2020-01-17KBH02 – Cable Route Survey (Energinet Eltransmission A/S)
As part of the KBH02 ‘København02’ project Energinet wants to purchase cable route survey for the offshore part of the project.
The tendered assignment comprises performance of the following services:
— geophysical survey – landfall,
— geophysical survey – nearshore,
— geotechnical and environmental investigations,
— crossing survey,
— reporting and data delivery.
Area of investigation is in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Rambøll – Transport – Bane
2019-12-16Bygherrerådgiver til nye vand- og svømmefaciliteter i Næstved Kommune (Næstved Kommune)
Dette udbud vedrører indgåelse af en rådgiveraftale om levering af bygherrerådgivning i forbindelse med opførelsen af anlæg med nye vand- og svømmefaciliteter i Næstved Kommune. Anlægget skal bygges på Stenlængegårdsområdet i Næstved Nord. Nærmere beskrivelse af projektet kan findes i udbudsdokumenterne via udbudsportalen EU-Supply.dk jf. udbudsbekendtgørelsens afsnit I.3).
Udbudsformen er offentligt udbud efter udbudslovens § 56.
Udbudsbetingelserne indeholder de formelle betingelser for gennemførelse …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Rambøll – Transport – Bane
2019-05-16Framework Agreement for Railway Safety Consultancy Services (Femern Bælt A/S)
The consultant's services cannot be described exhaustively. However, the consultant is expected to perform the following services in general:
— assistance in the CSM-RA process for the railway works,
— review of the technical consultant’s railway safety process,
— review of the contractor’s railway safety process,
— assistance in performing the RAMS process for the railway works,
— assistance in developing and maintaining of Femern A/S’s railway safety management system, and
— assistance in the testing …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Rambøll – Transport – Bane
2018-09-13Procurement of lead consulting services in regards to design of repair and maintenance facilities (RMF) for electric trains (DSB)
DSB is tendering for a lead consultant to design three (3) repair and maintenance facilities (RMFs). It is a major project for DSB and DSB expects to enter into contract with a lead consultant, who has experience and motivation for a large scale project.
The RMFs will support the new electric trains. Currently, DSB is in the process of buying new electric trains to support operation of regional and national lines in Denmark. This requires an upgrade of the existing network of DSB workshop facilities. The …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Rambøll – Transport – Bane