2016-10-31Udbud af facility management for Forsvarsministeriets Ejendomsstyrelse (Forsvarsministeriets Ejendomsstyrelse)
Hidtil har Forsvarsministeriets Ejendomsstyrelses facility managementopgaver været løftet dels via to store integrerede facility managementkontrakter dækkende etablissementerne i hhv. Østdanmark og Vestdanmark, dels via to større aftaler om drift og vedligehold af tekniske basisinstallationer samt via rammeaftaler og mindre servicekontrakter. Ejendomsstyrelsen samler nu ovennævnte i én samlet kontrakt, ligesom der foretages en øget udlicitering af eksisterende og nye serviceområder.
Pga. …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:ISS Facility Services A/S
2012-11-16Facility management at the establishments of the Danish Defence in Western Denmark, primarily in Jutland and Funen (Defence Command Denmark)
The Contracting Authority (the Defence Command Denmark) hereby invites tenders for large sections of the facility management at the Danish Defence's establishments in Western Denmark.
The tender, which is based on the Defence Agreement 2010-2014, is anticipated to include between 400 and 450 establishments of varying size and will cover a major part of the current facility management at the establishments.
The contract awarded will be an integrated facility management contract, i.e. including a …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:ISS Facility Services A/S