2023-08-31   Instrument for real-time live-cell imaging and cellular impedance analysis (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU)
DTU requires an instrument that can analyze behavior of live mammalian cells (incl. proliferation/morphology/death) in real-time using both impedance (label-free, high sensitivity) and live-cell imaging (precision and confirmation of cell behavior). Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: AH Diagnostics
2022-09-12   Purchase of a Technical specifications of High Content Screening (HCS) microscope (Københavns Universitet)
University of Copenhangen wishes to aquire a Technical specifications of High Content Screening (HCS) microscope for it's Department of Biology. Se udbuddet »
2020-04-01   The Purpose of this Tender is to Purchase a Custom-built Spinning-disc Confocal Microscope (Københavns Universitet)
The University of Copenhagen’s Center for Advanced Bioimaging (CAB) facility will establish new capacity to deliver spinning-disc confocal microscopy to users and partners. The purpose of this tender is to purchase a custom-built spinning-disc confocal microscope. On this basis, the purpose of the contract is to help the Contracting Entity achieve installation of a functional custom-built spinning disc confocal microscope in the assigned location. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Intelligent Imaging Innovations GmbH
2018-07-13   Fluorescence Confocal microscope for fast imaging of live cell cultures (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet / Technical University of Denmark)
A confocal fluorescence microscope equipped for fast 3D scanning of living cells. Fully motorized equipped with high NA objectives, 4 excitation laser channels, fast z-scanner possibly a piezo-scanner, a sCMOS camera with a high quantum yield and an environmental chamber for cell culture with CO2 and temperature control. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Ramcon A/S