Indkøb: Ekspertbistand til gasindustrien

>20 arkiverede indkøb

Ekspertbistand til gasindustrien er blevet indkøbt af organisationer som f.eks, Gas Storage Denmark A/S og Energinet Forretningsservice A/S.

De seneste indkøb af ekspertbistand til gasindustrien i Danmark

2023-03-13   Konsulent til etablering af strategisk alliance inden for biogas og biometan i Italien og Tyskland (Udenrigsministeriet)
Udenrigsministeriets Trade Council (TC) vil opbygge og etablere en biogasalliance bestående af ikke konkurrerende danske virksomheder med løsninger og ekspertise inden for biogas og biometan. Dette kan være leverandører, anlægsbyggere, rådgivere etc. TC skal derfor bruge en Konsulent, til at bistå TC med denne opgave ved at udpege og kontakte relevante virksomheder samt stå for teknisk rådgivning til TC. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Jacobsen Consulting
2023-03-03   Plug and abandonment operations Tønder wells (Gas Storage Denmark A/S)
Gas Storage Denmark A/S, a part of Energinet, has the intention to perform final plug and abandonment operations on their wells near to the town of Tønder planned for execution from Q3 2023. The three wells were drilled and tested in the early eighties (1983/1984). The wells were drilled to evaluate the possibility to establish natural gas storage facility, however, the gas storage facility was never established and it has been decided to plug and abandon the well permanently. The wells were drilled to a … Se udbuddet »
2022-03-09   Framework Agreement on Sorbent Delivery and Exchange on biogas compressor stations (Energinet Forretningsservice A/S)
Excessive gas received from the distribution net includes THT - Tetrahydrothiophene (Odorant). The deodorization unit consist of two vessels each filled with adsorbent material which adsorbs the THT. Through the establishment of the present framework agreement, Energinet wants to purchase a full-service agreement regarding Sorbent Delivery and Exchange on our biogas compressor stations. For further information see Appendix 2: Scope of Works. The framework agreement is tendered by Forretningsservice A/S … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: SulfaTrap LLC
2022-03-07   Advisory and supervision for storage wells - GSD (Gas Storage Denmark A/S)
The overall purpose of the Contract is to tender for advisory services to support Gas Storage Denmark in the planning and execution of Gas Storage Denmark's possible need for well intervention, workovers, or new wells for CO2 injection. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: WellPerform
2021-12-09   Framework Agreement on Sorbent Delivery and Exchange on biogas compressor stations (Energinet Forretningsservice A/S)
Excessive gas received from the distribution net includes THT - Tetrahydrothiophene (Odorant). Odorants have a distinctive sulphury smell and are added as a tracing tool for safety purpose, primarily regarding domestic household gas. The de-odorization unit consist of two vessels each filled with adsorbent material which adsorbs the THT. Over time the adsorbent will be saturated and will need to be exchanged. Through the establishment of the present framework agreement, Energinet wants to purchase a … Se udbuddet »
2021-05-26   Planning and Supervision for Plug and Abandonment of Onshore Wells in Tønder (Gas Storage Denmark A/S)
The tendered contract concerns consultants that will be part of project team with engineers, technicians and procurement from Energinet. The main part of the con-sultant work will be plug and abandonment of the Energinet’s three onshore wells in Tønder. Energinet requires the consultants to be the plug and abandonment (P&A) technical expertise of the project. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Well Engineering Partners (WEP) B.V.
2021-05-17   Pigging Services Onshore 2022-2024 (Energinet Teknik og Anlæg A/S)
The contracting authority wants to purchase an in-line inspection of five (5) pipelines during 2022, four (4) newly constructed pipelines during 2023 and four (4) pipelines during 2024. The newly constructed pipelines will be commissioned at the end of 2022. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: LINSCAN Advanced Pipelines And Tanks Services
2021-04-09   Gas Storage Denmark — Service and Advisory for Underground Gas Storage Facilities (Gas Storage Denmark A/S)
Gas Storage Denmark (GSD) owns and operates the two Danish underground gas storage facilities, located in northern Jutland (Ll. Torup, salt caverns) and central Zealand (Stenlille, aquifer). The tendered contract includes consultancy and assistance in the niche field of underground gas storage in relation to the abovementioned underground gas storage facilities. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Storengy
2021-03-17   Onshore Intervention Services Related to Wells on Natural Gas Storage (Energinet Forretningsservice A/S)
Through the establishment of the present framework agreement, the contracting authority wants to purchase the supply of onshore intervention services related to wells on natural gas storage. The tendered framework agreement consists of 3 lots and tenders may be submitted for all lots. The tendered framework agreements duration is 5 years with an option to extend for 3 x 1 year. Lot 1: Pulsed neutron logging and data interpretation; Lot 2: Wireline Intervention covering slick line, E-Line and fishing … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Halliburton Denmark ApS TACROM SERVICES GmbH Weatherford Danmark A/S
2021-03-03   Commissioning Manager for the Baltic Pipe Project at the Compressor Station Everdrup (Energinet Teknik og Anlæg A/S)
The contracting authority wants to purchase consultancy services in form of commissioning manager for the Baltic Pipe project located at the Compressor Station Everdrup. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Brunel Energy Europe BV
2021-02-05   Commissioning Manager for the Baltic Pipe Project at the Compressor Station Everdrup (Energinet Teknik og Anlæg A/S)
The commissioning manager will – in collaboration with project management for Everdrup compres-sor station – be responsible for ensuring that the overall requirements of the project are implemented and complied with during the execution of the work. The commissioning manager is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Baltic Pipe project’s overall commissioning strategy and associated schedule in the ‘Everdrup compressor station’ project. Organisationally, the commissioning manager will be reporting … Se udbuddet »
2020-02-25   Engineering Support for Baltic Pipe D1 (Energinet Gas TSO A/S)
The selected tenderer must, in cooperation with Energinet's supervisory authority and project organization, ensure quality assurance of all written documentation in connection with the construction work for compressor station Everdrup. The consultant must assist in planning all quality assurance activities. The consultant's primary activities are carried out during the construction phase from March 2020 until all construction activities have been completed by the end of 2021. The consultants must also … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Uniper Technologies GmbH
2020-01-15   5 Inspection Supervisor for the Baltic Pipe Project at the Compressor Station Everdrup (Energinet Eltransmission A/S)
The contracting authority wants to purchase consultancy services in form of 5 inspectors for the Baltic Pipe Project all located at the Compressor Station Everdrup. The 5 inspectors are allocated as follows: Lot 1: A Mechanical Supervisor; Lot 2: A E&I Supervisor; Lot 3: A Senior Mechanical Supervisor; Lot 4: A Senior E&I Supervisor; Lot 5: A Senior Civil Supervisor. The inspection is related to all project and on-site activities ranging from HSE, design, fabrication, installation, quality assurance and … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Rambøll — Energi — Generelt
2019-12-02   Tender for Resource Sourcing (Managed Service Provider) Framework Agreement (Ørsted Services A/S)
Ørsted seeks a managed service provider (MSP) as a collaboration partner to ensure that Ørsted in a seamless process source workers that provide high quality labour services. Se udbuddet »
2019-04-08   Management konsulent til Baltic Pipe projektet (Energinet Gas TSO A/S)
Opgaven består hovedsageligt i at yde støtte til Energinets projektorganisation for Baltic Pipe projektet, med fokus på økonomiske analyser, -afklaringer og – beslutnings-oplæg som opfølgning efter FID. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: KPMG P/S
2019-03-04   Management konsulent til Baltic Pipe projektet (Energinet Gas TSO A/S)
Opgaven består hovedsageligt i at yde støtte til Energinets projektorganisation for Baltic Pipe projektet, med fokus på økonomiske analyser, -afklaringer og – beslutnings-oplæg som opfølgning efter FID. Se udbuddet »
2017-08-29   Rammeaftale for tekniske- og fagspecifikke konsulentydelser (
Rammeaftalen for tekniske- og fagspecifikke konsulentydelser. Rammeaftalen består af følgende 8 delaftaler: Delaftale 1: Konsulent til Plan- og miljøopgaver Delaftale 2: Konsulent til Geoscienceopgaver Delaftale 3: Gas- og olietekniske konsulenter Delaftale 4: Teknisk konsulent til udarbejdelse bl.a. design, krav og anlægsbudget Delaftale 5: Projektleder med teknisk indsigt i udviklingsprojekter Delaftale 6: Teknisk konsulent til Anlægsprojekter Delaftale 7: Teknisk konsulent med SAP-PM kendskab … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: ÅF A/S Atkins Danmark A/S COWI A/S HH Consult L-Engineering A/S MOE A/S NIRAS P.A.P A/S Rambøll Denmark A/S Semco Maritime A/S Sweco Danmark A/S Vision Management A/S
2016-11-11   Rammeaftale på Teknisk Due Diligence ( ønsker at etablere en rammeaftale med mulighed for, at anskaffe teknisk rådgivning i forbindelse med due diligence. Rammeaftalen opdeles i 2 delaftaler, hhv: Delaftale 1 — Teknisk due diligence indenfor gasområdet Delaftale 2 — Teknisk due diligence indenfor Olieområdet For yderligere detaljer vedrørende anskaffelsen henvises til de til udbudsmaterialet tilhørende bilag. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: COWI A/S ISC Consulting Engineers A/S Rambøll Danmark A/S Sweco Danmark A/S
2016-10-03   Pigging Services 2017 — 2019 (
The Contracting Authority wants to purchase an in-line inspection of three (3) pipelines during 2017, two (2) pipelines during 2018 and four (4) pipelines during 2019. Furthermore the tender includes an option of an intelligent survey with a multiple intelligent pig tool for one (1) pipeline. The option is to be seen as optional and will not be a part of the evaluation. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: LINSCAN Advanced Pipe lines & tanks services
2015-08-17   Frame Agreement for the supply of onshore services related to wells on natural gas aquifer storage (
The tender covers a frame agreement with one supplier for the supply of onshore services related to wells on natural gas storage at Stenlille Gas Storage, Merløsevej 1 C, DK-4296 Nyrup. The services are tendered in two partial agreements which will content the necessary and usual activities, including: 1. Pulsed neutron logging of gas and sand in gas storage wells, including interpretation of the logs and reporting of results. 2. Wireline, pumping and coil tubing jobs, well consulting services … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Schlumberger Danmark A/S
2015-06-03   Framework agreement on Sonar survey and related services in cavernes ( hereby invites potential contractors to pre qualify for a framework agreement on Sonar survey and related services. The expected scope revolves measurements in seven salt cavernes filled with brine and/or natural gas in Ll. Torup Natural Gas Storage. Measurements will consist of acoustic/ultrasonic measurements for determining caverne geometry. Also measurement of pressure, temperature and other physical parameters will be required. intends to award the frame-work agreement to 1 … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: SOCON Sonar Control Kavernenvermessung GmbH
2014-06-27   Dykeriarbeten och andra marina tjänster Ramavtal (Øresundsbro Konsortiet)
Inbjudan lämna anbud: Øresundsbro Konsortiet (Köparen) inbjuder härmed till anbudsgivning/tilbudsgivning på Dykeriarbeten och andra marina tjänster Ramavtal. Elektroniskt upphandlingsverktyg: Upphandlingen kommer att handläggas i ett elektroniskt upphandlingsverktyg benämnt OPIC Tendsign ( OPIC Tendsign är ett system för att underlätta upphandlingar för såväl Säljare som för Köpare. I systemet finns de verktyg som behövs för att genomföra hela processen för intresseanmälan samt … Se udbuddet »
2014-03-12   Subsea inspections for Anholt Offshore Windfarm (DONG Energy Wind Power A/S)
DONG Energy has developed the 'DK Structural Inspection Plan – 2014' to develop an Asset Inspection database in the prevention, ongoing maintenance and consequential repair of any outlined issues or anomalies. This contract covers Sub-sea structural and cable inspections including — Measurement of marine growth, — Determination of the condition of the structural elements on the foundation below water, — Inspection of Cathodic Protection System and determine anode depletion via measurement, — Inspection … Se udbuddet »