Offentlige indkøb i Danmark
Leverandør: AXA Versicherung AG
Leverandør: AXA Versicherung AG
Et arkiveret indkøb
AXA Versicherung AG har historisk set været en leverandør af
finansielle tjenester og forsikringstjenester
tjenesteydelser i forbindelse med forsikring og pension
Historisk set har konkurrerende tilbudsgivere været
Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty, filial af Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty SE
Berkshire Hathaway European Insurance Designated Activity Company
Codan Forsikring A/S
Great Lakes Insurance SE, UK Branch
Helvetia Swiss Insurance Company in Liechtenstein Ltd
Starr Europe Insurance Limited
Swiss Re International, filial af Swiss Re International SE
Nylige indkøb, hvor leverandøren AXA Versicherung AG er nævnt
Construction ‘All Risks’ and Third Party Liability Insurance of the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link Project — Co-insurance
Femern A/S
Femern A/S requires insurance services related to the construction of the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link comprising: Lot 1: Construction ‘All Risks’ and third party liability insurance; Lot 2: Excess third party liability insurance. The owner has completed a separate procedure calling for tenders from lead insurers for each lot. The lead insurers who were awarded the contracts on each lot are: Lot 1: SCOR Europe SE (32,5 % capacity); Lot 2: Chubb European Group SE (30 % capacity). However, it is noted that the …
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Nævnte leverandører:
Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty,...
AXA Versicherung AG
Berkshire Hathaway European Insurance...
Codan Forsikring A/S
Great Lakes Insurance SE, UK Branch
Helvetia Swiss Insurance Company in...
Starr Europe Insurance Limited
Swiss Re International, filial af Swiss...
Relaterede søgninger
Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty,...
Berkshire Hathaway European Insurance...
Codan Forsikring A/S
Great Lakes Insurance SE, UK Branch
Helvetia Swiss Insurance Company in...
Starr Europe Insurance Limited
Swiss Re International, filial af Swiss...
Finansielle tjenester og forsikringstjenester
Tjenesteydelser i forbindelse med...
Retshjælpforsikring og entrepriseforsikring