Indkøb: Slagger, krats, affald og skrot, af jern

6 arkiverede indkøb

Slagger, krats, affald og skrot, af jern er blevet indkøbt af organisationer som f.eks Afatek A/S, Dansk Restprodukthandtering Amba og Nordjyllandsværket A/S.
Historisk set har leverandørerne inden for dette område været Hein, Lehmann GmbH, IMRO-Maschinenbau GmbH, meldgaard MILJØ A/S og REMA Anlagenbau Gmbh.

De seneste indkøb af slagger, krats, affald og skrot, af jern i Danmark

2021-07-26   Reuse of 35 000 t/Y Slag from the WTE Plant MEC BioHeat&Power A/S (Dansk Restprodukthandtering Amba)
Reuse of 35 000 t/Y slag from the WTE plant Måbjerg BioHeat&Power A/S, Energivej 2, DK-7500 Holstebro. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: meldgaard MILJØ A/S
2020-09-28   Bortskaffelse af brugt IT-udstyr og andet elektronisk udstyr (Region Sjælland)
Rammeaftale vedrørende bortskaffelse af brugt it-udstyr og andet elektronisk udstyr. Endvidere option på bortskaffelse af medicoteknisk udstyr. Se udbuddet »
2017-06-02   Nedrivning og miljøsanering af SNOX-anlæg (Nordjyllandsværket A/S)
Entreprisen omfatter alle arbejder og leverancer samt biydelser, der er nødvendige for fuldstændig miljøsanering og nedrivning af SNOX-anlæg på Nordjyllandsværket, som beskrevet i udbudsmaterialet. Se udbuddet »
2014-12-15   Supply and installation of screens (Afatek A/S)
Afatek A/S is owned by five public waste management companies, covering the eastern part of Denmark. From its owners, Afatek receive Incinerator Bottom Ash (IBA) which is transported to Afatek's 3 sites for treatment and storage. Afterwards, the bottom ash gravel is used in the construction of roads. Afatek focusses on recovery of ferrous and non-ferrous metals from the IBA. This is partially in order to recover as much metal as possible, but also for the purpose of obtaining a high quality bottom ash … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Hein, Lehmann GmbH
2014-12-15   Supply and installation of conveyors (Afatek A/S)
Afatek A/S is owned by five public waste management companies, covering the eastern part of Denmark. From its owners, Afatek receive Incinerator Bottom Ash (IBA) which is transported to Afatek's 3 sites for treatment and storage. Afterwards, the bottom ash gravel is used in the construction of roads. Afatek focusses on recovery of ferrous and non-ferrous metals from the IBA. This is partially in order to recover as much metal as possible, but also for the purpose of obtaining a high quality bottom ash … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: REMA Anlagenbau Gmbh
2014-12-15   Supply and installation of sorting machines (Afatek A/S)
Afatek A/S is owned by five public waste management companies, covering the eastern part of Denmark. From its owners, Afatek receive Incinerator Bottom Ash (IBA) which is transported to Afatek's 3 sites for treatment and storage. Afterwards, the bottom ash gravel is used in the construction of roads. Afatek focusses on recovery of ferrous and non-ferrous metals from the IBA. This is partially in order to recover as much metal as possible, but also for the purpose of obtaining a high quality bottom ash … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: IMRO-Maschinenbau GmbH