Indkøb: TV 2/DANMARK A/S

10 arkiverede indkøb

De seneste indkøb foretaget af TV 2/DANMARK A/S

2013-04-24   Kontributionsnet for video og dataforbindelser (TV 2/DANMARK A/S)
Etablering og drift af et kontributionsnet for TV 2/DANMARK A/S, som skal forbinde TV 2's produktionsfaciliteter i København med TV 2's hovedsæde i Odense. Formålet med forbindelserne er kontribution af video/audio samt IP-forbindelser til brug for TV 2's produktions-, forretnings- og anden ip baseret funktionalitet. Der skal endvidere etableres et kontributionsnet for video og audio imellem otte regionale TV 2 stationer og TV 2 i Odense samt mellem de enkelte Regioner. Kontributionsnettets kapacitet … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Gigacontent A/S
2012-06-19   Operationel leasing af biler (TV 2/DANMARK A/S)
TV 2|DANMARK A/S - Rammeaftale til operationel leasing af biler. TV 2|DANMARK A/S inviterer hermed interesserede tilbudsgivere til at byde på rammeaftale til operationel leasing af biler i samarbejde med konsulentfirmaet LeasingLink Danmark ApS. Udbuddet gennemføres som et offentligt udbud i henhold til Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets direktiv nr. 2004/18/EF af 31.3.2004. Ved offentligt udbud kan alle interesserede tilbudsgivere afgive tilbud. Udbuddet omfatter en rammeaftale på 36 000 000 DKK til leasing … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Nordania Leasing A/S
2011-07-06   Timeshifted Play-Back System for TV-Broadcast (TV 2/DANMARK A/S)
Number of units to be delivered within the framework agreement: — 1 unit with 6 channels for Studio application (Slow Motion), to be delivered ultimo 2011. — 2 units with 6 or 8 channels for ”Time Shifted Play-back” (12 – 16 channels total) to be delivered ultimo 2011. Specifications:General specifications. 1. Number of i/o ports per unit: Minimum 12 and hereof 6 recordig channels. 2. Capacity. Minimum 250 hours in HD quality. 3. The Central units (mainframes) and the control panels must be … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Danmon Systems Group A / S
2011-07-06   TV Studio Camera Systems and Lenses for TV Studio Cameras (TV 2/DANMARK A/S)
TV 2 is in process of upgrading our facilities from SD (Standard Definition) to HD (High Definition) standards. This tender notice concerns a framework agreement for delivery of TV Studio Camera Systems and Lenses for TV Studio Cameras. The tender is divided into two separate lots for TV-Camera and Camera lenses, respectively. Further specifications will be included in the tender documents. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Sony
2011-07-06   Videoservers for TV Studio applications (TV 2/DANMARK A/S)
Today, TV 2 have a central video server system for play-out application of video / audio sequences in 3 studios, (ACTU, Nyhederne and Studio B) in TV 2s headquarter in Odense. The manufacture of our existing server is Omneon Spectrum, but this server do not support HD. Based upon experience and our investigations in system solutions, we have decided to maintain the principle, having centralized server architecture for our studios, as this will provide us with both high flexibility and redundancy.The … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Danmon Systems Group A/S
2011-07-06   Broadcast Video Production Switchers (TV 2/DANMARK A/S)
In connection with the ongoing process of upgrading our TV-production facilities from SD (Standard Definition) to HD (High Definition), we hereby publish a framework agreement for delivering of new Broadcast Video Production Switchers for a number of TV-studios and OB-facilities. Number of units to be delivered within the framework agreement: 1 unit to be delivered in 2011. 4 units to be delivered in 2012 / primo 2013. Main specifications: 1. HD format: Switchable between 1080i25 og 720p50 HD formats. 2. … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Grass Valley UK Ltd.
2011-07-06   Digital Audio Broadcast Mixing Consoles (TV 2/DANMARK A/S)
In connection with the ongoing process of upgrading our TV-production facilities to HD, it has been decided to upgrade the audio studio facilities as well. This tender notice concerns a framework agreement for delivering of new Digital Audio Broadcast Mixing Consoles for a number TV-studios and OB-facilities. Number of units to be supplied within the framework agreement: — 1 unit to be delivered in 2011, — 1 or 2 units to be delivered in 2012. Main specifications: 1.2. Dedicated for live sports … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Danmon Systems Group A/S
2011-07-06   Video Multiviewer (TV 2/DANMARK A/S)
Number of units to be supplied within the framework agreement: — 1 unit to be delivered in 2011, — 4 units to be delivered in 2012 and primo 2013. Main specifications: — HD format, supporting 1080i25 og 720p50 formats, — Option, 1080p50 format, — Signal Latency through the system to be as low as possible, — Number of output ports, minimum 8 plus output ports for PGM, PST and CCU, — Embedded audio, — Audio monitoring facilities, including Dolby E channels, — Redundacy level to be high, — Integration … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Danmon Systems Group A/S
2011-07-06   Multibeam Satellite Antenna (TV 2/DANMARK A/S)
Multi beam satellite antenna and l-band signal matrix. This tender deals with a new satellite antenna system for downlink application in our Master Control Room area (MCR). The tender includes satellite antenna(s), signal distribution, L-band matrix and Remote Mater & Control System (M&C). The antenna is a replacement for several old dishes and should be placed on a dedicated antenna platform at TV 2/DANMARKS headquarter in Odense, Denmark. On the position. 55°23'59,00"N 10°22'12,00"E, Elevation 16 meter … Se udbuddet »
2011-04-15   Human resource and facility planning system (TV 2/DANMARK A/S)
Human resource planning and scheduling system for TV 2/ Danmark A/S. TV 2 is looking for a system to handle human resource planning. The system should cover: — Employee scheduling, — Resource and facilities handling, — Production planning, — Time registration. TV 2 is the leading TV-station in Denmark, transmitting 40 000 hours of broadcasting annually. TV 2 is public owned, but commercially financed. The number of employees is approx. 850 permanent staff and 350 freelancers. TV 2 operates 5 channels – … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Prolog Development Center A/S