Indkøb: Udøvende kunstnerisk virksomhed og fortolkning

7 arkiverede indkøb

De seneste indkøb af udøvende kunstnerisk virksomhed og fortolkning i Danmark

2022-10-14   EEA/COM/22/002 – Writing and Editing Services (Two Lots) (European Environment Agency (EEA), EEA.EDO.COM.COM1 – Writing and Publishing)
The subject of this call for tenders is the provision of writing services and editing and proofreading services. Writing will include: writing and re-writing of scientific content, as well as providing advice and consultations on the content of the scientific publications, drafting key messages and fine-tuning tone and content adjusting it to the audiences required. Editing and proofreading covers services in English language editing and proofreading for EEA publications. These may include reports, … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: European Service Network Hancock Hutton Langues Services International Correspondents in Education (ICE) Lexilux Language Solutions
2021-12-15   Tender for a playful children’s universe in “Stærekassen”, Copenhagen Denmark (The Royal Danish Theatre)
The Contracting Entity wishes to award a contract for the design of a playful children’s universe at Stærekassen (The Starling Nest Box), also referred to as the “New Stage” at the Royal Danish Theatre. The playful children’s universe is targeted at children ages 4-12 and spans more than 3,500 m2. The Supplier who is awarded the contract is to design the content of the playful children’s universe. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: No Parking Production ApS Torden og Lynild ApS
2021-04-23   Kontrakt om Det Mobile Oplevelsesunivers (Det Kongelige Teater)
Ordregiver ønsker at indgå en kontrakt med en leverandør omkring opbygning af Det Mobile Oplevelsesunivers. Det Mobile Oplevelsesunivers er tilegnet børn i alderen 4-10 år, og vil konkret bestå af tre 40 fods containere samt et atrium. Leverandøren skal færdigudvikle, producere, bygge og montere indhold til Oplevelsesuniverset. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Kvorning Design ApS
2019-10-04   Set Elements for the Opera ‘The Handmaid's Tale’ (The Royal Danish Theatre)
The tender’s scope is the production of a number of scenic elements for the opera ‘The Handmaid's Tale’. Preparation, manufacturing and delivered to The Royal Danish Theatre. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Nationale Opera and Ballet
2019-05-01   Set Elements for the Ballet “Blixen” (The Royal Danish Theatre)
The tender’s scope is the production of a number of scenic elements for the Ballet ”Blixen”. Preparation, manufacturing and delivered to The Royal Danish Theatre. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Teatr Wielki Opera Narodowa
2018-06-05   Provision of publishing services for the European Environment Agency (European Environment Agency)
The EEA seeks to establish framework service contracts with service providers in the area of publishing services. The call for tender is split into four lots, focusing on writing services, editing and proofreading services, layout services and print services. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Imprimerie Centrale International Correspondents in Education (ICE) Intrasoft International SA
2015-03-27   Udbygning af formidlingen i Kongernes Lapidarium (Styrelsen for Slotte og Kulturejendomme)
Styrelsen for Slotte og Kulturejendomme ønsker at styrke og udbygge formidlingen af Kongernes Lapidarium i Christian 4.s Bryghus. Formidlingen skal styrkes ved: — At udbygge formidlingen med flere lag og udfolde de tre centrale emneområder i Kongernes Lapidarium: o Skulptursamlingens overordnede kontekst og skulpturernes livscyklus o De enkelte skulpturers proveniens og kontekst o Bygningshistorien i Christian 4.s Bryghus — At etablere en niveaudelt formidling med flere informationslag målrettet de … Se udbuddet »