Indkøb: Skrog og mekaniske reservedele til krigsskibe

6 arkiverede indkøb

Historisk set har leverandørerne inden for dette område været Danish Yachts A/S, Nordhavn A/S og Pro-Safe A/S.

De seneste indkøb af skrog og mekaniske reservedele til krigsskibe i Danmark

2020-10-14   Rammeaftale om indkøb af påhængsmotorer og reservedele (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse (FMI) ønsker anskaffelse af påhængsmotorer og reservedele, med tilknytning til eksisterende materiel, sådan forstået at nye påhængsmotorer er kompatible med eksisterende installationer på Forsvarets RHIB og fartøjsmateriel såsom styring, ledningsnet etc. Det er et krav, at påhængsmotorer hvor dette er nævnt i den tekniske specifikation, er SOLAS godkendte og leveres med typecertifikat/MED certifikat i henhold til rådets direktiv 96/98/EC af 20. december … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Pro-Safe A/S
2018-12-05   Service, Maintenance and Support of MAN Equipment in the Royal Danish Navy (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations)
This notice concerns the establishment of a framework agreement regarding a range of services and supply of spare parts in connection with the MAN equipment installed on the ships in the Danish Navy. The current MAN equipment (engines, propeller systems and main gears) is installed on the frigates, support vessels, inspection ships, supply ships and Dannebrog in the Danish Navy. Below is a breakdown of the current equipment installed: — 4 x propeller type VBS1180-ODS-MK3, — 6 x propeller type … Se udbuddet »
2018-09-06   Service, Maintenance and Support of Caterpillar Equipment in the Royal Danish Navy (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations)
This notice concerns the establishment of a Framework Agreement regarding a range of services and supply of spare parts in connection with the Caterpillar equipment installed on the ships in the Danish Navy. The current Caterpillar equipment are installed on the frigates and support vessels in the Danish Navy. There are 14 engines of the model 3508 and 6 engines of the model 3512 installed on the 3 Iver Huitfeldt-class frigates and on the 2 Absalon-class support vessels in the Danish Navy. These have all … Se udbuddet »
2016-11-02   Maintenance, repair and delivery of spare parts for Caterpillar engine models 3508 and 3512 (Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse)
This notice concerns the establishment of a framework agreement regarding a range of services and supply of spare parts in connection with the Caterpillar engine models 3508 and 3512 that are installed on ships in the Danish Navy. The Caterpillar engine models 3508 and 3512 are installed on the frigates and support vessels in the Danish Navy. There are 14 (fourteen) engines of the model 3508 and 6 (six) engines of the model 3512 installed on the three (3) IVER HUITFELDT-class frigates and on the two (2) … Se udbuddet »
2015-01-21   Framework Agreement concerning delivery and repair of Sonar domes (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistic Organization (DALO))
This framework agreement covers purchase of sonar domes and repair service of existing and future sonar domes for Royal Danish Navy (RDN) vessels of the ABSALON (ABSL) and IVER HUITFELDT (IVER) class. Royal Danish Navy shall not be obliged to buy any minimum quantity of services or products covered by the framework agreement. However, initially Royal Danish Navy (RDN) will buy 2 new sonar domes. At present RDN have 5 sonar domes in service on the ABSL and IVER class vessels, plus 2 spare domes. These … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Danish Yachts A/S