2020-03-03DNA Sequencing Services (Aarhus University)
The contracting authority wants to consolidate all purchases of DNA sequencing services in a framework agreement. The framework agreement is intended to cover the daily need for DNA sequencing services in all the contracting authority’s laboratories.
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2012-03-27Purchase of apparatus and instruments etc (Aarhus University)
The Contracting Authority wants to consolidate all purchases of apparatus and instruments as well as laboratory furniture and related consumables, including software, after-sales services and service agreements in a number of framework agreements.
These agreements will substitute the agreements that the Contracting Authority currently holds with a number of suppliers based on two tenders, with a total of 25 lots, conducted and awarded in 2010.
Furthermore the Contracting Authority will in this tender …
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2011-11-07Purchace of XRF Core Scanner (Aarhus University)
The XRF core scanner is a non-destructive logging technique, which applies X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) for the determination of concentrations of various elements. It will enable the study of large numbers of both marine and lake sediment cores in great detail. This high level of detail will thus make it possible to study varia-tions in mineral composition in order to obtain information on e.g. ocean current speed and direction, precipitation, river runoff, wind stress/direction, iceberg …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Cox Analytical Systems Sweden AB
2011-10-14Udbud af rammeaftaler om clusternoder (Aarhus University)
Ordregiver ønsker at samle alle indkøb af clusternoder på en række rammeaftaler.
Det er forventningen, at der under aftalerne samlet vil blive indkøbt ca. 100-150 noder årligt. Det bemærkes, at dette tal kan svinge fra år til år, samt at indkøbene i det hele er afhængige af de bevillinger Ordregiver opnår.
Den endelige mængde indkøb er dog afhængig af de konkrete behov der opstår i rammeaftalernes løbetid. Rammeaftalen løber i to år med mulighed for forlængelse i et år, to gange.
Ordregiver vil indgå en …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Atea A/SDell A/SHewlett-Packard ApSIBM Danmark ApSItavis Storage Solutions ApsNetDesign A/S
2011-10-04Purchase of two (2) spectrophotometers for semiconductor R&D (Aarhus University)
Research groups at Department of Physics, Aarhus University and Department of Physics, Aalborg University want to purchase two (2) spectrophotometers for semiconductor R&D for the use in research on optical properties of solid state materials and semiconductors, including photovoltaics.
It is emphasized that one of the spectrophotometers for semiconductor R&D must be delivered at the following location:
Aarhus Universit.
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Ny Munkegade 120
8000 Aarhus C
And the …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:PerkinElmer Danmark A/S
2011-10-04Purchase of a high-field small-bore MRI system (Aarhus University)
The Contracting Authority seeks to purchase a high-field small-bore MRI system to be used at the MR ResearchCentre at Aarhus University Hospital, Skejby.
The MRI system must have the technical specifications set out in the additional documents.
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2011-08-26Purchase of the U-53 undulator of the ASTRID2 project (Aarhus University)
University of Aarhus (the Contracting Authority) is constructing a new synchrotron radiation facility called ASTRID2. The project is mainly funded by the National Program for Research Infrastructure under the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation.
The project will consist of the following principal components:
a. modifications to the existing storage ring ASTRID, which will be used as a 580 MeV booster synchrotron for ASTRID2;
b. a transfer beamline from ASTRID to ASTRID2;
c. a …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Kyma SRL
2011-07-04Drying/heating oven (Aarhus University)
Wheat rust has become an aggressive and very destructive fungus to wheat crops worldwide. The laboratories of the Contracting Authority have been rebuilt to include quarantine areas for these dangerous rusts. Therefore the Contracting Authority is in need of an effective and assured method of destroying the fungus and the infected plants (potted in soil) which then can be thrown out. The drying/heating oven will be used for this purpose.
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2011-07-01Open procedure for Mass Spectrometer (Aarhus University)
Center for Geomicrobiology at the Institute of Biological Sciences, Aarhus University is seeking for a continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer for measurements of in particular N isotopes in both natural samples and in samples derived from stable isotope tracer experiments Optimally it should be possible to connevt the instrument to our the FlashEA 1112 HT Elemental Analyzer (Thermo Electron).
Detailed specifications are set out in Appendix 2.
The contractual terms that will apply to the purchase …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:SerCon Ltd
2011-05-05Purchase of gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer system (GC/MS) (Aarhus University)
The contracting authority will purchase a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer system (GC/MS).
The instrument will be used for metabolomic studies using deconvolution and library search. Additionally the instrument will be used for target quantitative analysis of small concentrations of pesticides and secondary metabolites.
Detailed specifications are set out in the documents available at www.brugertjenesten.dk.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:LECO Corporation Svenska AB
2011-04-08Purchase of spin coater (Aarhus University)
The Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO) at the Faculty of Science, Aarhus University, Denmark is seeking for a spin-coater to produce uniform layers of different photo-resists and polymers. This equipment must also include possibility for pre and post-baking treatments. It will be installed in the newly built clean room.
Detailed specifications are set out in the documents available at www.brugertjenesten.dk.
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