2016-01-20   Wind Turbine Service for offshore wind farms in Denmark and Germany (DONG Energy Wind Power A/S)
DONG Energy has three offshore windfarms in Denmark with a total of 274 turbines. The three offshore windfarms are Anholt located off coast of Grenå, Horns Rev 2 located off coats of Esbjerg and Nysted located off coast of Gedser. DONG Energy is the O&M provider of the turbines but due to lack of internal resources there is a need for a third party service provider for ad hoc wind turbine service including bolt tensioning and replacement of major components. One contract will be entered. In the contract … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Apro Wind A/S
2015-09-14   Offshore Services for wind farms in Denmark and Germany (DONG Energy Wind Power A/S)
DONG Energy has 3 offshore wind farms in Denmark with a total of 274 turbines. The 3 offshore wind farms are Anholt located off coast of Grenå, Horns Rev 2 located off coats of Esbjerg and Nysted located off coast of Gedser. DONG Energy is the O&M provider of the turbines but due to lack of internal resources there is a need for a third party service provider within 5 categories: 1. Cranes and lifting devices including safety equipment. 2. Lifts. 3. High voltage equipment. 4. WTG service (including bolt … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Apro Wind A/S Fanø Kran Service A/S
2012-11-16   WTG service for Horns Rev 2 and Nysted offshore wind farms in Denmark (DONG Energy Wind Power Denmark A/S)
DONG Energy operates the turbines on Horns Rev 2 and Nysted offshore wind farm by default, but due to lack of resources there is a need for external service providers for WTG service. It is expected that 2 contracts will be entered. More information about DONG Energy and it's activities including the wind farms can be found on: http://www.dongenergy.com/DA/Forretningsaktiviteter/renewables/Pages/Renewables.aspx. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Apro Wind A/S Total Wind A/S
2012-10-04   Service for onshore and offshore wind farms in Denmark (DONG Energy Wind Power Denmark A/S)
DONG Energy has three off shore wind farms and more than 300 onshore wind turbines in Denmark. The 3 off shore wind farms are Anholt located off coast of Grenå. Horns Rev 2 located off coast of Esbjerg and Nysted Havmøllepark located off coast of Lolland-Falster. The on shore turbines are primarily located in the East of Denmark (Zealand and Lolland-Falster). DONG Energy operates the turbines by default, but due to lack of resources there is a need for external service providers within seven … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Apro Wind A/S Avanti Wind Systems A/S Danbor A/S Delpro A/S Eltel Networks A/S Fanø Kran-Service A/S Global Wind Service A/S ThyssenKrupp Elevator A/S