De seneste indkøb af transmission af tv-programmer i Danmark
2021-11-23Underholdningsløsning (Region Sjælland)
Udbuddet vedrører Ordregivers indkøb af Underholdningsløsning til Region Sjælland. Underholdningsløsningen består af 2 delaftaler. Delaftale 1: TV-pakker. Delaftale 2: Interaktiv Løsning i form af patientenhed med tilhørende software, monteringsarm og – beslag. Produkterne vil blive tilbudt via en 4-årig rammeaftale.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Atea A/S
2012-03-20Restricted EU-tender for Service, Operation and Maintenance of DR DTT broadcasting networks including related site... (DR)
The purpose of the present tender is to provide DR with a contract for services relating to DR’s DTT broadcasting networks.
The existing DTT broadcasting networks comprise of:
A) Two UHF DVB-T transmitting networks located on approximately 18 main sites and a further 29 gap-filler or relay stations;
B) The sites (some services share facilities) are (roughly) distributed in the Danish provinces as follows:
1. Bornholm; approximately 5 sites;
2. Sjælland + surrounding islands; approximately 10 sites;
3. …
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