2023-07-07   Procurement of M/R station Smorup (Energinet Gastransmission A/S)
The Contracting Authority wants to purchase a M/R station (Measuring & Regulating Station). The station is to be used for pressure reduction of natural gas between the transmission pipeline (80-55 barg) and the distribution pipeline (35-55 barg). The M/R station is part of FTB (Fast track Biogas) project, in which the gas from the distribution line pressurizes and deodorizes the gas to the transmission line. This will enable flow of biogas both ways, making it possible to distribute gas national in … Se udbuddet »
2022-04-05   Framework Agreement on purchase and renovation of Gas Turbine Meters (Energinet Forretningsservice A/S)
Through the establishment of the present Framework Agreement Energinet wants to purchase new gas turbine meters and renovations for our biogas stations. For further information see Appendix 2: Scope of Works. The procurement is conducted as a negotiated procedure and the Framework Agreement will be entered with one provider for the duration of 8 years. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Flow Meter Group BV
2022-03-07   Framework Agreement on purchase and renovation of Gas Turbine Meters (Energinet Forretningsservice A/S)
Through the establishment of the present Framework Agreement Energinet wants to purchase new gas turbine meters and renovations for our biogas stations. For further information see Appendix 2: Scope of Works. The procurement is conducted as a negotiated procedure and the Framework Agreement will be entered with one provider for the duration of 8 years. Se udbuddet »
2022-01-20   Framework Agreement concerning M/R stations for Green Gas Lolland-Falster-, Kildedal- and West Funen projects (Energinet Teknik og Anlæg A/S)
The Contracting Authority wants to establish a framework agreement concerning M/R-stations (Measuring & Regulating Stations). The stations are to be used for pressure reduction of natural gas between the transmission pipeline (80-46 barg) and the distribution pipeline (55-12 barg). The three stations might need to be delivered simultaneously. The framework agreement concerns potentially three M/R-station for three different projects. The three projects are: - Green Gas Lolland-Falster: M/R-station … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Bohlen & Doyen Bau GmbH
The Contracting Authority wants with this tender to purchase EVCD device (Electronic gas volume conversion device) for use in the Danish national gas DSO. Tryk her https://permalink.mercell.com/168781586.aspx Se udbuddet »
2019-11-25   Mobile MR-Station (Measuring and Regulation Station) (Energinet Teknik og Anlæg A/S)
The contract concerns purchase of a mobile MR-station (Measuring and Regulating Station). The station will be used for injection of natural gas from the 45-80 barg natural gas net to the 14-47 barg natural gas grid with flow rates of 250-20 000 nm/h. Purchase of an extra station is optional. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: GASKLAR GmbH and Co. KG
2019-08-19   Framework Agreement Concerning Gas Analysis Equipment (Energinet Teknik og Anlæg)
The framework agreement concerns purchase of systems for analyzing gas composition, calculating and recording physical properties of natural gas and bio methane. The framework agreement consists of 2 lots: Lot 1: for upgraded bio gas (bio methane); and Lot 2: for natural gas. The contracting authority will pre-qualify the same 5 applicants for both Lot 1 and Lot 2. The supplier’s scope of supply includes engineering, manufacturing, testing, commissioning and installation. The pre-qualified tenderer is … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: ABB A/S Elster-Instromet A/S
2019-04-12   Delivery, Installation and Service of Compressors for Injection of Upgraded Biogas (Dansk Gas Distribution Service Viborg A/S)
The purpose of this public procurement procedure is to establish a Framework Agreement between the contracting entity, Dansk Gas Distribution Service Viborg A/S, (hereinafter “the Buyer”) and one (1) supplier according to which the buyer — on an ongoing basis as needed — may order the delivery of complete biomethane injection compressor installations placed in enclosure for outdoor installation (hereinafter “Compressor(s)”) to be installed, connecting the existing or new biomethane upgrading plants to … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Fornovogas Srl
2019-04-08   Framework Agreement Concerning BMR-stations (Dansk Gas Distribution Holding A/S)
The Framework Agreement concerns purchase of BMR-stations (Biogas Measuring and Regulating Stations). The stations are to be used for the injection of biogas into the 4 barg natural gas net or the 7 barg natural gas grid. The Framework Agreement contains 3 types of BMR-stations with flow rates of 1 500, 4 000 and 6 000 Nm/h. The supplier’s scope of supply includes engineering, manufacturing, installation, testing and commissioning. Some parts which are to be installed by the supplier in the BMR-stations … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Elster-Instromet A/S MS-Flowtechnic ApS
2019-03-08   Biomethane Injection Compressor (HMN Naturgas I/S)
Buyer request quotations for delivery and service of compressors for injection of upgraded biogas (biomethane). Buyer expect that around 15–20 biogas plants will be connected to the natural gas grid during the next years. Each biogas plant will typically be equipped with 2 injection compressor units. The scope of the contract includes optional delivery of service and maintenance including spare parts and consumables. The Buyer cannot guarantee a certain numbers of compressors units to be ordered, and the … Se udbuddet »
2019-01-18   Tender for Biomethane Receiving Station (HMN Naturgas I/S)
Tender for biomethane receiving station. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Elster-Instromet A/S
2017-02-03   Framework agreement for Gas Flow Meters (Energinet.dk)
The Contracting authority wants to purchase Gas Flow Meters for both Energinet.dk and Dansk Gas Distribution. The Contracting authority wishes to purchase gas flow meters on 2 lots with 1 supplier for each lot. The Framework agreement is divided into 2 lots. For lot 2 the object of this framework agreement is to purchase the following type of meters: Diaphragm meters for Dansk Gas Distribution. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Elster-Instromet A/S
2015-03-17   Supply of Steel Pipes (Energinet.dk)
Pre-qualification for supply of 14 km steel pipes DN 100 and DN 150 for Natural Gas, seamless or welded, Grade L290NE or X42NE, wt STD, approx. 400 tons. In addition an optional order of 7,5 km steel pipes DN 200 for Natural Gas, seamless or welded, Grade L290NE or X42NE, wt STD, approx. 350 tons. Se udbuddet »
2015-02-09   Frame Agreement — Supply of Steel Pipes (Energinet.dk)
Pre-qualification for the supply of Steel pipes DN 100 to DN 300 (pressure level 80 barg) for Bio- and Natural Gas — Danish Natural Gas Transmission system. The frame agreement must be valid for 3 years with the possibility of 1 year extension. Se udbuddet »
2015-02-09   Frame Agreement for the supply of Metering and Analysing units for Bio- and Natural gas (Energinet.dk)
Pre-qualification for the supply of Metering and Analysing units for Bio- and Natural gas. Metering and analysis units for injection of Bio- and Natural Gas into the transmission grid. The units shall be supplied as turnkey projects completely installed in container or customer building. Including fiscal equipment for metering of gas flow, gas composition (Gas Chromato-graphs) and gas analysis to qualify gas for entering the transmission gird according to the Danish rules. The maximum flow rates for the … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Elster-Instromet Elster-Instromet A/S
2013-10-04   Udbud på gasanlæg, samt gasleverance (Holstebro Kommune)
Etablering, drift og vedligehold af gasanlæg til tankning af 10 bybusser, samt levering af gas til drift af 10 bybusser. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: HMN Gashandel A/S