2021-07-07   CPH City and Port I/S (By and Havn) — Public Procurement Procedure Concerning Marine Archaeological... (CPH City and Port I/S (By and Havn))
CPH City and Port (By and Havn) has initiated this tender procedure concerning marine archaeological pre-investigations on Lynetteholm (lease of equipment with crew). More specifically, the tender procedure concerns a contract for the lease of sea-going equipment with crew and delivery of services in the form of excavation of subsea sediments in the Port of Copenhagen between Nordhavnen and Refshaleøen. The seabed material will undergo marine archaeological investigations carried out by archeologists … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Per Aarsleff A/S
2015-12-02   Offshore Subsea Structural inspections on Windfarms in the Germany and Denmark (DONG Energy Wind Power A/S)
DONG Energy has 3 windfarms consisting of, Borkum and Gode Wind in the German northsea. Anholt Windfarm in the Kattegat sea off the Danish Coast. As part of DONG Energys OMA obligation, a requirement of a specialist 3rd party or parties contractor to undertake sub-sea structural inspections at the locations specified. The work shall be carried out between April -September 2016 The tasks expected to be undertaken are but not limited to. General Visual Inspection: Transition Piece (TP)/Jacket steel … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Hughes Sub Surface Engineering Ltd
2012-06-12   Marin habitatnaturtypekortlægning 2012 (Naturstyrelsen)
Miljøministeriet har i 2010 og 2011 gennemført en række større marine råstof- og habitatnaturtypekortlægninger i Nordsøen, Kattegat og den vestlige Østersø. Naturstyrelsen ønsker at fortsætte kortlægningen af marine Natura 2000 områder i 2012. I 2012 prioriterer kortlægningen især kystnære habitatområder. Prioriteringen sigter samtidigt mod at færdiggøre kortlægningen i delområder, som f.eks. Limfjorden. Kortlægningen består af 3 trin. Trin 1. En akustisk kortlægning af havbunden med henblik på at … Se udbuddet »