2012-10-05Dermal absorption of nanomaterials (Miljøstyrelsen)
An evaluation of the current knowledge base regarding dermal absorption of nanomaterials, and an extensive assessment of the extent of dermal absorption of nanomaterials, as well as the identification of nano-specific characteristics that may influence dermal absorption, based on the currently available scientific literature in this area. Furthermore, an evaluation of the specific areas in which more knowledge is needed is also required.
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2012-10-05Systemic absorption of nanomaterials by oral exposure (Miljøstyrelsen)
Evaluation of the current knowledge base regarding systemic absorption of nanomaterials by oral exposure. An extensive assessment of the extent of systemic absorption of nanomaterials by oral exposure, as well as the identification of nano-specific characteristics that may influence systemic absorption of nanomaterials by oral exposure, based on the currently available scientific literature in this area. Furthermore, an evaluation of the specific areas in which more knowledge is needed is also required.
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2012-03-30Kortlægning af 10 stoffer på Listen Over Uønskede Stoffer (LOUS) (Miljøstyrelsen)
Nærværende udbud omfatter systematisk kortlægning af følgende 10 stoffer:
— PFOS og PFOA og øvrige per- og polyfluorerede forbindelser,
— Visse parabener (propyl- og butylparaben samt isopropylparaben, isobutylparaben, methyl- og ethylparaben) til visse formål,
— Methanol,
— Alkylphenoler og alkylphenolethoxylater,
— Bisphenol A,
— Bisphenol-A-diglycidylether polymer,
— 1,4-benzenediol, 2,5-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-,
— 1,6 hexandioldiglycidylether,
— …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:COWICOWI A/SDHIForce Technology
2012-03-28Multi Purpose Light Rescue Vehicles, mobile pump, generator and water vacuum equipment and mobile dam and self... (Copenhagen Fire Brigade)
Lot 1: Multipurpose Light Rescue Vehicles.
Generel concept.
The Multipurpose Light Rescue Vehicle concept consists of a fleet of standard vehicles with a common basic configuration and with a number of self contained mission specific equipment “modules” which can be loaded and unloaded the vehicle cargo compartment.
The vehicle will perform a wide range of missions in the city of Copenhagen, among other fire preventing activities such as advising, education and training of company and institution …
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