Nylige indkøb, hvor leverandøren Macrobond Financial AB er nævnt
2020-09-30Microeconomic and Financial Data (Danmarks Nationalbank)
The contracting authority (Danmarks Nationalbank) is the central bank of Denmark, which is an independent self-governing institution established by law. The contracting authority uses macroeconomic and financial data for economic and financial analyses and statistics. As a central bank the contracting authority publishes analyses and reports on financial stability and monetary policy several times a year.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Macrobond Financial AB
2015-02-06Contract on access to macroeconomic and financial data (Danmarks Nationalbank)
Nationalbanken wants to purchase licenses to a software program from which Nationalbanken can access a wide range of macroeconomic and financial data.
The software program shall provide macroeconomic and financial data from national statistical bureaux, international statistical providers and from a wide range of markets.
It shall be possible to download, manage, analyse and share data between licensees in a clear and easy way. Nationalbanken also expects to have the possibility to share data internally …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Macrobond Financial AB