framework agreement - mobile dams (Beredskabsstyrelsen)
The Danish Emergency Management Agency is calling for tenders for framework agreement for mobile dams for the entire Danish fire and rescue service. Mobile dams shall be used for se KRAVSPEC. The framework agreement is not exclusive. Danish Emergency Management Agency obliges to purchase 1000 m of mobile dam. Here besides the framework agreement does not contain terms for further supply to the Danish Emergency Management Agency or customers placing orders under the agreement. The Danish Emergency … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: AquaDam Europe Limited
2013-11-19   Rammeaftale vedrørende levering af kemikalieindsatsdragter (Beredskabsstyrelsen)
Nærværende udbudsforretning vedrører udbud af en rammeaftale på kemikalieindsatsdragter til »Emergency Teams« type A samt tilbehør hertil. Derudover efterspørges en option på kemikalieindsatsdragter til »Emergency Teams« type B. Kemikalieindsatsdragterne skal opfylde kravene jf. standarter EN 943-1:2002 og EN 943-2:2002. Både Beredskabsstyrelsen, Forsvarets Materieltjeneste, samt de tilsluttede Kommunale Brand- og Redningsberedskaber kan rekvirere på aftalen. Procedure: Ordregiver har valgt at gennemføre … Se udbuddet »