2022-01-21   CO2 capture and conversion demonstration plant (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU)
As part of the Horizon 2020 project ConcenCUS, a mobile CO2 capture and conversion demonstration plant must be built and operated on site at industrial partners in Denmark, Romania and Greece. DTU is responsible for the production and demonstration of the plant, and now needs a process engineering supplier for specific tasks within design, production and commissioning of the plant. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Ammongas A/S
2020-12-07   Shore Power System in the Port of Aarhus (Port of Aarhus)
This contract includes the delivery of a DS/IEC/IEEE 80005 compliant Shore Power System (SPS) in the Port of Aarhus, Denmark. The SPS supply one ship at a time at a specific berth at Polensgade, Aarhus C. The cruise ship terminal in question can accept ships with a size of up to approx. 300 m LOA. The contract includes: converter station, Medium voltage underground cabling between SPS and connection boxes, mobile cable management device, training of personal etc., see furthermore section II.2.4). Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: PowerCon A/S