2022-12-27   Danish Offshore Wind 2030 – Floating LiDAR Measurement (Energinet Eltransmission A/S)
The Danish Parliament has tasked Energinet with undertaking metocean surveys for the development of five offshore wind project areas in Danish waters. The measurements from the metocean surveys will be used as input to various environmental, metocean, and other studies and analyses to support the project development and design process, including energy yield calculations, site assessment, selection and design of foundation, grid connections, cable corridors, etc. The current tender concern LiDAR … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Fugro Norway AS
2022-03-07   Beregning af afledte hydrologiske højdemodeller (Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Effektivisering)
SDFE skal have beregnet hydrologiske højdemodeller. Tidligere var dette en et årig kontrakt, nu forsøges den som fleråring. De tekniske krav er specificeret i kontraktparadigmets bilag 1-3. Den udbudte kontrakt er ikke opdelt i delkontrakter, jf. udbudslovens § 49, stk. 2, da opgaven er at lave et samlet datagrundlag for hele Danmark, samt at hvis kontrakten blev splittet op ville initial omkostningerne gøre at prisen ville blive uforholdsmæssigt høj. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: SCALGO Development ApS
2021-03-26   Energy Islands and Offshore Wind Farms in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea — Floating Lidar Measurements (Energinet Eltransmission A/S)
With the climate agreement for energy and industry of the 22 June 2020 the majority of the Danish Parliament decided that Denmark will become the first country in the world to begin the construction of two energy island with a total capacity of 5 GW off-shore wind. One of the islands will be located in the North Sea with a capacity of 3 GW. This island can be further scaled up to 10 GW offshore wind. The other energy island will be established on the current island of Bornholm with a capacity of 2 GW. … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Fugro Norway AS
2020-07-02   Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm — Floating Lidar Measurements (Energinet Eltransmission A/S)
In June 2020 the Danish Parliament decided to commence the development of the future offshore wind farm (OWF) project, Hesselø. The OWF site is located in the inner Danish sea, Kattegat and has been subject to screening studies. Following the political decision, the Danish Energy Agency has instructed the Energinet to initiate site investigations, environmental and MetOcean studies and analysis for grid connection for the area of investigation. The current tender concern LiDAR measurements for the project area. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: EOLOS Floating Lidar Solutions SL
2019-09-23   Thor Havmøllepark – Floating Lidar Measurements (Energinet Eltransmission A/S)
To support wind energy assessment, floating Lidar measurements in the so-called Thor project area shall be conducted and reported. The project area is situated in the North Sea approx. 20 kilometers off the coast of Jutland. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Akrocean
2017-06-08   Satellite imagery for In-shore Ice Analysis in Greenland (Danish Meteorological Institute)
DMI monitors and reports routinely on sea ice and iceberg conditions near shore and inshore in South Greenland for direct support and guidance of local shipping. The suite of local ships ranges from commercial, passenger and coast guard ships to small individual and sail boats. The primary area of interest is within 59°45'N-62°00'N and 42°50'W-48°30'W, but DMI delivers ice services globally on user demand. Satellite data recorded in visual wavelength in resolutions of 15-20 m or better are very valuable … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
2017-04-11   Satellite Imagery for In-shore Ice Analysis in Greenland (Danish Meteorological Institute)
DMI monitors and reports routinely on sea ice and iceberg conditions near shore and inshore in South Greenland for direct support and guidance of local shipping. The suite of local ships ranges from commercial, passenger and coast guard ships to small individual and sail boats. The primary area of interest is within 59°45'N-62°00N and 42°50'W-48°30'W, but DMI delivers ice services glob-ally on user demand. Satellite data recorded in visual wavelength in resolutions of 15-20 m or better are very valuable … Se udbuddet »
2016-11-09   TRA-TLO.R001 Aftale om levering af vejrdata, meteorologiydelser og glatføreprognoser samt TRA-TLO.R002 Rammeaftale... (Vejdirektoratet)
Udbuddet omfatter drift og vedligeholdelse af det glatførevarslingssystem, der anvendes af Vejdirektoratet, knap 90 kommuner, 5 lufthavne samt enkelte private virksomheder i Danmark. Ydelserne er opdelt i 2 delkontrakter, som udbydes samlet. Delkontrakt, TRA-TLO.R001, omfatter udarbejdelse af vejvejrsprognoser og meteorologkommentarer på basis af observationsdata og diverse supplerende informationer i vinterperioden fra 1. oktober til 30. april. Rådgiveren skal formidle de udarbejdede vejvejrsprognoser … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut
2014-03-28   Zambezi Water Resources Information System (ZAMWIS) Enhancement 2: Spatial Database and Platform (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
The Zambezi Watercourse Commission (ZAMCOM), through its Secretariat, has applied for financing from the Danish International Development Assistance (Danida) to support the development of Component 2 of the enhancement and operationalization of ZAMWIS, and invites expression of interest to provide consulting services (“the Services”) for supporting the modernization of the Zambezi Water Information System (ZAMWIS) to meet the needs of the Zambezi Riparian States. ZAMWIS is a tool for sharing and … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: DHI DK
2013-09-20   Zambezi Water Resources Information System (ZAMWIS) Enhancement 2: Spatial Database and Platform (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
The Zambezi Watercourse Commission (ZAMCOM), through its Secretariat, has applied for financing from the Danish International Development Assistance (Danida) to support the development of Component 2 of the enhancement and operationalization of ZAMWIS, and invites expression of interest to provide consulting services (“the Services”) for supporting the modernization of the Zambezi Water Information System (ZAMWIS) to meet the needs of the Zambezi Riparian States. ZAMWIS is a tool for sharing and … Se udbuddet »