2022-09-07Tender regarding "Framework agreement covering the production and delivery of rails to Lokaltog" (Lokaltog A/S)
The tender covers a framework agreement on the production of rails of the type UIC60 R260 (also referred to as 60E2) and S49 R260 (also referred to as 49E2) in several lengths, cf. appendix 4 (Pricelist - TBL). Orders includes delivery to Lokaltog's locations on Zealand or Lolland-Falster within a radius of up to 110km. from the town of Køge. For the rails covered by the agreement, a valid certificate in relation to the current TSI for infrastructure must be presented, cf. Appendix 1. The price must …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Voestalpine Rail Technology GmbH
2022-08-16Tender regarding “Framework Agreement regarding Production and Delivery of Sleepers to Lokaltog” (Lokaltog A/S)
The tender covers a framework agreement on production and delivery of sleepers. Track sleepers must be delivered including pre-assembled fasteners and cast-in dowels. A valid IO component certificate in relation to the current TSI for infrastructure ("EC declaration of conformity of interoperability constituents") must be presented. The price must include all costs for sleepers, including all costs in connection with manufacturing. Lokaltog can buy sleepers including delivery to a designated place on …
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2022-07-06Tender regarding production and delivery of turnouts with sleepers (Framework Agreement) (Lokaltog A/S)
The tender relates to a framework agreement (the “Agreement”), ref. Utilities Directive Article 51, covering production and delivery of complete turnouts including sleepers, parts of turnouts for ongoing maintenance, as well as related accessories/services/components covering insulating adhesive shocks, track drives (cradles) and fastening spare parts, cf. Appendix 1 (Requirements specification) and Appendix 4 (TBL). Lokaltog will make its own matrices (forms) for turnout sleepers available for the …
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2022-05-18Framework agreement regarding production and delivery of turnouts with sleepers (Lokaltog A/S)
The tender relates to a framework agreement (the “Agreement”), ref. Utilities Directive Article 47, covering production and delivery of complete turnouts including sleepers, parts of turnouts for ongoing maintenance, as well as related accessories/services/components covering insulating adhesive shocks, track drives (cradles) and fastening spare parts, cf. Appendix 1 (Requirements specification) and Appendix 4 (TBL). Lokaltog will make its own matrices (forms) for turnout sleepers available for the …
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2022-05-12Udbud af teknisk rådgivning og bistand til opgradering af Gribskovbanens infrastruktur (Lokaltog A/S)
Udbud omfatter teknisk rådgivning og bistand til opgradering af Gribskovbanens infrastruktur, herunder programfaserapport, beslutningsoplæg, økonomisk overslag, projektering, håndtering af arbejdsmiljø, CSM/TSI og udarbejdelse af udbudsmateriale til udbud af entreprise, kvalitetssikring, projektopfølgning og opretning af eventuelle fejl og mangler i det projekterede og slutteligt udarbejdelse af as-built dokumentation for samtlige fag. Igangsætning af hver enkelt fase er afhængig af bevillingsmæssig …
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2022-02-16Purchase for LINT 41 2,4Mm bogie overhaul (Lokaltog A/S)
Lokaltog A/S is hereby conducting an EU public procurement for the purchase of components and services for the upcoming LINT41 2,4Mm bogie overhaul that will take place in the period January 2023 to December 2026. The bogie overhaul is for 31 LINT41 train sets. Each trainset has 3 bogies, 2 motor bogies and 1 trailer bogie. Lokaltog is seeking deliveries for components and components service and the contract is divided into 4 lots. It is possible to deliver one, more or all four lots.
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2022-01-07Tender for Rolling Stock Lokaltog A/S (Lokaltog A/S)
Lokaltog A/S (“Lokaltog”) is hereby conducting an EU public procurement procedure for a contract regarding acquisition of train sets. The train sets shall replace several train sets from the 90’s in Region Zealand.
As a result of dialogue with stakeholders and market consultations, Lokaltog has decided to obtain tenders regarding zero emission technology, specifically trains powered by battery.
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2019-01-11Teknisk rådgivning og bistand til opgradering af Østbanen (Lokaltog A/S)
Udbuddet omfatter teknisk rådgivning i forbindelse med samt udarbejdelse af projektering af fornyelse af Østbanen, herunder udarbejdelse af udbudsmateriale til brug for udbuddet af udførelsen af projektet. Udbuddet indeholder ligeledes projektopfølgning og udarbejdelse af as-built materiale for samtlige fag.
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