Offentlige indkøb i Danmark
Virksomhed med relation til olie- og gasindustrien
Indkøb: Virksomhed med relation til olie- og gasindustrien (side 4)
Mud Logging and Wireline Services for the exploration well Felsted-1, 1/05 License, Denmark
PGNIG SA Danish Branch, Filial AF PGNIG SA Polen
PGNiG intends to establish an exploration well named Felsted-1. By contractual agreement contractor (tenderer) is to provide Mud Logging and Wireline Logging services necessary for carrying out the exploration and to comprise supplying attached services and technical support and personnel on demand during drilling of the well.
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Civil works for the exploration well Felsted-1, 1/05 License, Denmark
PGNIG SA Danish Branch, Filial AF PGNIG SA Polen
PGNiG intends to establish an exploration well named Felsted-1. By contractual agreement contractor (tenderer) is to construct the site necessary for carrying out the exploration and to comprise supplying attached services and technical support and personnel on demand during planning, establishing, operation and restoring of the site.
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