2023-02-28   Evaluering af naturfagligt projekt til Københavns Professionshøjskole (Københavns Professionshøjskole S/I)
Udbuddet vedrører evaluering af Naturfagsakademiet. Akademiet er etableret i 2021 med støtte af Villum Fonden og Novo Nordisk Fonden. Se udbuddet »
2021-01-25   Preparation of a Project Proposal and EU Funding Application for the Project: STRING Hydrogen Corridor (STRING)
The political cross-border organisation STRING is looking to enter into a contract with a consultancy able to prepare a project proposal and an EU funding application for the project: STRING hydrogen corridor. This will include, but not limited to, defining the concrete project structure and targets, establishing contacts to key stakeholders, building a consortium of public and private partners, identifying suitable EU funds and negotiating economic, legal and administrative preconditions for the … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: umlaut energy GmbH
2019-10-10   Udbud af varetagelse af metodebeskrivelse og evaluering i modning af MOVE til gruppebehandling (Socialstyrelsen)
Opgaven består i at metodebeskrive og evaluere MOVE-metoden til gruppebehandling i den sociale ambulante stofmisbrugsbehandling for unge. Opgaven består af 2 delopgaver: 1) Modning og metodebeskrivelse af MOVE til gruppebehandling; 2) Evaluering af MOVE som gruppebehandling for unge i ambulant stofmisbrugsbehandling. Formålet med modningen af MOVE er at tilpasse og udvikle MOVE, der på nuværende tidspunkt omfatter individuel behandling, så metoden kan bruges i gruppebaseret kommunal … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Center for Rusmiddelforskning
2019-01-14   Gennemførelse af PISA 2021 i Danmark (Styrelsen for Undervisning og Kvalitet)
PISA er en international OECD-undersøgelse af 15-åriges kompetencer i læsning, matematik og naturfag. Udbuddet ”Gennemførelse af PISA 2021 i Danmark” omfatter gennemførelsen af det danske bidrag til den ottende runde af PISA-undersøgelsen. Med dette udbud ønsker STUK at indgå kontrakt med en leverandør, som vil gennemføre den danske del af PISA 2021. Leverandøren skal gennemføre og kvalitetssikre den danske del af PISA 2021. Opgaven består overordnet i at forberede, tilrettelægge og gennemføre den danske … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Danmarks Statistik VIVE - The Danish Center for Social...
2018-06-06   Consultancy Agreement Regarding Integration of ATCN (Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse)
The Danish Defence acquisition and logistics organization (DALO) is implementing a Battle management system (BMS) in the Army’s vehicles. The implementation includes fitting Army tactical communications network (ATCN) into a range of vehicles and other platforms operated by the Danish Army. This tender pertains to a consultancy framework agreement regarding engineering and technical support for implementing the ATCN in the form of gathering end-user experiences, evaluating methods of integration … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Gatehouse Telecom A/S
2018-05-15   Udbud af processtøtte, evaluering og formidling af ansøgningspuljen: Forsøg med målrettede sociale indsatser i dagtilbud (Socialstyrelsen)
Som en del af dagtilbudsaftalen er der afsat i alt 58 000 000 DKK til forsøg med målrettede sociale indsatser i dagtilbud med en høj andel af børn i udsatte positioner. Forsøgene skal fokusere på samarbejdet mellem dagtilbud og særligt sundhedsplejen og forældre, men også socialrådgivere og frivillige aktører. Dertil er afsat maksimalt 4 500 000 DKK til evaluering, processtøtte, samt udarbejdelse og formidling af inspirationsmaterialer. Midlerne er afsat til at udvikle og modne de indsatser, der … Se udbuddet »
2018-02-02   Kontrakt vedrørende udviklings- og evalueringsopgave til Projekt virksomme gruppebostøtteindsatser (Socialstyrelsen)
Den udbudte opgave består af 6 delopgaver: - Udarbejdelse og løbende justering af beskrivelser af de fem gruppebostøtteindsatser. Indsatsbeskrivelserne skal fungere som et redskab i videreudviklingen, implementeringen og pilottesten af indsatserne, - Designe, planlægge og gennemføre et forløb, der understøtter kommunerne i at videreudvikle deres indsatser med udgangspunkt i egne erfaringer, faglig ekspertviden og forskningsbaseret viden, - Designe, planlægge og gennemføre undervisning af … Se udbuddet »
2018-01-16   Integration and Installation of Command Support Systems in the Danish Army (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) is implementing the Army Tactical Communication Network (ATCN) into a range of vehicles and platforms operated by the Danish Army. This tender pertains to a framework agreement regarding engineering and technical support for implementing the ATCN in the form of gathering end-user experiences, evaluating methods of integration (including estimating the necessary cable work), coding and implementation of software, drawing cables, testing … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: N/A
2016-05-10   Framework agreements regarding acquisition of ammunition (The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
As part of DALOs business development of the ammunition area, DALO has started focusing on the various ammunition types that are consumed by the Danish Defence. This has enabled DALO to structure the ammunition consumption and spending into several categories, of which 4 of the main categories are now tendered for in 4 different categories/lots (hereinafter referred to as Category Contracts). Thus, each Category Contract regards a separate lot. A Categories Contract constitutes a group of ammunition … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Expal Systems S.A. Mecar S.A.
2015-12-18   Impact localization system (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistic Organization)
The Danish Army needs a new impact lokalization system. In relation to the procurement of a new howitzer for the Danish Army, there is a need for qualifying current ammunition in stock for the new howitzer. It is also planned to conduct tests on new ammunition types in relation to the ongoing study on precision and near precision ammunition and the procurement project regarding new ammunition as a replacement for the current types in stock. DALO needs an automated or semi automated target/impact … Se udbuddet »
2015-12-10   Acquisition of artillery systems and supporting logistics (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
The Contract encompasses 2 main contractual agreements — the Acquisition Contract and the Sustainment Contract (Annex Z to the Acquisition Contract). These two agreements are to be seen together as a whole that regulates the contractual relations between the Supplier and DALO. The Acquisition Contract concerns primarily the delivery of artillery systems and initial logistics, such as documentation, training, support, initial spare parts, etc. The Sustainment Contract covers the products and services that … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Nexter Systems
2015-12-01   Armoured Patrol Vehicles (APV) (Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse)
Armoured patrol vehicle (APV) system: This contract notice concerns DALO's award of framework agreements for the procurement of an 4 x 4 Armoured Patrol Vehicle (APV) system. The APV system shall consist of different configurations of the APV that are based on the same basic vehicle platform. The APVs will function in a full-spectrum operational environment from war to humanitarian missions with multiple and diverse threats presenting themselves. This demands that the APVs are flexible, highly mobile and … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: General Dynamics European Land Systems-MOWAG GmbH
2015-11-06   Feasibility study_Baltic Pipe (Energinet.dk)
The tender procedure will be a restricted public tender; with a negotiated procedure with prior publication of a contract notice. Gaz-System and Energinet.dk invites Tenderers to submit a response to this pre-qualification to participate in the EU-tender for the assignment stated below. The Contracting Entity wants to purchase Consultancy services regarding a Feasibility Study regarding the PCI Poland — Denmark interconnection Baltic Pipe. The Feasibility Study aims to provide the input for design and … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Rambøll DK & BSiPG Gazproject
2015-10-08   Armoured Patrol Vehicles (APV) (Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse)
This contract notice concerns DALO's award of framework agreements for the procurement of an 4 x 4 armoured patrol vehicle (APV) system (consisting of different configurations of the APV), initial spare parts and documentation as well as sustainment services, training and additional spare parts for the APVs procured. Procurement will be based on 2 agreements/contracts. Thus, DALO will award 1) a framework agreement concerning the acquisition of the APVs, initial spare parts and documentation (the … Se udbuddet »
2015-05-05   Framework agreement regarding performance of Ship Helicopter Operating Limits (SHOL) trials (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
The Danish Defence has a requirement emerging in mid 2016 to operate its coming MH-60R Seahawk helicopters from the Royal Danish Navy's (RDN) helicopter carrying units. Ship Helicopter Operating Limits (SHOL) must therefore be developed in order to achieve Full Operational Capability (FOC) as they determine the environmental, ship and aircraft limitations under which operations with MH-60R Seahawk can be conducted to and from: — Iver Huifeldt (IVER) Class Frigates; — Absalon (ABSL) Class Flexible Support … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Prism Defence
2015-04-23   Afprøvning af den skoleunderstøttende metode Makkerlæsning (Socialstyrelsen)
Der blev ved satspuljeforhandlingerne i 2014 afsat midler til 'Afprøvning af den skoleunderstøttende metode Makkerlæsning'. Opgaven der sættes i udbud omfatter afprøvning og tilpasning af den skoleunderstøttende metode Makkerlæsning til en dansk kontekst. Makkerlæsning skal afprøves i et tæt samarbejde mellem Ministeriet for Børn, Ligestilling, Integration og Sociale Forhold (MBLIS) og Undervisningsministeriet (UVM), kommunale organiseringer omkring metoden samt skolefaglige ressourcepersoner. … Se udbuddet »
2015-03-11   Konflikthåndtering som forebyggelse — når forældre skilles (Ministeriet for Børn, Ligestilling, Integration og Sociale Forhold)
Ministeriet for Børn, Ligestilling, Integration og Sociale Forhold udbyder opgave i forbindelse med et forsøgsprojekt om en tidlig indsats med konflikthåndtering for forældre, som første gang henvender sig i Statsforvaltningen med en sag om forældreansvar. Det overordnede formål med projektet er at begrænse belastningen af børn i en skilsmisse/samlivsophævelse ved gennem egentlig intervention (terapeutisk indgriben) at styrke forældrenes evne til samarbejde og konflikthåndtering efter et … Se udbuddet »
2014-11-26   Effektevalueringer af fire satspuljeprojekter vedr. psykiatri (Sundhedsstyrelsen)
Udbuddet angår effektevalueringer af 4 satspuljeprojekter, hvor hvert af de følgende satspuljeprojekter udgør en delaftale i udbuddet: 1) udbredelse af tværfaglige, udgående teams i børne- og ungdomspsykiatrien 2) regionale tværfaglige teams vedr. medicinering 3) forsøg med ambulante akutteams i den regionale psykiatri 4) forsøg med bæltefri afdelinger. Jf. satspuljeopslag: http://sum.dk/Sundhed/Psykiatri/~/media/Filer%20-%20Publikationer_i_pdf/2013/Satspulje/Satspulje-psykiatri-2014-2017.ashx Det … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Konsortiet COWI A/S og CFK — Fokesundhed... Konsortiet COWI A/S og CFK — Folkesundhed... Konsortiet COWI A/S og CFL —...
2013-05-02   Acquisition of artillery systems and supporting logistics (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
The Contract encompasses 2 main contractual agreements - the Acquisition Contract and the Sustainment Contract (Annex Z to the Acquisition Contract). These two agreements are to be seen together as a whole that regulates the contractual relations between the Supplier and DALO. The Acquisition Contract concerns primarily the delivery of artillery systems and initial logistics, such as documentation, training, support, intial spare parts, etc. The Sustainment Contract covers the products and services that … Se udbuddet »
2012-11-02   Service agreement concerning flight inspection of COM, NAV, RADAR, MLAT, AGA and PANS-OPS for airports and ANS... (Copenhagen Airports A/S)
Flight inspection of COM, NAV, RADAR, MLAT, AGA and PANS-OPS for airports and ANS provider in Denmark including: 1) Routine inspections; 2) Ad hoc inspections. Additional inspections. Commissioning inspections. Site survey. Photography. GNSS inspections. A complete list of equipment concerning this agreement will be included in the tender documents. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: LFV Aviation Consulting AB
2012-05-25   Sustainment Contract regarding services and supplies related to Armoured Personnel Carrier (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
Under a separate notice, the intention to acquire armoured personnel carriers (APCs) for the entire Danish Army has been published. This notice concerns the contract that will be entered into concurrently to sustain the acquisition contract and provide DALO with interconnected services, further spare parts etc. The two contracts are to be seen as a whole and will be awarded to the same tenderer. Thus, it is a precondition for a tender to be taken into consideration for the award of this contract, that a … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: General Dynamics European Land Systems —...
2012-05-25   Acquisition of Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC) (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
The contract regards the delivery of 360 armoured personnel carriers (APCs) for replacement of the existing fleet for the entire Danish Army. During contract negotiations DALO retains the right to adjust the number of APCs to be delivered, however the number cannot exceed 450 or be less than 206, and the negative options as well as the positive options shall be adjusted accordingly, cf. section II.2.2 and the description of the positive and negative options below. I.e. should DALO choose to increase the … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: General Dynamics European Land Systems —...