2023-10-12   LiDAR acquisition of Denmark 2024-27 (LAD24-27) (Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Infrastruktur)
The tender will be foundation for the 4th national LiDAR based DHM covering Denmark. The first was acquired in 2006 and 2007, the 2nd was acquired in 2014 and 15 and the 3rd was acquired from 2019-23. The national height model is considered fundamental data, and is distributed as free data. SDFI has a requirement to make an updated DHM every 5 years minimum, which this what this tender will cover. For the next version of the DHM, SDFI will want a more flexible solution, because there is a growing demand … Se udbuddet »
2023-10-11   Rammeaftale om teknisk rådgivning - Klimatilpasning og Anlæg (Københavns Kommune, Teknik- og Miljøforvaltningen, Afdeling for Mobilitet, Klimatilpasning og Byvedligehold)
Københavns Kommune, Teknik og Miljøforvaltningen, Mobilitet, Klimatilpasning og Byvedligehold udbyder Rammeaftale om teknisk rådgivning - Klimatilpasning og Anlæg i totalrådgivning som offentligt EU-udbud. Rammeaftalen omfatter teknisk rådgivning til gennemførelse af anlægsprojekter i Københavns Kommune. Rammeaftalen forventes anvendt inden for området ”Klimatilpasning og Anlæg” i TMF, herunder men ikke begrænset til: - Parker - Landskabs- og beplantningsprojekter - Byrum - Legepladser - Aktivitets- og … Se udbuddet »
2023-04-28   Sigurdsgade - Skybrudssikring og grønne byrum (Teknik- og Miljøforvaltningen, Københavns Kommune)
Projektet Grønne byrum & skybrudssikring i Sigurdsgade & sidegader skal afhjælpe oversvømmelse i Sigurdsgade og sidegader på Ydre Nørrebro ved at forsinke skybrudsvand og håndtere hverdagsregn fra afkoblede vejarealer i grønne elementer. Samtidig skal udvalgte befæstede arealer omdannes til grønne byrum og fremme den lokale forbindelse mellem og Skjolds Plads og Sifs Plads. Trafiksikkerhed og tilgængelighed for bløde trafikanter skal øges i området, og der skal etableres opholdsmuligheder og … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: BOGL ApS
2023-04-28   Skybruds- og byrumsprojekt i Mimersgadekvarteret (Københavns Kommune, Teknik- og Miljøforvaltningen, Afdeling for Mobilitet, Klimatilpasning og Byvedligehold)
Skybruds- og Byrumsprojektet i Mimersgadekvarteret omfatter flere delopgaver, der samtænkes og samprojekteres til en helhedsorienteret løsning. Projektet består af et skybrudsprojekt og et byrumsprojekt. Skybrudsprojektet er en del af den samlede skybrudsløsning i Haraldsgadekvarteret og har til formål, at opsamle og forsinke skybrudsvand og hverdagsregn i grønne og/eller grå overflade-elementer inden for projektområdet. Byrumsprojektet består i etablering af cykelstier i Hamletsgade i begge retninger … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: AFRY Denmark A/S
2022-03-07   Beregning af afledte hydrologiske højdemodeller (Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Effektivisering)
SDFE skal have beregnet hydrologiske højdemodeller. Tidligere var dette en et årig kontrakt, nu forsøges den som fleråring. De tekniske krav er specificeret i kontraktparadigmets bilag 1-3. Den udbudte kontrakt er ikke opdelt i delkontrakter, jf. udbudslovens § 49, stk. 2, da opgaven er at lave et samlet datagrundlag for hele Danmark, samt at hvis kontrakten blev splittet op ville initial omkostningerne gøre at prisen ville blive uforholdsmæssigt høj. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: SCALGO Development ApS
2020-10-02   Digital Oblique Image Acquisition 2021-23 (Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Effektivisering)
SDFE intend to establish a common oblique image dataset as a public geographical administrative basis for digital management (e-governance) in Denmark. The data set was first established in 2017 and updated in 2019 with the same specification. This tender is more or less the same service but with a slightly updated specification with the experiences from the previous two acquisitions. The purpose of the tender is to create the necessary high quality oblique photography’s in digital form, without blurring … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: AVT-Airborne Sensing GmbH GeoFly GmbH Leica Geosystems Technology A/S MGGP Aero Sp. z o.o. Terratec AS
2018-10-12   LiDAR Acquisition of Denmark 2019-20 (LAD19-20) (Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Effektivisering)
This tender is an open procurement for data acquisition and processing of LiDAR data for revising the Danish Height Model (DK-DHM). The contract is initially for a 2-year period covering 2/5 of Denmark (roughly 17 000 km) with possibility of a 3-year extension granted annually for the last 3/5 (roughly 26 000 km). Data acquisition is to be undertaken in spring/early summer before foliation, have to have an average point density of 6 Points per m or better (more Points per m) and processed to meet the … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: BSF Swissphoto GmbH MILAN Geoservice GmbH
2018-07-18   Digital ortho photos of forest areas (Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Effektivisering)
This Framework Agreement is for producing ortho photos derived from aerial photos acquired be the supplier in case of severe windfall in Danish forests during the time period October 1 to March 1. During the time period the supplier must have capacity on standby and ready to be able to mobilize within 2 working days after receiving the AOI from the Contracting Authority. The Framework Agreement will be for a 4 year period and will expire on 31.3.2022. The framework requires the supplier to be on standby … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: BSF Swissphoto GmbH
2018-03-21   Ground deformation monitoring in Denmark from Sentinel-1 (Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency)
The tender concerns ground deformation monitoring in Denmark (InSAR) based on Sentinel-1 Inferometric Wide Swath mode radar data, adjusted using reference points from stable elevation bench marks and corner reflectors. The generation of a nationwide deformation map may be split, so monitoring over one part of the country is carried out in 2018 while options for mapping the remainder as well as for updates may be contracted at later points during the contract period. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: TRE Altamira srl
2018-01-12   LiDAR acquisition of Denmark 2018-19 (LAD18-19) (Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency)
This tender is an open procurement for data acquisition and processing of LiDAR data for revising the Danish Height Model (DK-DHM). The contract is initially for a two-year period covering 2/5 of Denmark (roughly 17 000 km²) with possibility of a three-year extension granted annually for the last 3/5 (roughly 26 000 km²). Data acquisition is to be undertaken in spring /early summer before foliation, have an equal or better point density (4 pts /m²) and processed to meet the geometric and classification … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Aerodata International Survey bvba
2011-06-17   Research project: evaluation of pressure equalization modules for shore erosion control (The Danish Ministry of Transport)
The tender comprises: — Research and follow-up on project concerning evaluation of pressure equalization modules (PEM-system) for shore erosion control (please refer the manufacturer's homepage http://www.shore.dk), — Application for environmental authority approval of the project. Duration: Appr. 3½ years. Se udbuddet »