The Electrification Programme - Design & Build of catenary and traction power supply systems


Banedanmark is commencing an expansion of the catenary system for electric trains. The following nine non-electrified railway sections (nos. 1-9) will be covered by the contract:
1) Esbjerg - Lunderskov
2) Copenhagen - Ringsted
3) Køge Nord - Næstved
4) Ringsted – Holeby
5) Roskilde – Kalundborg
6) Fredericia – Aarhus
7) Aarhus – Aalborg
8) Vejle – Struer
9) Aalborg – Frederikshavn
In total, these nine sections cover approximately 1 330 kilometres of railway (one kilometre of single track railway counts as one kilometre and double track railway as two kilometres). The sections are located across Denmark, and when the construction is finished, if all 9 sections remain included, the Electrification Programme will almost have doubled the amount of kilometres of railway with a catenary system in Denmark.
Banedanmark will be entitled to terminate for convenience certain parts (for instance one or more of the above mentioned 9 sections) of the contract on conditions to be specified in the contract.
In addition to the 9 sections mentioned above, the contract will include an option for electrification of further existing, not yet electrified, or new, not yet decided, railway sections, cf. section II.2.2. no. 1.
Such optional sections might cover (but are not limited to):
— New railway on West Funen
— New bridge and connecting services across Vejle Fjord
— New railway Hasselager – Hovedgaard
— Lindholm - Aalborg Lufthavn
The volume of the additional optional sections may potentially cover approximately 300 kilometres of railway.
The contract will, as an option, include electrification of siding tracks and marshalling areas in connection with electrification of the main sections, cf. section II.2.2, no. 2. This option may potentially cover up to 300 kilometres of railway (the extent of this option will be described in the tender documents and may be smaller than 300 kilometres). The requirements for these works may be different from the requirements for the main tracks.
These additional optional sections are expected to be handled as a framework agreement based on a generic track kilometre price.
The electrification of the above mentioned sections will be tendered as a 'Design-Build contract' and may include the following work (the exact scope of each section will be described in the tender documents):
1) Installation of a traction catenary system (including but not limited to masts, other supporting constructions and foundations),
2) installation of the electrical distribution infrastructure to secure the power supply from the power grid (e.g. substations, interfaces, protection, local remote control units), and
3) modification to the existing infrastructure, where necessary, to allow installation of the electric traction fixed system including works to ensure that electrical clearances and/or screening are provided. Also works to provide equipotential earthing and bonding of the railway infrastructure on the sections in question.
The contract is expected to include an obligation for the contractor to train Banedanmark's maintenance personnel.
The contract will, as an option, include a right for Banedanmark to buy components for the catenary system, traction power supply system and local remote control units, cf. section II.2.2, no. 3. This option is expected to be handled as a framework agreement.
Furthermore, future maintenance (or a part thereof) of the system and infrastructure mentioned in nos. 1 and 2 above, will be included in the contract as an option, cf. section II.2.2, no. 4.
The contract will be tendered on the basis of primarily functional requirements supplemented with data information packages regarding the railway sections.
During the tender process, the tenderers must develop a 'basic system design' forming the technical basis for electrification of all railway sections during the contract period. The basic system design for the catenary system and traction power supply system on the main tracks (thus excluding the siding tracks) must be based on a system that is TSI approved at the time of the final tender (i.e. the best and final offer (BAFO), expected to be in February 2015). In this context, by a TSI approved system is meant a system, which is approved by a National Safety Authority in an EU country in accordance with the requirements of the following Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSIs):
— TSI ENE (Energy – normal and/or High Speed)
— TSI INF (Infrastructure)
It is not a requirement that the TSI approval of the system upon which the basic system design must be based includes approval of any specific Danish requirements or approval according to TSIs that were not in force at the time of the TSI approval of the said system.
Notwithstanding the above, it will be a requirement in the contract that the catenary system and traction power supply system for the main tracks to be delivered to Banedanmark must be TSI approved according to the relevant TSIs in force at the time of approval of the system, including any special Danish requirements.
Banedanmark must have all necessary rights to use the successful tenderer's design for the purpose of any further electrification of Danish railway sections not ordered under the contract (e.g. replacement of electrification systems of already electrified railway sections, electrification of existing non-electrified railway sections, and electrification of new railway sections).
The system installed must meet the requirement of the configuration 25 kV and 50 Hz.
The duration of the contract is expected to be from 2015 - 2026 for the nine sections included in the contract. In case the abovementioned options (regarding extension of scope (i.e. additional railway sections), purchase of components and/or maintenance, cf. II.2.2) are exercised, the duration of the contract may be extended beyond 2026.
The tender documents may include an option for the tenderers to submit a concurrent tender containing an alternative timeline regarding the completion date for the first railway section (Esbjerg - Lunderskov).
Such concurrent tender must be based on a completion date regarding the Esbjerg - Lunderskov section no later than the end of 2015, whereas the other (mandatory) tender must be based on a completion date regarding that section as soon as possible, but no later than the end of 2016. However, before making available the tender documents for the first negotiation tender, Banedanmark may decide that the tender is only to include a tender for completion of the Esbjerg-Lunderskov section no later than the end of 2016. If Banedanmark decides that the tender may include a concurrent tender for the Esbjerg-Lunderskov section, it is expected that one of these two alternative timelines will be chosen by Banedanmark during the negotiation process, so that the tenderers will submit only one final tender (on the basis of the chosen timeline). However, if that choice is not made during the negotiation process, the tenderers may also have the option to submit two concurrent final tenders containing the two alternative timelines.
Following the completion of the tender process, the unsuccessful tenderers will be entitled to receive payment of a "tender fee" for their participation in the tender process.
Banedanmark may decide to apply a procedure for down-selection of tenderers during the negotiation process. Further details in this regard will be specified in the tender documents.
The tender process is expected to be conducted according to the overall time line below. However, the exact dates/months may still be subject to changes.
Following the time limit for receipt of requests to participate (14.2.2014), the final package of tender documents is expected to be made available to the prequalified tenderers in May 2014. The time limit for submission of the first negotiation tender is expected to be in September 2014. Following one or more rounds of negotiation, the revised package of tender documents is expected to be made available to the tenderers in January 2015. The time limit for submission of the final tender is expected to be in February 2015, and signing of the contract with the successful tenderer is expected to take place in the end of April 2015.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2014-02-14. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2013-12-13.

Følgende leverandører er nævnt i tildelingsbeslutninger eller andre indkøbsdokumenter:



Dato Dokument
2013-12-13 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2014-01-16 Supplerende oplysninger
2014-01-29 Supplerende oplysninger
2014-01-30 Supplerende oplysninger
2015-05-29 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter