Indkøb: Tjenester vedrørende retsvæsen og domstole

3 arkiverede indkøb

Tjenester vedrørende retsvæsen og domstole er blevet indkøbt af organisationer som f.eks Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida og Roskilde Kommune.
Historisk set har leverandørerne inden for dette område været Coffey International Development Ltd, Integro A/S og Particip.

De seneste indkøb af tjenester vedrørende retsvæsen og domstole i Danmark

2023-06-30   Specialiserede tilbud for kriminalitetstruet unge (Roskilde Kommune)
Dette udbud handler om indgåelse af aftaler om levering af beskæftigelsesindsats for Roskilde Jobcenter for målgruppen: - Borgere med direkte tilknytning til Rocker bandemiljøet - Borgere som færdes i det kriminelle miljø - Borgere med udad reagerende adfærd - Kriminalitetstruede borgere Borgerne skal: - Afklares, motiveres og opkvalificeres til at påbegynde en uddannelse og/eller et Job - Støttes til at ændre adfærd, så de kan indgå i grupperelation, både i uddannelses og job sammenhæng - Afklares ift. … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Integro A/S
2015-11-13   Technical assistance within the areas of justice, human right and security in Burkina Faso (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida)
In 2016, it is expected that a new bilateral programme will be launched regarding the development cooperation between Denmark and Burkina Faso — the Danish Country Programme for Burkina Faso 2016-2020. As a part of this programme, the Danish embassy in Burkina Faso wants to recruit a technical assistance package within the areas of justice, human right and the security sector. The technical assistance will assist the implementation of 2 Programme Components. Programme component 1 in the area of justice … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Particip
2013-11-08   Justice and Governance Implementation Unit, Democratic and Accountable Governance Component, Zimbabwe (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)
In light of the gradual growth of Danish development cooperation funds towards Zimbabwe, the longer duration of the programme cycle (approx. 3 years) and diversity of partners in the area of governance and justice it has been decided to establish a lean Justice and Governance Partnership Unit (the Unit). In order to support the implementation and management of the component a lean Justice and Governance Partnership Unit (the Unit) will be established with the responsibility to provide technical advice, … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Coffey International Development Ltd