Indkøb: Turbineinstrumenter

8 arkiverede indkøb

Turbineinstrumenter er blevet indkøbt af organisationer som f.eks DONG Energy Thermal Power A/S, Energinet Forretningsservice A/S og Affaldsselskabet Vendsyssel Vest I/S.
Historisk set har leverandørerne inden for dette område været Flow Meter Group BV, Fortum Sverige AB og Turbocare Sp.zo.o.

De seneste indkøb af turbineinstrumenter i Danmark

2022-04-05   Framework Agreement on purchase and renovation of Gas Turbine Meters (Energinet Forretningsservice A/S)
Through the establishment of the present Framework Agreement Energinet wants to purchase new gas turbine meters and renovations for our biogas stations. For further information see Appendix 2: Scope of Works. The procurement is conducted as a negotiated procedure and the Framework Agreement will be entered with one provider for the duration of 8 years. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Flow Meter Group BV
2022-03-07   Framework Agreement on purchase and renovation of Gas Turbine Meters (Energinet Forretningsservice A/S)
Through the establishment of the present Framework Agreement Energinet wants to purchase new gas turbine meters and renovations for our biogas stations. For further information see Appendix 2: Scope of Works. The procurement is conducted as a negotiated procedure and the Framework Agreement will be entered with one provider for the duration of 8 years. Se udbuddet »
2021-10-18   Steam Turbine Major Overhaul 2022 (Affaldsselskabet Vendsyssel Vest I/S)
EU call for tender for Affaldsselskabet Vendsyssel Vest I/S regarding the major overhaul of the 5 MW ABB V25A steam turbine at the WtE plant in Hjørring, Denmark. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Fortum Sverige AB
2020-05-11   2021 Major Overhaul of ABB Nürnberg Steam Turbine (Silkeborg Varme A/S)
EU call for tender for Silkeborg Varme A/S regarding the major overhaul of the 24 MW ABB Nürnberg steam turbine and Flender-Graffenstaden reduction gear at the CHP plant in Silkeborg. Se udbuddet »
2019-11-18   EU Call for Tenders Regarding 2020 Major Overhaul Steam Turbine Line 3 (I/S Reno-Nord)
EU call for tender for I/S Reno-Nord regarding the major overhaul of the 8 MW AEG Kanis steam turbine in production line 3 (unit 3) at the WtE plant in Aalborg. Se udbuddet »
2013-09-10   SKV steam turbine major overhaul at Skaerbaek Power Plant (DONG Energy Thermal Power A/S)
The contract will cover at complete overhaul of the high pressure and (assymetric) intermediate pressure turbine cylinders, see below in Section II.2.1 re Scope of the Contract. The 416 MW GEC Alstom 5-cylinder steam turbine was commissioned in 1998 with approximately 100 000 operationg hours. It is a double re-heat system operating a live steam pressure of 290 bar and 580°C. The live steam flow is 270 kg/s. Se udbuddet »
2012-08-30   HEV steam turbine and generator major overhaul (DONG Energy Thermal Power A/S)
The 89 MW BBC single cylinder steam turbine was commissioned in 1982. It operates at a live steam pressure of 115 bar at 525°C. The steam flow is 120 kg/s. It’s at back pressure turbine supplying district heating to the city of Herning. The generator is an air/water cooled BBC type wx18L-083LLT of 111 MVA/50Hz. Se udbuddet »
2011-09-20   Major overhaul of Avedøreværket(AVV) unit 1 steam turbine section MP2 and LP (Avedøreværket)
Major overhaul of AVV unit 1 steam turbine section MP2 and LP. Unit 1 was commissioned in 1990 and is a 262 MW BBC turbine with a steam pressure of 240 bar and steam temperature of 540 C running at 3000 RPM. It consist of a high pressure section, two medium pressure sections and a low pressure section. The work concerns the second medium pressure (IP2) section and the low pressure section (LP), both of which are with dual outlet with asymmetrical outlet pressures. The condenser pressure after the … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Turbocare Sp.zo.o