2022-05-24   Contract for the operation of helicopter emergency medical services (Central Denmark Region)
The Tender will include four helicopters (and a backup helicopter), pilots and HEMS crew medics for the operation of helicopter emergency medical services in Denmark. The Contracting Authorities will provide the HEMS physicians. The detailed terms of the operation of the services appear from draft "Contract on the operation of helicopter emergency medical services" and the appendices, which are included as part of the tender documents. The contract will be entered into for a period of 10 years from … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Norsk Luftambulanse AS
2020-12-03   The Danish HEMS Service — 4 Helicopters, Pilots and HEMS Crew Members (Central Denmark Region)
The tender will include four helicopters, pilots and HEMS crew members for the operation of helicopter emergency medical services in Denmark. The contracting authorities will provide the doctors. The detailed terms of the operation of the services appear from draft ‘Contract on the operation of helicopter emergency medical services’, which is included as part of the tender documents. The draft contract is subject to negotiation. The national Danish HEMS service was established by the five regions of … Se udbuddet »
2020-10-16   Helicopter Services in Greenland Related to GEUS Fieldwork 2021-2024 (Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland)
Every year GEUS carries out fieldwork during spring and summer making use of ad-hoc and full charter helicopter services. GEUS mainly uses smaller single-engine helicopters and work often takes place in unmapped areas. On occasion GEUS organizes geological field trips for professionals and VIP visitors. GEUS expects a continued strong commitment in Greenland for the years to come, a commitment that implies the use of helicopter services in all parts of Greenland. Over a period of 4 years (2016-2019) the … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Air Greenland A/S BlueWest Helicopters Aps. Sermeq Helicopters A/S
2020-10-07   The Danish HEMS service — 4 Helikcopters, Pilots and HEMS Crewmembers (Central Denmark Region)
The tender will include four helicopters, pilots and HEMS crew members for the operation of helicopter emergency medical services in Denmark. The contracting authorities will provide the doctors. The detailed terms of the operation of the services appear from draft ‘Contract on the operation of helicopter emergency medical services’, which is included as part of the tender documents. The draft contract is subject to negotiation. The national Danish HEMS service was established by the five regions of … Se udbuddet »
2020-06-29   Udbud af ledningsinspektion med helikopter for Energinet (Energinet Eltransmission A/S)
Ordregiver ønsker at anskaffe ledningsinspektion udført fra helikopter af Energinets El-transmissionsanlæg (luftledning/kabel) samt gas-transmissionsanlæg (rør). Opgaven skal gennemføres i overensstemmelse med gældende lovgivning inden for helikopterflyvning herunder bl.a. ”BL 5-36 Bestemmelser om ledningsinspektion udført fra helikopter. Ledningsinspektionen skal gennemføres i overensstemmelse med Visuelflyveregler VFR (Visual Flight Rules) For yderligere detaljer vedrørende anskaffelsen henvises til de … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: UNI-Fly A/S
2018-10-05   Helicopter Transport of Passengers and Cargo to Offshore Installations and Structures (Energinet Eltransmission A/S)
A 5 year service contract for the procurement of offshore helicopter services, primarily for transport to and from Energinet offshore installations and structures. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: KN Helicopters A/S
2018-04-26   Land based helicopter service Greenland (LHG) (Defence Command Denmark)
The Defence Command Denmark is tendering two contracts regarding land-based helicopter services for landand maritime search and rescue missions as well as helicopter transport operations under the operational control of Joint Rescue Coordination Centre Greenland (JRCC).The Services shall be conducted from two separate bases; a Northern base and a Southern base. The bases may temporarily be moved to another suitable operational base in case of an incident or prolonged poor weather conditions at one of the … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Air Greenland A/S
2016-01-08   Kontrakt om chartring af luftfartøj, inklusiv besætning, til brug for isrecognoscering i Sydgrønland (Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut)
Den udbudte opgave består i ca. 225 årlige flyvetimer, hvorved iscentralens isobservatør fra Narsarsuaq bringes rundt til sejladsmæssigt relevante ismeldelokaliteter 1-3 gange ugentligt med henblik på visuel rekognoscering og fotografering indenskærs såvel som udenskærs. I visse situationer skal isobservatøren kunne kommunikere med skibe i søen med henblik på vejledning om sikker sejlads i isfyldte områder. Som hovedregel er flyvningerne planlagt med en uges varsel og hele det i udbudsmaterialet angivne … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Air Greenland A/S
2015-10-11   Helicopter Services related to GEUS fieldwork in Greenland 2015-2019 (Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS))
GEUS every year carries out fieldwork during spring and summer making use of both ad hoc and full charter helicopters. GEUS mainly makes use of smaller helicopters and often work takes place in unmapped areas. On occasion, GEUS also organizes geological field trips for both professionals and VIP visitors (such as Ministers). GEUS expects a continued strong commitment in Greenland for the years to come, a commitment that implicates the use of helicopter services in all parts of Greenland. Over a period of … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Air Greenland BlueWest Helicopters — Greenland BlueWest Helicopters — Greenland Aps
2015-01-28   Search and rescue services in Greenland by land-based helicopters (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
The Danish Defense Acquisition and Logistic Organization (hereinafter referred to as ‘DALO’) is tendering for a contract regarding search and rescue (SAR) services in Greenland by land-based helicopters. The Services shall consist of SAR services by land-based helicopters operating from two geographically separated SAR bases: — One in Kangerlussuaq (‘North base’); — One in Narsarsuaq or Qaqortoq (‘South base’). The Services shall include both land and maritime Search and Rescue (‘SAR’) operations. … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Air Greenland A/S
2014-06-24   Helicopter Transport Services in the German Bight (DONG Energy Wind Power A/S)
Supply of helicopter transport services for transport of personnel between Norden airfield (alternatively another suitable airfield in the area) and the offshore wind farms of DONG Energy in the German Bight, including but not limited to Gode Wind 01 and Gode Wind 02, with an option for Borkum Riffgrund I and possibly Borkum Riffgrund II, during the installation of the wind-turbines and during the operation and maintenance phase. The scope of the contract will include landings on the offshore substations … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: HTM Helicopter Travel Munich GmbH
2013-04-18   Helicopter for Offshore Wind Farm (Vattenfall Vindkraft A/S)
Helicopter for Crew Transfer and Repair Services for the Offshore Wind Farm HornsRev (Denmark) and as an option for DanTysk (Germany) and a further option incl. Rescue Activities (as an medical helicopter). Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: UNI-Fly A/S
2013-03-12   Udbud af 3 helikopterberedskaber som led i etablering og drift af en landsdækkende akutlægehelikopterordning (Region Hovedstaden, Region Sjælland, Region Syddanmark, Region Midtjylland, Region Nordjylland v/Region Midtjylland som udbudsan)
I henhold til aftalen om Finansloven 2013 er det besluttet, at der fra 2014 skal være en landsdækkende akutlægehelikopterordning bestående af 3 døgnbemandede akutlægehelikoptere. Ifølge aftalen om Finansloven skal disse placeres med base i henholdsvis Skive, Billund og Ringsted. Region Hovedstaden, Region Sjælland, Region Syddanmark, Region Nordjylland og Region Midtjylland v/Region Midtjylland som udbudsansvarlig, udbyder i overensstemmelse med aftalen om Finansloven 3 helikopterberedskaber som led i … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Norsk Luftambulanse AS
2011-10-27   Helikoptertransport ved rekognoscering af havisforhold (Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut)
DMI udfører isrekognoscering af havisforhold og islodsning i primært indenskærs farvand i Sydgrønland og ønsker derfor at indgå aftale med en tjenesteyder om helikoptertransport ved udførelse af denne opgave. Dette forventes foretaget ved leje eller chartering af en-motors helikopter med besætning. Der efterspørges tillige optioner på anvendelse af to-motors helikopter og på kombinationer af fuldtids og ad hoc leje/chartering. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: BackBone Aviation A/S
2010-12-23   Helicopter services in Greenland related to GEUS fieldwork 2011 - 2014 (Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS))
The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) every year carries out geological fieldwork in different regions of Greenland. In 2010 three major field operations were carried out in Southwest, Southeast and East- Northeast Greenland a long with a range of smaller operations (often with ad hoc helicopter support) with a total of more than 300 helicopter hours. Over a period of 4 years (2007-2010) the need of helicopter assistance for GEUS operations has varied from 109 to 314 hours with an average … Se udbuddet »