2019-03-07   Framework Agreement for the Acquisition of Ceremonial Swords with Scabbards and Daggers with Scabbards for the Danish Defence (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations)
The Danish Defence wishes to acquire a supply of ceremonial swords with scabbards and daggers with scabbards. The swords and daggers are used during official appearances e.g. under parades and ceremonies. The new swords and daggers from the new contract, will be used together with swords and daggers from an earlier production. Due to the specific use and purpose of the swords and daggers and the combination of old and new, it is imperative that the new swords and daggers, in design, finish and quality, … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: WKC Stahl- und Metallwarenfabrik Hans...
2018-10-22   Framework agreement for the acquisition of ceremonial swords with scabbards and daggers with scabbards for the Danish Defence (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisations)
The Danish Defence wishes to acquire a supply of ceremonial swords with scabbards and daggers with scabbards. The swords and daggers are used during official appearances e.g. under parades and ceremonies. The new swords and daggers from the new contract, will be used together with swords and daggers from an earlier production. Due to the specific use and purpose of the swords and daggers and the combination of old and new, it is imperative that the new swords and daggers, in design, finish and quality, … Se udbuddet »
2015-08-10   Udbud af hobby- og beskæftigelsesmaterialer (Assens Kommune)
Udbuddet vedrører levering af hobby- og beskæftigelsesmaterialer til alle institutioner og afdelinger i kommunerne som anvender hobby- og beskæftigelsesmaterialer, herunder skoler, børnehaver, SFO'er, ungdomsklubber, biblioteker, plejehjem og ældrecentre. Dagplejen er ikke omfattet af aftalen, men kan anvende den. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: AV Form A/S
2011-03-08   Rammeaftale 0502 om levering af kontorvarer i form af kontorartikler, dataforbrugsstoffer, papir, skoleartikler og... (Statens og Kommunernes Indkøbs Service A/S)
SKI udbyder rammeaftale 0502 om levering af kontorvarer, som omfatter delaftale 1 - 5. Disse delaftaler kan benyttes af offentlige organisationer og institutioner, som på tidspunktet for fremsendelse af denne udbudsbekendtgørelse til offentliggørelse i Supplement til EU-Tidende er abonnent (kunde) hos SKI. Det drejer sig for tiden om ca. 11 500 kunder. Rammeaftalestrukturen er som følger: Delaftale 1: Kontorartikler. Delaftale 2: Dataforbrugsstoffer. Delaftale 3: Papir. Delaftale 4: … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Atea A/S Creativ Compagny A/S Creativ Company Creativ Company A/S Lyreco A/S Lyreco Danmark A/S Nova Nordic A/S Scan Office Aps. Staples Danmark ApS Staples Denmark ApS Xerox A/S