2023-05-17   Levering af reservedele og vedligeholdelsesydelser til brug for Forsvarets entreprenørmaskiner og entreprenørmateriel (Forsvarsministeriet Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelsen)
Aftalen vedrører levering af Tjenesteydelser, Reservedele og tilbehør til Forsvarets entreprenørmaskiner og entreprenørmateriel. For en nærmere beskrivelse af kontraktgenstanden henvises til Appendiks A til rammeaftalen. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: United Military Services A/S
2021-10-27   Service og reparation af ARC's Entreprenørmaskiner samt tilhørende udstyr (I/S Amager Ressourcecenter)
Service udføres min. 1 gang årligt på entreprenørmaskiner inkl. udstyr, herunder udskiftning og kontrol af olie, filtre, elektriske komponenter, jf. producentens anvisninger og krav. Tilbudsgiver skal i tilbudspris for service således inkludere faste forbrugsvarer. Reparationsarbejder forventes årligt at udgøre ca. 160 timer. Reparationsarbejder omfatter alle arbejder vedr. de i kravspecifikationen angivet maskiner herunder også deres udstyr. Udstyr til maskinerne er fx. skovle, gafler, koste, koste med … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: United Military Services A/S
2019-07-05   Civil (Non-Military) Spare Parts for Tactical Vehicles of the Danish Defence (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations)
Through purchase under a Framework Agreement the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) is planning to purchase civil (non-military) spare parts for tactical vehicles of the Danish Defence. The Framework Agreement covers the purchase of civil (non-military) spare parts. Furthermore some of the spare parts are repairable. Thus, the Framework Agreement includes repair of those spare parts. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: General Dynamics European Land Systems-MOWAG GmbH Man Truck and Bus Danmark A/S Suyfa Defence SL Topmark Trading ApS United Military Services A/S
2019-06-04   Levering af Tjenesteydelser, Reservedele og Tilbehør til entreprenørmaskiner, entreprenørmateriel og traktorer (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations)
Rammeaftalen omfatter levering af Tjenesteydelser som service og reparationer, levering af Reservedele til anvendelse på forsvarets værksteder, samt levering af Tilbehør som skovle, koste, jordbor og andet. Ovenstående Tjenesteydelser, Reservedele og Tilbehør skal anvendes på entreprenørmaskiner som rendegravere, læssemaskiner, dumpere, jordhøvle, bulldozere, bæltegravemaskiner, valsetog, traktorer og andet entreprenørmateriel. Entreprenørmaskinerne, entreprenørmateriellet og traktorerne er af … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: United Military Services A/S
2015-09-03   Military spare parts for the fleet of military vehicles and military components for SAAB training system BT46 of the... (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
Through purchase under a framework agreement the Danish Defence Aquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) is planning to purchase military spare parts for the main part of the fleet of military vehicles and military components for SAAB training system BT46 of the Danish Defence. The framework agreement covers the purchase of military spare parts for military vehicles from the following manufacturers: — Hägglunds Bandvagn 208 (Bv 208); — MOWAG Durable Robust (DURO); — MOWAG Eagle IV (Eagle IV); — … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: General Dynamics European Systems — Mowag GmbH MAN Truck & Bus Danmark A/S Saab AB SAAB AB Training & Simulation Suyfa Defence S.L. United Military Services A/S
2015-09-03   Civil (non-military) spare parts for the fleet of military vehicles of the Danish Defence (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
Through purchase under a framework agreement the Danish Defence Aquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) is planning to purchase civil (non-military) spare parts for the main part of the fleet of military vehicles of the Danish Defence. The framework agreement covers the purchase of civil (non-military) spare parts for military vehicles from the following manufacturers: — Hägglunds Bandvagn 208 (Bv 208) — MOWAG Durable Robust (DURO) — MOWAG Eagle IV (Eagle IV) — CV-9035 DK combat vehicle (IFV) — … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Cohemo S.L FFG Flensburger Fahrzeugbau Gesellschaft mbH MAN Truck & Bus Danmark A/S Suyfa Defence S.L United Military Services A/S