2022-01-04   Acquisition and Sustainment of multi gas detectors (Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation)
This tender concerns the acquisition and sustainment of multi gas detectors for the Danish Ministry of Defence. The multi gas detectors will be used by the Danish Defence and the Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) as a personal security instrument during a wide range of tasks and shall ensure that the users are warned when they are operating in an environment that is hazardous and harmful for their health. - The framework agreements cover both the acquisition of the instruments and delivery of … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Dräger Danmark A/S
2021-11-26   Indkøb af VHP kammer (1) (Statens Serum Institut)
Ordregiver har behov for et nyt VHP dekontamineringskammer inklusive en 5-årig serviceaftale. Udbuddet gennemføres som et offentligt udbud efter udbudslovens afsnit II. Udbuddet omfatter alene en tilbudsfase. For yderligere oplysninger om processen og kontraktens omfang henvises til udbudsmaterialet. Se udbuddet »
2021-09-20   Multi gas detectors (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
This tender concerns the acquisition of multi gas detectors for the Danish Ministry of Defence. The multi gas detectors will be used by the Danish Defence and the Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) as a personal security instrument during a wide range of tasks and shall ensure that the users are warned when they are operating in an environment that is hazardous and harmful for their health. - The framework agreements cover both the acquisition of the instruments and delivery of spare parts, … Se udbuddet »
2020-12-08   Gas Detectors (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))
This tender concerns the acquisition of gas detectors for the Danish Ministry of Defence. The tender consists of three lots. DALO wishes to enter into framework agreements on the following instruments: — 4 gas detectors (lot 1), — 5 gas detectors (lot 2), — multi gas detectors (lot 3). The gas detectors will be used by the Danish Defence and the Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) as a personal security instrument during a wide range of tasks and shall ensure that the users are warned when they are … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Hans Buch A/S
2020-10-13   Metabolic Cages for Microbiome Food Research (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet — DTU)
DTU Biosustain is working with the gut microbiome, including its health and function. Therefore, it is of vital importance that DTU can study the health of mice gut during experiments e.g. studying the effect of various types of treatment. For studying of the muses, DTU wants to buy a 16-24 cage system of metabolic cages. The cages must be able to monitor calorimetry, activity, movement, bodyweight, food intake, endurance, activity and body temperature. This system must be kept in one cabinet in which … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: TSE Systems GmbH
2020-10-09   18 Metabolic Cages for Microbiome Food Research (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet — DTU)
DTU Biosustain is working with the gut microbiome, including its health and function. Therefore, it is of vital importance that DTU can study the health of mice gut during experiments e.g. studying the effect of various types of treatment. For studying of the muses, DTU wants to buy an 18 cage system of metabolic cages. The cages must be able to monitor calorimetry, activity, movement, bodyweight, food intake, endurance, activity and body temperature. This system must be kept in one cabinet in which … Se udbuddet »
2020-08-21   Begrænset udbud af serviceaftale for SRO-anlæg på Forsvarets forsyning, depot og distributions etablissementer,... (Forsvarsministeriets Ejendomsstyrelse)
Der udbydes en serviceaftale for SRO-anlæg på Forsvarets forsyning, depot og distributions etablissementer, flådestationer og flyvestationer. Serviceaftalen dækker såvel service på SRO-anlæggene i almindelighed, tilkald i forbindelse med fejlsøgning samt årlig varetagelse af påbudt afprøvning af miljørelaterede alarmpunkter. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: EL:CON A/S
2015-12-10   RSC Cure NL Lot 3 (DONG Energy Thermal Power A/S)
Cure DONG Energy REnescience B.V. has decided to establish a plant for a complete handling of unsorted household waste (Municipal Solid Waste — MSW). DONG Energy Thermal Power A/S will be responsible for the execution of the project on behalf of Cure DONG Energy REnescience B.V. The project, RSC Cure NL will be based on DONG Energy's REnescience Technology, which is a technology for treatment of unsorted household waste. The purpose of the process is sorting and refining the waste for utilization in the … Se udbuddet »