Nylige indkøb, hvor leverandøren Elster-Instromet A/S er nævnt
2019-08-19Framework Agreement Concerning Gas Analysis Equipment (Energinet Teknik og Anlæg)
The framework agreement concerns purchase of systems for analyzing gas composition, calculating and recording physical properties of natural gas and bio methane.
The framework agreement consists of 2 lots:
Lot 1: for upgraded bio gas (bio methane); and
Lot 2: for natural gas.
The contracting authority will pre-qualify the same 5 applicants for both Lot 1 and Lot 2. The supplier’s scope of supply includes engineering, manufacturing, testing, commissioning and installation. The pre-qualified tenderer is …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:ABB A/SElster-Instromet A/S
2019-04-08Framework Agreement Concerning BMR-stations (Dansk Gas Distribution Holding A/S)
The Framework Agreement concerns purchase of BMR-stations (Biogas Measuring and Regulating Stations). The stations are to be used for the injection of biogas into the 4 barg natural gas net or the 7 barg natural gas grid. The Framework Agreement contains 3 types of BMR-stations with flow rates of 1 500, 4 000 and 6 000 Nm/h. The supplier’s scope of supply includes engineering, manufacturing, installation, testing and commissioning. Some parts which are to be installed by the supplier in the BMR-stations …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Elster-Instromet A/SMS-Flowtechnic ApS
2017-02-03Framework agreement for Gas Flow Meters (Energinet.dk)
The Contracting authority wants to purchase Gas Flow Meters for both Energinet.dk and Dansk Gas Distribution. The Contracting authority wishes to purchase gas flow meters on 2 lots with 1 supplier for each lot. The Framework agreement is divided into 2 lots.
For lot 2 the object of this framework agreement is to purchase the following type of meters: Diaphragm meters for Dansk Gas Distribution.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Elster-Instromet A/S
2015-02-09Frame Agreement for the supply of Metering and Analysing units for Bio- and Natural gas (Energinet.dk)
Pre-qualification for the supply of Metering and Analysing units for Bio- and Natural gas.
Metering and analysis units for injection of Bio- and Natural Gas into the transmission grid. The units shall be supplied as turnkey projects completely installed in container or customer building. Including fiscal equipment for metering of gas flow, gas composition (Gas Chromato-graphs) and gas analysis to qualify gas for entering the transmission gird according to the Danish rules. The maximum flow rates for the …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Elster-InstrometElster-Instromet A/S
2014-03-25Rammeaftale på gaskorrektorer (gas volume correctors) (DONG Energy Sales & Distribution A/S)
Gas Korrektorer.
Produktet skal leve op til kravene i DS/EN 12405-1.
Produktet skal være godkendt i henhold MID 2004/22/EF.
Produktet skal som minimum:
— kunne konfigureres via kommunikation fra pc/tablet gennem USB eller indbygget modem,
— kunne vise »real time« værdier under tilslutning til pc,
— bruge AGA 8 beregninger,
— kunne modtage gas kompositioner fra PANDA,
— have indbygget, programmérbar log funktion med en hukommelseskapacitet på mere end 30 dage med et logpunkt hver 60. minut,
— kunne …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Elster-Instromet A/S