Leverandør: FAAC Incorporated

Et arkiveret indkøb

FAAC Incorporated har historisk set været en leverandør af sikkerheds-, brandbekæmpelses, politi- og forsvarsudstyr, militære elektroniske systemer og kampsimulatorer.

Nylige indkøb, hvor leverandøren FAAC Incorporated er nævnt

2018-03-06   Contract regarding the purchase of a shooting simulator for the Danish National Police (restricted procedure) (Rigspolitiet)
The Danish Police wish to purchase a shooting simulator including service, support and maintenance work. The shooting simulator will be used in the basic firearms education of new police school students. The purpose of the service, support and maintenance agreement is, to make sure that the Danish police school, has a fuly functional shooting simulator at all times. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: FAAC Incorporated