2020-01-27   Small Arms Indoor Training Systems (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations)
Danish Armed Forces requires a number of Small Arms Indoor Training System (SAITS) to be used around the country garrisons and possibly abroad. The purpose of the acquisition is to replace the existing outdated small arms indoor trainers. The system supports the need to train and improve both the basic and higher levels of firing a weapon correctly as well as the tactical training. The system also supports the need for training in relations to special weapon systems. Weapon required in the system: — 5,56 … Se udbuddet »
2019-04-05   Small Arms Indoor Training System (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations)
Danish Armed Forces requires a number of Small Arms Indoor Training System (SAITS) to be used around the country garrisons and possibly abroad. The purpose of the acquisition is to replace the existing outdated Small Arms Indoor Trainers. The system supports the need to train and improve both the basic and higher levels of firing a weapon correctly as well as the tactical training. The system also supports the need for training in relations to special weapon systems. Weapon required in the system: — 5,56 … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: The tender has been annulled and no...
2019-02-08   Acquisition of System for Scoring Weapons Delivery from Airplanes (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations)
This Contract Notice concerns DALO's award of a contract for the procurementt of a system for scoring weapons delivery from airplanes. The acquired system are to be installed on Battlefield Rømø. EK R 38 Rømø Range (Battelfield Rømø) is a Danish shooting range primarily used by Danish Airforce. It consist of a range of different tactical targets, and is used for training both weapons delivery and drop of cargo. The range is situated in the Wadden Sea which is an intertidal zone forming a shallow body of … Se udbuddet »
2018-03-06   Contract regarding the purchase of a shooting simulator for the Danish National Police (restricted procedure) (Rigspolitiet)
The Danish Police wish to purchase a shooting simulator including service, support and maintenance work. The shooting simulator will be used in the basic firearms education of new police school students. The purpose of the service, support and maintenance agreement is, to make sure that the Danish police school, has a fuly functional shooting simulator at all times. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: FAAC Incorporated