Indkøb: Optiske filtre

4 arkiverede indkøb

Optiske filtre er blevet indkøbt af organisationer som f.eks Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU og Danmarks Tekniske Universitet — DTU.
Historisk set har leverandørerne inden for dette område været AH Diagnostics og Thorlabs Sweden AB.

De seneste indkøb af optiske filtre i Danmark

2023-08-31   Instrument for real-time live-cell imaging and cellular impedance analysis (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU)
DTU requires an instrument that can analyze behavior of live mammalian cells (incl. proliferation/morphology/death) in real-time using both impedance (label-free, high sensitivity) and live-cell imaging (precision and confirmation of cell behavior). Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: AH Diagnostics
2018-10-02   Standard Optical Components and Opto-mechanics (1) (1) (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU)
The contract concerns a Framework Agreement for delivery of optical components e.g. spherical lenses, ND filters, diffusers, mirrors, optical fibers, couplers, amplifiers, and another Framework Agreement for delivery of opto-mechanics e.g. mountings, translation stages, support/posts, and motion controllers. Researchers, laboratory technicians and students need Framework Agreements with a wide assortment of optical components and opto-mechanics because their specific needs are very variable in terms of … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Thorlabs Sweden AB
2018-03-23   Standard optical components and opto-mechanics (1) (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet — DTU)
The contract concerns a Framework Agreement for delivery of optical components e.g. spherical lenses, ND filters, diffusers, mirrors, optical fibers, couplers, amplifiers, and another Framework Agreement for delivery of opto-mechanics e.g. mountings, translation stages, support / posts, and motion controllers. Researchers, laboratory technicians and students need framework agreements with a wide assortment of optical components and opto-mechanics because their specific needs are very variable in terms of … Se udbuddet »
2017-12-22   Standard optical components and opto-mechanics (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU)
The contract concerns a framework agreement for delivery of optical components e.g. spherical lenses, ND filters, diffusers, mirrors, optical fibers, couplers, amplifiers, and another framework agreement for delivery of opto-mechanics e.g. mountings, translation stages, support /posts, and mo-tion controllers. Researchers, laboratory technicians and students need framework agreements with a wide assortment of optical components and opto-mechanics because their specific needs are very variable in terms of … Se udbuddet »