2017-10-25Upgrade to GC-FID-MS with headspace and liquid autosampler (Lægemiddelstyrelsen)
The Chemical Laboratory at the Danish Medicines Agency intends to invest in a gas chromatograph with two injection ports and two detectors; flame ionization detector (FID) and mass spectrometrometer (MS). Furthermore, the instrument must have both a headspace autosampler and a liquid sampler installed.
This investment will expand the competencies of the laboratory and improve the abilities to analyse medicinal products specifically for determination of residual solvents content and performance of …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Agilent
2015-06-15Acquisition of analytical chemical equipment for teaching to Department for Pharmacy (Københavns Universitet)
As part of renewal of the curriculum of the pharmaceutical education, the Department aims at setting up a didactically based teaching project, introducing new teaching methods in analytical chemistry based on off-line software training and on-line practicals. The project involves, apart from renewal of equipment, identical software on all new and present equipment, and the possibility of exchanging parts between equipment. A one vendor solution securing optimum collaboration on development of teaching …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Agilent